Garden Update - 4/22/18

in #garden6 years ago (edited)

Hey Steemit friends!

Here's a gardening update for this weekend.

I now have 6 of my beds in production.

Photo Apr 22, 3 54 30 PM.jpg

I got the bed #5 which is the one I have the Mittleider Trellis system installed in topped off with the growing medium and planted.

Photo Apr 22, 3 54 39 PM.jpg

I have planted tomatoes, peppers, watermelon transplants this weekend and put in 10 feet of cucumber seeds in row 5.

In rows #1 and #3, my potato plants seem mostly to have come up.

Photo Apr 22, 3 57 56 PM.jpg

Photo Apr 22, 3 57 47 PM.jpg

Photo Apr 22, 3 25 48 PM.jpg

The lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage is all coming along. I'm actively harvesting lettuce for some salads.

Photo Apr 22, 3 44 35 PM.jpg

I have noticed that the asparagus had gotten so tall that it was trapped under the agribon, so I've cut away 10 feet of the agribon and will let them go to whatever height they want.

Photo Apr 22, 3 54 55 PM.jpg

Photo Apr 22, 3 55 36 PM.jpg

I also planted squash and zucchini this weekend, and the squash transplants already have fruit setting.

Photo Apr 22, 3 43 52 PM.jpg

Photo Apr 22, 3 43 41 PM.jpg

Photo Apr 22, 3 44 10 PM.jpg

How is your garden looking?

See my other Gardening and Homesteading Posts

I do the Mittleider Method, see my Mittleider Gardening Posts

I also have tried the Square Foot Gardening Method

Various Techniques and Equipment

Harvesting Posts/General Updates


I am assuming the pvc pipe that runs right down the middle of the rows is for watering? Very nice setup. How do those little pvc green houses hold up against the wind? I am in FL and we do get pretty heavy wind storms here. I went with a little polycarbonate greenhouse couple years ago that we are outgrowing but it was more for the rat problems from all the land turtle burrows and all the feed available from all the livestock farms and horse barns in my area. Now that we have taken care of that problem I am looking at raised bed greenhouses very similar to what you have here. Upvote and resteemed.

Hi liberyworms. Yes the pvc down the rows is the watering system.

I recently added some to rows I got into production this year,

I've had very good luck with the in the garden greenhouse hoops. You drive pvc down into the round ~ 10 inches. We had a really nasty wind storm a week or two ago, and some of the agribon blew off, as it's just held on by the clips, however the hoops held up just fine, no problem.

Here's a link to a post talking about the in the garden greenhouse.

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