Small scale irrigation system

in #garden6 years ago

Hi Steemit friends!

I wanted to share with you some work I did today on an herb garden.. I've got the big garden in the back yard, but my wife requested some herbs closer to the house for easy access while cooking.

I got this pot stand from Amazon -

I then got my herbs into pots and set them up on that stand.

Photo Apr 14, 11 08 26 AM.jpg

I then go one of my Melnor water timers that I was using in the garden that I replaced with the higher end system.

Photo Apr 14, 11 31 28 AM.jpg

This timer is great, it just didn't like being submerged with water and mud in my manholes. It's going to work great for this application.

I purchased the Koram irrigation system.

Photo Apr 14, 11 09 00 AM.jpg

Photo Apr 14, 11 14 29 AM.jpg

So far, I think for the money it's not a bad system. One thing I wasn't pleased with was the hose I got was brown but it was black in the photo on Amazon. The system has 1/4" hose and a bunch of connectors where you can T intersect or add drippers or sprayers. I think from start to finish I had this installed in about an hour of putzing around.

It came with probably the cheapest plumber's tape I've ever used. I ended up using it since it came with it, but I think maybe some brand name tape might be better.

Photo Apr 14, 11 30 45 AM.jpg

I ended up using some outdoor rated cable ties to lightly secure the hose to the stand. You definitely don't want to crank them tight or else the flow of water will be constricted.

Photo Apr 14, 11 13 03 AM.jpg

Photo Apr 14, 11 33 16 AM.jpg

Photo Apr 14, 11 35 02 AM.jpg

Photo Apr 14, 11 48 59 AM.jpg

Photo Apr 14, 11 50 53 AM.jpg

Photo Apr 14, 12 22 47 PM.jpg

Overall, I think this is a good irrigation system, especially for the money. It seems a little cheap, but you get what you pay for. I don't know how much use or wear and tear I'll get out of this, but I hope a lot. This setup should let me not have to deal with watering these herbs every day. I've got enough connectors left over so that I'll water some plants on my front porch with another hookup.

So, the herbs that I have here are Oregano, Basil, Rosemary, some mint that I already had going from last year. On a side note, does anyone know if deer will eat any of that?

Herbs are such a great thing to grow, they really help with your cooking. There's nothing like some fresh herbs!

See my other Gardening and Homesteading Posts

I do the Mittleider Method, see my Mittleider Gardening Posts

I also have tried the Square Foot Gardening Method

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That's a nifty system. And the herbs will come in handy. I love fresh herbs during the summer. We usually have mint and basil on hand.

That's a neat little setup. I've been thinking about a micro drip system for a awhile, but I don't want to start anything like that until we move to our final location. Thanks for sharing Chris.

No problem. Maybe I’ll make a follow up post later with how I liked this one

Hi @florio, great to see your herbs are growing nicely. I love growing herbs too as they are easy to take care of and produce endlessly.

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