Garden Update - 5/6/18

in #garden6 years ago

Hey Steemit friends,

I did a little work in the garden today and wanted to give you all an update.

Photo May 06, 5 51 49 PM.jpg

My squash plants are actually putting on their fruit, albeit small at this point. I bet I'll be harvesting soon.

Photo May 06, 5 51 58 PM.jpg

Lots of the bush beans (green beans) have germinated.

Photo May 06, 5 52 02 PM.jpg

The indeterminate tomatoes are coming along. I've strung up several that have gotten large enough, and I'll have to keep an eye on them this week, I may need to string them all up shortly.

Photo May 06, 5 52 07 PM.jpg

The cucumbers that I put out as seed have germinated.

Photo May 06, 5 52 13 PM.jpg

Another image of the green beans, and upper left is the determinate roma tomatoes.

Photo May 06, 5 52 24 PM.jpg

Photo May 06, 5 52 27 PM.jpg

The zucchini plants are growing male flowers, so they are doing great so far

Photo May 06, 5 52 41 PM.jpg

I tried some butternut squash seeds and many have germinated

Photo May 06, 5 52 57 PM.jpg

The potatoes plants are going gang-busters

Photo May 06, 5 56 12 PM.jpg

Photo May 06, 5 56 26 PM.jpg

I also put out some spaghetti squash seeds and have some germination going on

Photo May 06, 5 56 37 PM.jpg

The asparagus seems happy that I took away the agribon

Photo May 06, 5 56 44 PM.jpg

Here's a roma tomato

Photo May 06, 5 56 49 PM.jpg

The broccoli is definitely getting bigger, and I spy some of the actual broccoli growing!

Photo May 06, 5 58 20 PM.jpg

Photo May 06, 5 58 25 PM.jpg

I've been harvesting leaves off of the romaine lettuce, and it seems to be doing well

Photo May 06, 5 58 28 PM.jpg

Cauliflower is going strong

Photo May 06, 5 58 58 PM.jpg

The Cabbage Patch is going great, and there's one that might be close to harvest size

Photo May 06, 5 59 02 PM.jpg

Photo May 06, 6 12 41 PM.jpg

Photo May 06, 6 17 39 PM.jpg

Overall, I'm fairly happy with the progress and am definitely excited to be getting some squash and zucchini soon!

See my other Gardening and Homesteading Posts

I do the Mittleider Method, see my Mittleider Gardening Posts

I also have tried the Square Foot Gardening Method

Various Techniques and Equipment

Harvesting Posts/General Updates



I'm excited too!

I have to say this is one of the most impressive Mittleider gardens I've seen to date. It looks awesome.

Hey I really appreciate it, especially since I've seen a lot of excellent Mittleider gardens. I'm still in construction mode really, I've got 2 more beds to get into production. At the end I'll have 8 of the 4'x30' beds. It will be much easier when that's done.

Love it. Can't wait to see more updates. :)

Hey Grace, I appreciate the compliment! Thanks for stopping by!!!

Looking good Chris! I can finally join in on the gardening fun and get stuff started here in the great white north!


Wow!! I love your setup so much!! So much vertical space! Your soil looks awesome too! Jealous! haha

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