Fireflies: Pupa (book 2, entry 3) - What goes around, comes around

in #fiction5 years ago (edited)

If you missed the first book - Fireflies - you might want to start there. It's here in its completion, written for Steemit. If you enjoy it, feel free to ask to be added to the subscriber list for the sequel, where new chapters are being released daily.

FIREFLIES (book 1) Chapters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Epilogue


(book 2)

Entry 3

"Hi there. Beautiful morning, isn't it?"

She opened and closed her mouth like a fish begging to be returned to the safety of the water. "What?"

He came closer, almost bouncing down the polished steps. "I said - beautiful morning. Looks like we're gonna miss that storm after all."

He reached into his pocket, and pressed the button, unlocking his car door. A familiar beep brought Talia back into focus. That was her mother's car. She felt sick. Fireflies were coming into her vision, and she couldn't stop them. He saw her knees about to buckle and ran quickly to catch her. Immediately, the fireflies disappeared into the vortex, and she was jarred back to life in this world.

"Are you ok? Do you need some help? I can grab you some water or something."

He had no idea who she was. The explosion had wiped his mind completely. She huffed lightly, with the tiniest smile twisting the edge of her lips. What goes around, comes around, she thought viciously. She had no idea what this meant, but she knew it changed everything. She stood up and thanked him, but brushed his grip off of her arm.

"Thanks, but I'm fine. Just low on energy lately." She waited for any hint of understanding and saw none.

"You sure? I don't mind. You don't have to come in or anything. I can bring the water out to you."

She scanned his eyes, left to right, determined to find any trace of who he once was, but there was nothing. He was a new creature. Her mind was swimming with unanswered questions, but she was sure it was a rare opportunity for some type of retribution.

"Not at all. I'm fine, really!" She tested further, "Have I seen you around here before? You look so familiar."

"Hm. Not sure. I usually don't forget a face, especially not a pretty one." He extended his hand in an official introduction, gracing her with his magnetic smile. "I'm Derek."

She swallowed the bile quickly rising in her throat. The man who murdered her mother was actually flirting with her. She grasped his hand tightly, letting him feel her gentle power, her confidence, and most definitely - her determination. She flashed a brilliant smile, hoping that it didn't appear as if she was baring fangs. In a quick decision, she decided to use a different name.

"I'm Aria."

There are a lot of posts on Steemit, thanks for making this be on your list!

A few friends that asked to be notified of the next chapter

If you'd like to be added, I'd be honored.

These are the subscribers/readers that had either asked to be added to the subscribe list for the first book or joined in after it was published. I've only added you onto this list - just to make you aware that the sequel is coming out. Simply let me know in DM or as a comment that you'd like to be removed, and I'll do it immediately.

@enginewitty @andysantics48 @monchhichi23 @scuzzy @happysmileyman @freedomtowrite @kiwideb @countrygirl @creatr @creed221 @quirky.countess @coachjj @notconvinced @bethalea @saffisara @zen-art @youngboss @silversaver888 @cecicastor @penderis @tamala @swolesome @hazem91 @kchitrah @arthur.grafo @bluefinstudios @snook @yidneth @joelithic33 @ydraz @ancapbarbie @eaglespirit @eveningart @dreemit

Thank you to @penderis for making my beautiful dreemgirl divider :)

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Ohhhhhhhh yes. Derek is adorable.

I'll say one thing.... Team Derek is ultra-loyal lol

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If HE is back then... :D
btw am I the only one here who has no idea what pupa means? :/

taken from ThoughtCo.

The life cycle of fireflies

Pupa (Pupal Stage)

When the larva is ready to pupate, usually in late spring, it constructs a mud chamber in the soil and settles inside it. In some species, the larva attaches itself to a tree's bark, hanging upside down by the hind end, and pupates while suspended (similar to a caterpillar).

Regardless of which position the larva assumes for pupation, a remarkable transformation takes place during the pupal stage. In a process called histolysis, the larva's body is broken down, and special groups of transformative cells are activated. These cell groups, called histoblasts, trigger biochemical processes that transform the insect from a larva into its adult form. When the metamorphosis is complete, the adult firefly is ready to emerge, usually about 10 days to several weeks after pupation.


taken from Pets on

When a firefly larvae is big enough, it digs into the ground and pupates, forming a hard exterior shell that will protect it during this part of its life. The pupa will undergo a metamorphosis from a crawling larva to an adult firefly, emerging from in early summer.

Hope that helps @hazem91 ;)

oops I feel dumb now lol

why??? i'm sure a lot of people didn't know! and you're in a different country! It's not a word that is used often in English -so not at all surprising that it wouldn't be something you knew right off the bat!

plus - it gave me a chance to put it in the comments! hahahaha i actually wondered if anyone would know what it was and the significance of it! so i'm glad you asked :)

Let us hope to continue with this. This really take my time

hehehehe only continue if you enjoy it! 😄

Holy moly Derek. I have to say that I'm rubbing my hands and cracking my knuckles to see what Talia... Aria... has up her sleeve!!

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Derek!!!! But not?? Or... Hmm


Glad I got you in anticipation!!! 😋

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alright then :)

Revenge mode engage :)

Me likey her feisty side

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