Fireflies: Pupa (book 2, entry 10) - Sunny Days, Cloudy Daze

in #fiction5 years ago (edited)

If you missed the first book - Fireflies - you might want to start there. It's here in its completion, written for Steemit. If you enjoy it, feel free to ask to be added to the subscriber list for the sequel, where new chapters are being released daily.

FIREFLIES (book 1) Chapters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Epilogue


(book 2)

Entry 10

"So tell me about yourself."

He was energetically persistent and pleasant, which irritated her. She sighed internally, and chastised herself. He was probably no more than 1-2 years older than her. Why shouldn't he try to get to know the only female on this trip under 40? He was young, vibrant, sweet - she peeked over at him from under the brim of her hat, and yes - attractive. She knew she could chase him away, permanently, but was there really a need? This was day 2 of a 9 day trip. She had endured far more menacing attention than his in her young life. She sighed again, this time more audibly.

"I've got a better idea. Why don't you go first?"

He chuckled and shrugged. "Alright."

She turned her gaze back to the trail and pursed her lips, thinking sarcastically how easy it was to turn the spotlight onto others. Most people were narcissists at heart, regardless of how they feigned interest in others. She would just keep asking him questions until it was time to tie their horses for the night.

New Mexico
Architecture (Dad insisted), but passionate about art (gifted like Mom).
Won this trip from a writing contest.
The rest... began fading into the background.

The permeating heat of the day, the steady hum of the insects, the scent of warm leather, and the rhythmic squeak of saddles all served as the hypnotizing backdrop to the soothing sound of his voice. Try as she might, she couldn't quite shake the pull that was tugging at her mind. Shouldn't she be as invested in pursuing her future as other college students finding their place in this world? Why wouldn't someone like him be a suitable match for someone like her? She slid her eyes to the right, slowly measuring. Tilting her head slightly, she weighed options and potential outcomes.

With a dazed, contented smile, he continued talking lazily, unaware of her judgmental assessment.

The corners of her mouth curled gently. She considered him and thought to herself, What was the worst that could happen?


There are a lot of posts on Steemit, thanks for making this be on your list!

A few friends that asked to be notified of the next chapter

If you'd like to be added, I'd be honored.

These are the subscribers/readers that had either asked to be added to the subscribe list for the first book or joined in after it was published. I've only added you onto this list - just to make you aware that the sequel is coming out. Simply let me know in DM or as a comment that you'd like to be removed, and I'll do it immediately.

@enginewitty @andysantics48 @monchhichi23 @scuzzy @happysmileyman @freedomtowrite @kiwideb @countrygirl @creatr @creed221 @quirky.countess @coachjj @notconvinced @bethalea @saffisara @zen-art @youngboss @silversaver888 @cecicastor @penderis @tamala @swolesome @hazem91 @kchitrah @arthur.grafo @bluefinstudios @snook @yidneth @joelithic33 @ydraz @ancapbarbie @eaglespirit @eveningart @dreemit

Thank you to @penderis for making my beautiful dreemgirl divider :)

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Aw bless him... he doesn't know what he's in for, poor lad!

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It's always the sweet ones....lolololol

Ain't it just!!

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Eh. A girl's gotta have some fun.


Would you add me to the subscriber list please @dreemsteem? I got it right this time ;)

Yesssss!!!! You will be on the list for tomorrow's release :)

Hope you're enjoying it!!!

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Would you add me to the subscriber list please @dreemsteem? I got it right this time ;)

Yes!!!! I think I added you for chapter 13... I will make sure!!!

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:( Why... eye on the prize. Trick him to ride off a mountain then go and battle Derek. Focus. laughing!!!!!!

Sicko lolololol

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