Square Foot Gardening
3 years ago, when I lived in a house with very little land, I did the Square Foot Gardening Method. ... This turned out pretty well and if you are strapped for space, I do recommend this method. I had quite a bit of success doing this, and I hope you do also.
How this gardening method works is you make your soil out of "Mel's Mix" which is 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 compost, 1/3 peat moss. This works great to grow the plants. For some plants, I also recommend adding addition feedings of some fertilizer as the season progresses and the food in the compost is used up... Use a water soluble fertilizer like 10-10-10 or 16-16-16 is my recommendation (this is not part of the official SFG recommendation but that's my personal suggestion).
Like your garden. I have a small yard too and square foot works great. I agree that fertilizer is needed for most plants though.