Garden Update - Garden Harvest - 5/17/18

in #garden6 years ago

Hey Steemit Friends!

I went out to the garden this evening and ended up doing little harvesting.

Photo May 17, 6 44 36 PM.jpg

I ended up taking a head of cabbage, some lettuce, a couple of broccoli heads and two very small yellow squash. The squash is small but was turning the darker yellow so it was time to cut it off the plant.

The cabbage is looking great.

Photo May 17, 6 30 46 PM.jpg

I should be also getting some zucchini very soon.

Photo May 17, 6 35 24 PM.jpg

Photo May 17, 6 35 17 PM.jpg

My bush green beans are looking good. They are the lighter green plants on the left side of this pic and the upper right. On the lower right are some roma tomatoes that don't seem happy and really haven't looked all that happy the whole time. In this bed, #6, I didn't have the hoops for the agribon and when I first put these tomatoes in there were some cool nights where we got down to in the 40's.

Photo May 17, 6 35 11 PM.jpg

Here's pics of roma tomatoes that I planted at the same time, given the same water and fertilizer but had the agribon on them when they first went in. The difference is remarkable. The moral is, don't be afraid to put some agribon on your tomatoes when first planting!

Photo May 17, 6 33 38 PM.jpg

Photo May 17, 6 33 41 PM.jpg

Photo May 17, 6 33 46 PM.jpg

The Broccoli and potatoes are looking great. I'm probably going to finish harvesting the broccoli this weekend.

Photo May 17, 6 34 26 PM.jpg

Photo May 17, 6 28 03 PM.jpg

So, that's my quick update. I wasn't out in the garden long tonight, as it started to rain so I retreated. How's your garden looking? I'm excited for the tomatoes, squash/zucchini and cucumbers to come!

See my other Gardening and Homesteading Posts

I do the Mittleider Method, see my Mittleider Gardening Posts

I also have tried the Square Foot Gardening Method

Various Techniques and Equipment

Harvesting Posts/General Updates


I like how fresh each food looks, lettuce and cabbage go fresh, you do a good job

Your work and the photos look inspiring! The harvest will be bounty and delicious! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks I appreciate it! Looking forward to more harvesting soon!!!!

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