2019-08-16steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

Health Ground Gutters Cleaning Day. A-Team 2010 Movie. Yummy. Bar. House. Food. Talk. Work. Gloves. Steemit Talk about Communities, Groups, Tags, Hashtags, Categories, Lists. Pictures. Good day. No beer for me. Lemonade. Jessica in that movie. Internet 3.0 is coming.

2019-08-16 - Friday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Biography of My Life

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2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-16 - Friday - PST - Daily journal:


01:26 AM - Steemit

It is one of my gifts. I've been thinking about things since I was like eight. I remind myself of @stefan.molyneux.

SP vs RC

01:39 AM - Steemit


Another way of looking at is simply what you can get out of it as opposed to calling it a tax, perhaps. It is possible that this tax thing that we are talking about in regards to blockchain is more the cost for transactions which might be part of the reasoning Steem has RC Mana as a system for describing the units for transaction costs. So, in other words, RC is not the same as what the IRS does with fiat currencies or I mean with the dollar.


One of my concerns would be if an app was to subtract funds from my wallet, the Steem, SP, and/or SBD, daily or per transaction, that is without consent or excessively or without me being aware of it. Transactions on Steem costs RC and not SP, I think. So, if that is the case, then I think that is good to extract from RC and not from SP or from what is already in the wallet. Potentially, some people could maybe go bankrupt or that direction if an app is taking from what is already in the wallet.


01:43 AM - Steemit

Saigon is more Americanized than Hanoi. Saigon is almost like the Hong Kong of Vietnam.

Steemit Forks

09:31 AM - Steemit

Mathematically, if curation is diminished or altered so you have to vote on different posts more so, and if post publishing rewards are increased, like you said, could that then motivate some people towards quantity over quality in posting? I guess that you might be more right that it motivates the opposite, more, generally speaking or potentially. I hope so. I could see it going either way. But I tend to power-up when posting to get more out of it. So, therefore, this is probably a step in the right direction, overall.


10:00 AM - 08:00 PM - Island. Ground gutters. Dear dear, a dear deer is dear to me. 2010 A-Team film. Star Wars changed. Mud. Spongebob. Lemonade. That place. From before. Dan. Tom. Jessica. Pictures. New York. Daughter. Mother. Larry. Dinner. We have something at stake, the steak. Blond. Car. Glasses. Thank you. I opened the door. Some guys. Snowboarding. Skateboarding. Car. Errands. Falling. Fun. Challenging. Hollywood. Left. Guns promoted & discouraged. Paradox. Man. Island. Landline question.

Dear Puns

Dear dear, a dear deer is dear to dear deer, oh dear.


08:52 PM - Steemit

I'd prefer having a resteeming (retweet or sharing) option to share what is inside communities to your home page (blogger's section). Also, I'd add a new tab called community where posts and comments go to that tab. Steemit currently has Posts, Replies, & Comments. A 4th tab could be Communities. A 5th tab could be hashtags. A 6th tab could be top trending, the best of the best of your posts, comments, etc. A 7th tab could be Reviews, as in feedback or recommendations like a guestbook where people write notes about how they know you or what they think about you, etc.


09:22 PM - Steemit

Allowing admins to make those decisions, especially payout decisions, concerning Steem Communities, reminds me a little bit of the free market, employers, and the decisions bosses make. Some people may not like that kind of power, it is risky, it is dangerous, but if done correctly, it can create supply and demand; it can help in the competition as communities can compete against each other or maybe not necessarily against each other but I believe in the value of the free market, in the name of innovation, etc.

Decentralized Internet

In a loosely connected thought, I've been thinking a lot about Internet 3.0, the rise of blockchain in the 2020's, that is in the next decade.

We know that a variety of cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects are popping up all the time, all over the world. Steem is my favorite. Not Steam, but Steem. Minds runs on Ethereum, last time I checked. Gab may not be a blockchain yet. Gab has Dissenter. There may be some Bit Torrent projects that utilizes cryptocurrencies or so I thought. I hope that projects like these continue.

Beyond That

I would love to see even more in the future. I want to continue to see a variety of projects, like I said.

Email Websites

If there is not some already, I would love to what I want to call Email Websites. Specifically, I mean maybe like IPFS. I would love to see a variety of websites and blockchain social networks and forums and all sorts of things online find ways to connect in a variety of ways, like in the way that email works but with websites.

I guess, we already have that in some ways with different plugins like Dissenter, and even the Facebook Comments that people add to their websites. There are others.

I would love for that kind of system to improve.

Because it is all about independence from one centralized website like Facebook or YouTube or Twitter for example.

Individuals should seek after keeping their content safe or independent.

One of the problems people run into is spam, etc. Steem has a muting option which can hide comments. Now, I wonder if Steem users should have the option to disable comments to some users, or certain words, NSFW, etc. I go back and forth in my brain concerning those things. I know that muting is good. So, I still have MORE to say about everything. But I will stop writing for now. Thanks.

Crypto Steem

09:31 PM - Steemit

And we should be allowed to donate to posts and comments using a variety of cryptocurrencies and fiat and Steem can be the default exchange option and if possible, I'd prefer that the Steemit Wallet had the ability to hold all kinds of currencies without limit.

Monero Blockchain

09:33 PM - Steemit

If Monero is a private cryptocurrency, I wonder if they could develop a blockchain. Someday, maybe Steem will have private communities (groups) and maybe even private messages (PM).

Scaling Steemit

09:55 PM - Steemit

Are there differences between communities and hashtags? I'm asking because I see some similarities with how tags work. Specifically, communities reminds me of Facebook Groups, which I like. If possible, we would to to seek after that Twitter feature, the ability to retweet comments and posts with custom messages like Twitter has. We would love customizable home pages like MySpace had, which Facebook doesn't have much of.

Inflation Online

10:04 PM - Steemit

That's how free markets work, you're right, that pumping more in didn't fix Venezuela, etc, and it's dangerous but better to let the users invest into it and reap the rewards. Well, technically, people have put money into Steem. But like you said, the automatic pool system might be a bit like welfare, Universal Social Income, socialism communism, Obama Robin Hood Bernie Sanders Redistribution of the original oatmeal or I mean the wealth, etc, etc.


10:31 PM - Steemit

Free Markets

You get it. That's economics. Ned gets it. You get it. People can do good and bad. Bid bots are like the symptoms of human psychology. Make free markets great again. Make governments smaller. Some people want welfare. They want equality of opportunities and results. But that's socialism, communism, UBI, etc. Life is dangerous. But that's the meaning of life when you invest, you might lose. Some of us gets how economics work.

Bid Bots

Technically, by the way, I wonder how a website would even begin to try to stop bid bots for example. Of course, you could do what Facebook did back around 2010 when there were thousands of Star Wars character accounts. I befriended hundreds of them. Many of them were named Luke Skywalker. So, Facebook probably banned many of those accounts. Twitter does stuff. YouTube banned at least three of my channels, that is thousands of videos. I've been banned on Facebook many times. But Steem is better than that. Right? I think so. I hope so. Maybe Communities will rival Bid Bots, Whales, Bernie, etc, lol, but seriously speaking too, or else my name is not Oatmeal haha.

Free Money

10:41 PM - Steemit

Oh Martha Stewart, please behave. Love Spongebob. Funny. Free money lol. Bernie Sanders, give me money because I don't want to work. I want to be a baby or a man drinking beer watching the game lol.

Gardening Tips

10:46 PM - Steemit - Health

Do roots suck up nutrients from the soil as well or are plants, including trees, unable to suck up water, dirt, etc, without the help of fungi, germs, bacteria, microorganisms, small invisible animals, worms, etc? I do find all of this to be surprising and interesting.


10:52 PM - Steemit

True. Hopefully, communities will counter the problems, like bid bots, etc.

Donald Trump

11:00 PM - Steemit

Hopefully, competition can push people regardless. Maybe somebody created DonaldTrump on Twitter. So, maybe the real Trump created @RealDonaldTrump, for example. Well, so, with your example, if somebody creates a cryptocurrencies community and mutes people talking about Monero, then maybe, through the art of supply and demand, they could try to band together to create their own cryptocurrencies community.


Then, they could make videos and talk about how retarded that other community was. That creates peer pressure on the original community. Meaning that either that guy reforms his ways or his members may migrate to the new community. That's competition. That's supply and demand. I hope things like that happens as a mechanism that seeks after balance or competition.

Not There Yet

11:15 PM - Steemit

True, we are not there yet, but it is a step in the right direction. However, at the same time, there are projects out there seeking to find ways around ISPs, DNSes, government servers, GoDaddy, Comcast, maybe even some of the data centers, the backbone of the Internet, the Internet mega highways where most web traffic flows through assuming they are too centralized, etc. Steem is only part of the bigger puzzle of creating a decentralized blockchain Internet 3.0 which will be rising in the 2020's like never ever before.