Garden Update - Mittlieder irrigation system - 4/2/18

in #gardening6 years ago

I had a 3 day weekend and great weather this weekend and ended up doing a lot of work in the garden.

I had 2 beds that still needed the mittleider irrigation system put in. The last time I drilled the holes, I did them by hand just using a drill. The holes that are drilled into the pvc are very tiny and the drill bits are extremely thin. I went through a lot of drill bits by breaking them. This time, I got a makeshift drill press setup and it worked a lot better; I was able to drill 12 lengths of 10' pipe without breaking a bit.

The drill bits used are size 57 bits.

I ended up getting this drill press stand for a dremel:

And this V Block that wasn't necessarily made with the dremel drill press in mind but I made it work.

Let me assure you, this setup was so much better than doing it by hand. Every single hole was made at the same angle and went very quickly. I highly recommend this setup.

Photo Mar 30, 7 21 34 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 30, 7 21 39 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 30, 7 19 19 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 30, 7 19 06 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 30, 7 19 02 PM.jpg

And the finished product, my beds #6 and #7 have their water irrigation system installed and tested.

Photo Mar 31, 4 38 19 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 31, 5 31 38 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 31, 5 31 48 PM.jpg

Here's an update on the plants in the garden. The lettuce is looking good, the swiss chard not so much, it may be dead. The broccoli and cabbage is looking good and we have signs of life with the potatoes.

Photo Mar 31, 4 38 36 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 31, 4 38 38 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 31, 4 38 48 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 31, 4 38 52 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 31, 4 39 02 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 31, 4 39 11 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 31, 4 40 07 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 31, 4 40 25 PM.jpg

Photo Mar 31, 4 40 39 PM.jpg

See my other Gardening and Homesteading Posts

I do the Mittleider Method, see my Mittleider Gardening Posts

I also have tried the Square Foot Gardening Method

Various Techniques and Equipment

Harvesting Posts/General Updates


Hi, @florio. Well done with the garden. I've just looked at some of your harvest posts and that broccoli for new years looked especially tasty!
Have you ever heard of Rick Austin, The Survivalist Gardener?
I have his garden book and I have seen a presentation he did on his greenhouse build. Pretty cool stuff. Only thing I'd question so far on what I've see from him is that he keeps his rabbit cages on a wire shelf in the greenhouse, their dropping become fertilizer, but as I understand it, rabbits need access to their poop. Other than that, I am super excited to put into action what I've seen him do.

I see he has a livestock book now too.

Keep kicking ass in the garden!

Hey Camille, I'm not familiar with Rick Austin, but I'm interested to learn more! Thanks for the info!!

Sometimes, it is all about using the right tool.

Gosh, I love your garden! If only I have a land like that!!

The potato reminds me of the movie The Martian where Matt Damon planted the potatoes... lol

Yeah I love that movie! I'm trying to science the shit out of my garden.

That's so cool!
Just don't blow up anything like he did... lol

Looking good. Lot's of work. But it will pay off in the end.

WOW! That is a great set-up! Look at all those hoop houses and tunnels! I am quite envious!

That's a big garden, mine is only small, i would love this amount of space :)

3 years ago I had a very small plot (see my post that I have linked above for my Square Foot Garden). We ended up selling the house and moving out into the country. Best move ever. That said, we had a lot of food just using the land we had. Always do what you can with what you have where you're at!

I am, i started gardening last year but only grew flowers this year I'm growing veg and fruit in pots. Just waiting for the weather to improve :)

Hey! Thank you for sharing - hope you will get some upvotes. I will resteem your post. Wish you continuous success here on steem.

Hey Elen,

Thanks so much for the vote and resteem, that's super kind. I've given you a follow. Have an excellent day.

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