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in #j5 years ago (edited)

Walmart Shooting. Found TBN Night Lights in the Mommy House, AKA bookshed. I was reviewing December 2015. I wrote more about Friday work. I researched DNS. I'm still looking at that. An open DNS could be better. Also, proxies. Also, encryption. Jordan Illusion attacked Alex Jones of Infowars it seems. Lionel Nation made great points concerning the value of being honest, authentic, transparent, direct, in what you believe, whether you are religious or not. Don't pretend to be Christian if you don't really believe in it. Also, it is ok to say you don't know something. Like the Walmart shooter. Why did he shoot people? What if there is no reason? It may not be due to one thing. It can be ultimately the choice of a killer to kill. But too often, people can ignore freewill and they try to blame murder or violence or certain things on guns, weapons, television, games, health, social life or lack thereof, etc. Sometimes, we don't know everything. Oh, can we be racist towards robots lol?

2019-08-03 - Saturday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

2015-12-09 - Wednesday - 07:52 AM - Different English - 103 Pictures Album - 12322813_1679951832250645_8360946279999150409_o.jpg

2015-12-09 - Wednesday - 07:52 AM - Different English

Contact Me

Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn

Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-03 - Saturday - PST - Daily journal:


12:08 AM - I was excited when they remade Final Fantasy and also Metal Gear. So, I agree that they should remake Paper Mario for sure. Nintendo came out with a new NES a few years ago. That was good. The next step would be for them to come out with a new N64 and Game Cube.

Star Wars

12:50 AM - Overlord DVD mentions a theory they Rey travels back in time in episode 9 in order to give birth to Anakin Skywalker. Asian Cake

Bitcoin Debate

09:06 AM - @hxtr, why are governments trying to stop fake money?

Infocomms Debate

09:33 AM - The Infocomms was never designed to be a private messaging email-service (it seems), technically, specifically; but was instead created to be a hub of the Infowars Army that at least appears to be public like a social network forum that is able to spread things around the Internet, to make things go viral. People can Google the Infocomms, purposely and accidentally; that means that a public Infocomms is able to red-pill people in the same ways that the public Infowars.com website does which means we are all like writers of the Infocomms which also means a private Infocomms would lack that opportunity to spread things around the Internet in that kind of way, that directly, that fast.

Do we want Infocomms to be a private email service that requires a login portal that lacks the ability to make content go viral like Infowars, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc?

A. Yes
B. No

@VRfluxx, but it's a question of opportunities, choices, speed, etc. Keep in mind that you CANNOT isolate evil from the world without God. Monks would live on top of poles to get away from the sin. Infighting is a symptom of sin, sinners, sinning, total depravity, the decay. You might as well ban alleged hate speech, thought crimes, free speech, etc, like the EU, China, etc.

If the Infocomms added a login portal to becoming synonymous with emailing services, they would then, in effect, be going into a black market, into the dark webs, to some extent or that direction, potentially. It becomes more under the table, possibly too secret. On top of that, it is like not being on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc, in some ways, when you are not public on the Internet. It becomes easier for people to parody Infocomms when Infocomms blackout. If Infocomms chooses to hide, then counterfeit websites are then more likely going to lead people astray by pretending to be a public version of the secret Infocomms group.

In the 2010's, for example, Star Wars created their official account on YouTube. They began publishing video trailers and things. Before that, other people would upload their videos on YouTube, and they still do. But Star Wars was able to capitalize by being officially represented on YouTube.

Similarly, other companies and celebrities and musicians and people and groups have joined YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc, in order to give them an official representation of themselves.

Beyond that, websites serve, also, as official representations of groups, people, entities.

When a company lacks an official website for example, fake websites can and do sometimes pop up to pretend to be them. It can be harder for people to know that a fake website is a fake website if the Internet lacks proper representation, that is a transparent contrast where people can see the fake websites and the real ones.

When you allow things to be public, like this forum, it plants seeds into the Internet. This website might be too young to understand how the Internet works. But long story short, so far, currently, we are reaching new people thanks to the Infocomms and we can continue to do activism offline.

But online activism is very vital at the same and possibly more crucial and winnable. Infocomms appears in search engines and that continues to grow each day as people write on Infocomms and as people search for things and people are always looking up things and they can come across things that we write. That helps. If we try to keep web crawlers from indexing these Infocomms web pages from the search engines by making a login portal, we limit reach and people have been paying Facebook millions of dollars for reach and search engines provide that kind of reach for free. Hiding it inside emailing services is actually more counterproductive in the long-term, in the long-run.


09:32 AM - @wes92i, thanks for posting them here. @Bingozee is wrong.


09:58 AM - Do you believe in life after death? I have no reason not to. How can consciousness stop? Lionel Nation asked this.

Pill Bottle

10:48 AM - Mom saw this. On the pill bottle, it says Main Stream Media. In smaller fonts, it say Harmful If Swallowed.

Privacy Debate

11:14 AM - Naomi Brockwell - Craig Wright hearing: live update - Courts, judges, governments, etc, violates the USA 4th amendment (right to privacy) when asking about Bitcoin addresses from people.

Make Money Great Again

11:20 AM - Should money systems compete against each other? Should money currencies, like fiat, remain too centralized? Should we continue to try to counter Rothschild, the Federal Reserve System, the centralized banks, Soros, etc? Should we continue to invest in gold, silver, salt, oil, coal, land, water, precious metals, farms, gardens, seeds, canned foods, animals, plants, etc?


Took a nap for less than an hour. Before that, was watching the dishes. Now, eating soup.

Walmart Shooting

02:34 PM - Breaking - 18 Killed Multiple Injuries Walmart Shooting El Paso, TX - One suspect might be Patrick Crusius who was probably a suspect that police captured, reportedly, according to Agenda-Free TV. Heavy. Click here to search the Internet for more news relating to this one suspect. Facebook Page for Patrick.

Friday Work

To continue from what I wrote yesterday, I ran around. I'm sore today. I was not working slow. As fast as possible. Employer may have been too inconsistent in expecting me to know too much at times and too little at other times as he showed me too much at times and too little at other times. Micro managing it seems, allegedly. In my opinion, from my observation, there seems to have been excessive inconsistencies, contradictions, which is life. Nobody is perfect, so, this happens, good or bad. Explaining things can be hard. It's important to split jobs into smaller tasks. As a leader, you can manage or lead. You can do better as you break things into smaller parts and observe and adjust. I learned a lot about these things, especially as a camp counselor for 5 years as we learned and experienced teaching and guiding children and teenagers. You have to encourage and guide but from their level, their perspective, to some extent.

Chicken Dog

03:28 PM - Facebook - Phúc mập và bé "Đạt" - Anh Tây và người homie của mình đáng yêu quá trời 😍 - In this Facebook video, the man speaks in English and in Vietnamese. He goes to a market and buys a chicken. Then he walks around town with the chicken on a lease, saying that it is his dog. Then some people laugh and say that he is wearing a woman's dress or clothes. So, he goes around talking to local Vietnamese in Vietnamese. He goes to a restaurant and tries to sell the chicken to them and they laugh. He also talks to the chicken saying he promises not to sell it, unless if it is good deal. Video was uploaded by Ti Vi on 2019, April 2nd, Tuesday, 07:30 AM PST. 2.9 Million Views.

Destroying The Illusion

09:20 PM - Jordan Sather Attacks Alex Jones & Infowars - LIVE on YouTube - [8.3] Event In El-Paso & Deeper Details About FBI "Conspiracy Theory" Memo - Jordan Misinterpretted how the government, globalists, deep state, is, instead of attacking ANTIFA, is in fact going after Q, the Qanon, people who may follow Q, and Jordan attacks Alex Jones who is simply the messenger of the bad news of what the bad people are doing. I did not KNOW that Jordan hated Infowars so much. That's sad. Jordan goes on to complain about how Alex Jones asks for donations and then Jordan then started plugging his stuff, his store. What a hypocrite.


11:24 PM - Your Internet Service Providers (ISP) might email you with copyright claims. YouTube emailed me and then terminated my Ojawall account in October 2017 and Joeyarnoldvn in October 2018. One ISP that attacks people is Comcast. So, they do what YouTube did. One company that helps is CBS who also went after me. One thing that could have a copyright is Ray Donovan. Some people may try Bit Torrent. Some people may try to use proxies, TOR, VPNs, etc. But that may not be enough. You may need Private Internet Access via enough encryption, as in real and proper encryption. I'm not totally sure how to get around the tyranny of big tech cartels and their attack on free speech, on safe harbor, on fair use, etc. I'm not sure if TOR is the best you can do in trying to protect yourself from getting thrown unfairly into jail. Instead of using your ISP's DNS, use Google or another open DNS.


Computer programs reads (parse) text, data, and compiles it to the compiler to be compiled, as in digested or translated like a a domain name is translated from Google.com to 56.678.765 for example. Maybe not those exact numbers, but you get the idea, the point, that things must be translated and compiled into a compiler.


11:52 PM - Should I create my own DNS on my laptop, even as I use Comcast as my ISP and will Comcast get mad at me for it or would they even notice?

Stefan Molyneux

11:59 PM - Hong Kong Protests Explained