Fireflies: Pupa (book 2, entry 4) - Trapped Between Two Worlds

in #fiction5 years ago (edited)

If you missed the first book - Fireflies - you might want to start there. It's here in its completion, written for Steemit. If you enjoy it, feel free to ask to be added to the subscriber list for the sequel, where new chapters are being released daily.

FIREFLIES (book 1) Chapters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Epilogue


(book 2)

Entry 4


How much more could one being take? Now that his presence had knocked both worlds off their axes, she needed to think. She needed less of an assault on her brain. She needed focus. Clarity. Time. Peace. Peace? Would that even be possible anymore?

She could have escaped back to her world. Exploring and creating anything and everything in her personal queendom, but she hadn't built up the nerve to return yet. What would it feel like to enter that space? Would the loss be more real? Would their absence be more complete?


She wouldn't be returning there anytime soon. She could only go back there if she stabilized, whenever that would be. Though she salivated temporarily over the thought of destroying Derek, she feared how quickly her rage took hold. If she stayed here, she wondered if this dangerous, new temptation would eat her alive from the inside out.

Maybe she should just get away. Money wasn't an issue. The insurance from her mother's policies would have her set for life. After her father had passed away, her mother must have increased the policies significantly in the event that something should happen to her as well. It had - and now Talia would never have to worry about anything as long as she chose to live.

But traveling? She scoffed at the thought of it. Funny that she actually could feel less affected traveling to the far corners of this world, with all its people and personalities and noise, than returning to an empty world of her own. She inhaled deeply and retreated into planning mode. She used to excel at organizing her thoughts. The process allowed her to gain control and wrestle chaos into order. Escaping her environment wasn't a long-term solution by any means, but it helped to bide her time until she figured out what her future held. Logically, she could be distracted by the beauty of nature, get away from this latest assault on her dwindling peace, and decide which level of existence she chose to embrace.

There are a lot of posts on Steemit, thanks for making this be on your list!

A few friends that asked to be notified of the next chapter

If you'd like to be added, I'd be honored.

These are the subscribers/readers that had either asked to be added to the subscribe list for the first book or joined in after it was published. I've only added you onto this list - just to make you aware that the sequel is coming out. Simply let me know in DM or as a comment that you'd like to be removed, and I'll do it immediately.

@enginewitty @andysantics48 @monchhichi23 @scuzzy @happysmileyman @freedomtowrite @kiwideb @countrygirl @creatr @creed221 @quirky.countess @coachjj @notconvinced @bethalea @saffisara @zen-art @youngboss @silversaver888 @cecicastor @penderis @tamala @swolesome @hazem91 @kchitrah @arthur.grafo @bluefinstudios @snook @yidneth @joelithic33 @ydraz @ancapbarbie @eaglespirit @eveningart @dreemit

Thank you to @penderis for making my beautiful dreemgirl divider :)

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a bit early for you today @hazem91 hehehehe.... I need to leave the house early, so i prepared it earlier... for the man with the tick tock, tick tock ;)

wrote lots more last night.... can't wait to release them all :)

The sooner the better ;)
(I only read it now because I was out)

Hehehe it's ok....I release it daily... You can read whenever! :)

Oh she lost her dad. Was wondering what killed her father

She lost her dad when she was a child. Before the first book began

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Oh that is really bad to hear

She must feel so painfully alone. I want to give her the biggest hug...

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Don't you just?

Sometimes a hug communicates so much more than words.

Poor Talia. Painfully alone describes it so well. Desperately hopeless 😔

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Fortunately she is too calculated to take stupid risk. For now it is time to pack a bathing suit. ;)


But also reckless cuz she doesn't have anything she cares to lose.

Dangerous combination lol

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