Garden Update - More potato planting, Agribon and in the garden greenhouse construction - 3/5/18

in #garden6 years ago

Greetings my steemit friends!

I did a lot of work in the garden this weekend, as we had perfect weather both Saturday and Sunday to make some progress.

I planted some potatoes in bed #3, which I prepared for planting last weekend. See Garden Update - preparing for planting.

I'm really looking forward to trying these potatoes, apparently they have purple flesh as well as a purple skin. I've never had one like that before, so that should be super interesting.

I also found another bag of potatoes that were mostly the Yukon Gold variety that I had left over from last season.

That filled up the left hand side of the bed completely.

On the right hand side of the bed, I used some potatoes I picked up at Whole Foods. They looked like they were starting to grow out of their eyes a little, so I'm hoping they do grow.

Photo Mar 03, 11 02 32 AM_preview.jpeg

I then added finished topping off bed #2 and re-installed the water pipes and tested that. The asparagus is really starting to come up in that lower part of that bed.

That was what I did on Saturday.

On Sunday afternoon, I started by putting up my agribon.

This agribon is the lightweight version that lets 85% of the light through. It's going to help keep the bugs out and the weed seeds out. It will also help with sun scald and will add about 4 degrees of frost protection.

I then rolled the agribon out and then cut it. About 4-5 feet is good to leave past the end at each end, so that the ends can be closed.

To close the end, I use large rocks that were actually here and dug up in the process of tilling the land.

Rinse and repeat, I did the same for bed #3.

I then wanted to construct the hoops for bed #2. I had already cut the pvc. The PVC that is used is 42 lengths of 18" long of the 200 PSI 3/4 inch pvc for the holders. The actual hoops are 21 lengths of 7' long 1/2" schedule 40 pvc.

The tools needed to install these are a mat to kneel on, a rubber mallet, some small screws and a drill to screw the screws in.

I ended up laying out the pipes ever 18"

And then hammered them in. The screws are one per pipe at the bottom. The hoop pvc's rest on these screws.

So, that was what I got done this weekend. Bed's #1 and #3 are mostly planted. There's about 15' of grow space left in bed #3 which I am hoping to use for some lettuce or something similar. Bed #2 is definitely ready for planting. I'm pretty tired after doing all of that. Hammering the pvc into the ground is not easy, especially with the red clay I have here in NC.

How is your garden doing? Are you ready for planting? I hope you're considering growing some food for yourself this season!

See my other Gardening and Homesteading Posts

I do the Mittleider Method, see my Mittleider Gardening Posts

I also have tried the Square Foot Gardening Method

Various Techniques and Equipment

Harvesting Posts/General Updates


That's a nice setup you have.
I need to get things started this weekend and makes some posts about it.

I'm looking forward to seeing your posts! Good luck with the garden!

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