[The Alternative Steem TOPs, 12.09.2018 GMT] Top Of The Pop

in #top6 years ago

The best posts for each of the most popular tags on steemit.

Check them out below!

What makes our list special?

  • We suffer very little influence from bots. They don't post much so whatever little influence they could get on our list fades away over time
  • Our lists have credible authority because it is indirectly curated by users who have already collaborated on the same subjects (tags).
  • Only the best content should show up on our lists, because they would have attracted more attention from reputable users on the appropriate tag.
  • Lists quality is highly guaranteed because it's curation is contantly based only on active reputable users thanks to our vote value decay system and zero influence from users' steem power, and because self votes is deleted from calculations.

How it works:

Posts from each of the most popular tags get assigned a value based on who voted on them. The ones with the highest rank are put on our lists and get a SBD reward.

How much value a user's vote has is calculated based on how many reputation points they earned thanks to their own posts on the same tag.

I have reputation 10, and you have post with tag #deutsh.
I upvote you and you get +10 for your #deutsh tag reputation (#deutsch tag XP or points).
Now you are specialist for tag #deutsch and you can influence to post rating for tag #deutsh.
You upvote somebody with tag #deutsch and this man have 10 points in rating of posts for tag #deutsch.
The best post have max points.

Steem user reputation is not reputation, it is user activity index. You make posts and got points for your activity.
Rating is something more) Active people choose good authors and add them tags reputation points. People with tags reputation points are specialists. They can recommend us good posts. It is rating idea.


Earning vote value on a specific tag:

  • Bob made three posts under the #steem tag. He earned 2 reputation points from the first, 1 from the second and none from the other. This means he ranked up 3 reputation points from posting under the #steem tag, so his vote is worth 3 points for other #steem posts.
  • Because of this, Kate posted something on #steem and Bob voted on it, giving her post 3 points for our #steem list.

Effects of voting where you have earned no vote value:

  • Even if Bob has posts from some other tags, too, he has no #photography posts, so he could not heave earned any reputation under that tag. His vote towards posts with tags that have earned him no reputation are worth zero.
  • Peter then posted on #photography and Bob voted on it too, but that gave him no points for our #photography list.

Losing vote value for inactivity:

  • While Bob doesn't post anything well curated on the #steemit tag, his influence will slowly lose value (it do other users and earn points for this tag).

Now, let's look at what we've got for the top tags!!


Best from all tags (19073 posts)

@meesterboom ★ 144 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (19.851 SBD ) reward
@oldtimer ★ 100 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (29.548 SBD ) reward
90.803[城市美食] 膳馨創作料理
@deanliu ★ 153 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.549 SBD ) reward
@oflyhigh ★ 133 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.205 SBD ) reward
@blackbunny ★ 63 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.196 SBD ) reward
@oflyhigh ★ 119 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.652 SBD ) reward
89.774The Beauty Of Morocco (Original Video & Photography) ENG - DE
@yoganarchista ★ 39 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.431 SBD ) reward
89.733Atlanta Downtown Dinner at Polaris - rotating restaurant 22 stories in the air - the blue dome fine dining
@inspire1 ★ 259 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (65.761 SBD ) reward
89.655If You Would Like to Observe Tallest Man-Made Indoor Waterfall, Go to Singapore! Part III :D
@mindsoul ★ 97 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.765 SBD ) reward
89.468Mushroom not edible
@alexin ★ 125 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.775 SBD ) reward

Tag "cn" (165 posts)

@deanliu ★ 156 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.287 SBD ) reward
89.096[城市美食] 膳馨創作料理
@deanliu ★ 153 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.549 SBD ) reward
@oflyhigh ★ 133 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.205 SBD ) reward
@blackbunny ★ 63 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.196 SBD ) reward
@oflyhigh ★ 119 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.652 SBD ) reward
87.587[Daily Update]近七日中文区活跃用户信息速览(2018-09-12)
@chinadaily ★ 69 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.413 SBD ) reward
87.51Active authors & posts under the CN category [2018-09-10]
@chinadaily ★ 70 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.410 SBD ) reward
85.713Tell us a story of your city! “A City a story” photo weekly contest #44 BIG 大 + Winners of #43!
@aaronli ★ 106 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (7.297 SBD ) reward
84.712Draw on Blockchain : The snowflake swing with ice cream
@nanosesame ★ 99 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.018 SBD ) reward
84.188Kaikoira, coastal town in NZ (52) - Seal colony 紐國沿海城市,凱庫拉 (52) - 海豹
@carinewhy ★ 78 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.738 SBD ) reward

Tag "kr" (669 posts)

81.991애기씨~(Korean Classical Clothing)
@cheongpyeongyull ★ 107 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.907 SBD ) reward
80.892적을 곳을 찾아서.
@signalandnoise ★ 43 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (23.984 SBD ) reward
80.29[승림대디의 생각] 스팀 800원이 무너지는 상황을 보면서, 보상 체계의 변경을 고려할 시점이 아닌가라는 개인적 생각...
@seunglimdaddy ★ 36 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.357 SBD ) reward
80.097steemmonsters)포스팅을 쉬고 싶어도
@lucky2 ★ 93 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (15.178 SBD ) reward
79.622고추참치의 야매 상식 사전-레오폴드2세와 콩고이야기[2부]-
@gochuchamchi ★ 58 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (19.793 SBD ) reward
79.359[Steemshop product review] 스팀샵 '풋귤청' 후기
@kyunga ★ 102 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (20.141 SBD ) reward
78.948[제주 밋업 1일차 후기 ♥] 를 이렇게 빨리 쓰게 될 줄이야...
@happadai ★ 22 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.612 SBD ) reward
78.737강제 존버 중.
@isaaclab ★ 38 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.853 SBD ) reward
78.553[steemmonsters] 드디어 골드 레전더리를 가지게 되다니~
@floridasnail ★ 48 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.388 SBD ) reward
@wony ★ 25 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.722 SBD ) reward

Tag "deutsch" (239 posts)

86.65B/W Portraits Photography by redpalestino
@redpalestino ★ 177 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (38.528 SBD ) reward
85.328Der Glaube versetzt Berge!
@theaustrianguy ★ 269 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.574 SBD ) reward
84.611The Beauty Of Morocco (Original Video & Photography) ENG - DE
@yoganarchista ★ 39 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.431 SBD ) reward
82.771Chinese wolfberry / Gemeiner Bocksdorn / Lycium barbarum (Free Cultural Works by @schamangerbert)
@schamangerbert ★ 68 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (7.198 SBD ) reward
82.202My city Neuburg an der Donau (Josefstraße A 78) / Meine Stadt Neuburg an der Donau (Josefstraße A 78)
@schamangerbert ★ 69 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.848 SBD ) reward
81.704And again I went to join the Steemit Meetup in Munich :)
@lizanomadsoul ★ 94 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.043 SBD ) reward
81.402IWF weist Marshallinseln darauf hin, dass Einführung einer Kryptowährung als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel ein großes Risiko darstellt
@eisenbart ★ 32 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.858 SBD ) reward
81.319Politik 098 - Aufforderung an die EU bei der Migration endlich zu handeln
@saamychristen ★ 38 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.773 SBD ) reward
81.154Invest in Steem? Steem for nothing?Dire Straits-Die Baltenversion!
@balte ★ 196 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.849 SBD ) reward
81.059Beach Wednesday 12.09.2018 (Entry No.1 day at the sea / Tag am Meer) HomeArtPictures Originalcontent
@homeartpictures ★ 33 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.230 SBD ) reward

Tag "spanish" (826 posts)

80.945Serena Williams emite comunicado de prensa
@mosqueteros ★ 351 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.454 SBD ) reward
80.026Podcast Steemit Habla para Hisparadio Cervantes // Hoy hablando de la "Situación Actual de Steemit"
@cervantes ★ 360 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (11.357 SBD ) reward
79.643El Pabellón Italiano - Una Parada Obligatoria en EPCOT
@mauriciovite ★ 136 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.961 SBD ) reward
79.593Reporte de Curación del equipo Bebeth para Steempress en español 09-09-18 al 11-09-18 [REVEUR - Formación continua]
@bebeth ★ 299 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.687 SBD ) reward
79.547Descripción:Producción Audiovisual // Tips y recomendaciones para realizar fotografías.
@cervantes ★ 427 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.947 SBD ) reward
79.434Cosetas del cine by Uno de Huesca: Clásicos del cine recreados en 60 segundos
@ivan-perez-anies ★ 108 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.571 SBD ) reward
79.108El diario de roadstories: La verdad de mis lagrimas esa madrugada
@roadstories ★ 138 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.342 SBD ) reward
78.825La seguridad es tarea de todos
@marinmex ★ 128 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.161 SBD ) reward
78.52¿Por qué creemos en el horóscopo? Descubre el efecto Barnum.
@crepuscularios ★ 112 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.135 SBD ) reward
78.417Conociendo a Dulce María Loynaz y su obra poética.
@malpica1 ★ 20 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.033 SBD ) reward

Tag "pt" (71 posts)

74.947Boas Empresas para Investir - Livros
@pedrocanella ★ 90 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.022 SBD ) reward
74.928Podcast 085 - Economia 101 - A Demografia Influencia a Economia
@robertoueti ★ 98 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (7.336 SBD ) reward
74.536Vamos observar o cometa 21P/Giacobini-Zinner?
@fisicanaveia ★ 82 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.582 SBD ) reward
74.059{Steemit} Meu primeiro post de 1 dólar.
@joaohazim ★ 8 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.042 SBD ) reward
73.584{Crypto} Order Taker.
@joaohazim ★ 2 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.014 SBD ) reward
72.411Francisco Tarrega - Lagrima (Dlive)
@guifaquetti ★ 158 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.729 SBD ) reward
71.685Motivational message 1
@aotearoa ★ 68 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.085 SBD ) reward
71.661111 - Lynchburg
@ronaldoavelino ★ 196 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.033 SBD ) reward
71.629Construa novos hábitos em vez de tentar eliminar os maus habito
@eliel ★ 183 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.394 SBD ) reward
71.588A felicidade está nas pequenas coisas.
@anacristinasilva ★ 199 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.386 SBD ) reward

Tag "japan" (37 posts)

@nadeshiko ★ 57 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.485 SBD ) reward
75.36a perfect September day
@kafkanarchy84 ★ 118 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.268 SBD ) reward
69.998バトンをつなごう企画 jp-Friendship#2「生活の中で感じた自然」
@hiradate ★ 37 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.931 SBD ) reward
69.714@steemit-jp企画<コンテスト#14> お気に入りの風景 #260
@amblog ★ 47 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.496 SBD ) reward
@sweetsqueenyumi ★ 13 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.334 SBD ) reward
@exhige ★ 32 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.232 SBD ) reward
@kaneni ★ 17 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.138 SBD ) reward
@denjiro ★ 24 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.200 SBD ) reward
65.858JDM Car Auctions - 2018/09/12 - Toyota Supra's sold Week 1 September 2018
@nelkeljdm ★ 96 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.313 SBD ) reward
@cticket ★ 10 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.113 SBD ) reward

Tag "ru" (53 posts)

73.716[Фильм] @kssenia, рецензия на фильм А теперь я иду встретиться с тобой (2018)
@recenzent ★ 1510 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.476 SBD ) reward
73.71[Фильм] @mrfantastis, рецензия на сериал Игра престолов (2011-2019) и анонс 8 сезона сериала
@recenzent ★ 1575 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.533 SBD ) reward
70.579📷 Мир насекомых #8
@olegst ★ 77 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.236 SBD ) reward
69.772Мой 130 день в игре SteemNova onur1s (дневник). (↻105%)
@onur1s ★ 52 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.040 SBD ) reward
67.727EyeGlob.Net – новый взгляд на здоровье ваших глаз
@bonanza-kreep ★ 257 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.271 SBD ) reward
@nilpan ★ 8 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.105 SBD ) reward
@vipnata ★ 10 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.017 SBD ) reward
61.428zucchini caviar
@notannov ★ 17 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.560 SBD ) reward
57.084Corpse on the balcony/Труп на балконе
@filinpaul ★ 50 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.074 SBD ) reward
56.051Озеро Чокрак в Крыму (Lake Chokrak in the Crimea)
@zolotun ★ 49 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.076 SBD ) reward

Tag "life" (2951 posts)

@meesterboom ★ 144 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (19.851 SBD ) reward
87.948ADSactly Entertainment - Lessons From Movies #18
@adsactly ★ 676 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (76.331 SBD ) reward
@oldtimer ★ 100 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (29.548 SBD ) reward
87.335Police Take $10,000 From Couple With Baby On The Way
@doitvoluntarily ★ 80 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.891 SBD ) reward
87.172Opportunity Lies at 30 Cents
@ezzy ★ 64 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (42.907 SBD ) reward
87.081If You Would Like to Observe Tallest Man-Made Indoor Waterfall, Go to Singapore! Part III :D
@mindsoul ★ 97 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.765 SBD ) reward
87.043We’re all facing a forking Internet!
@kommienezuspadt ★ 100 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (21.361 SBD ) reward
87.026Looks Like It's Gonna Be Chinese Dumplings Tonight Then...
@ezzy ★ 62 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (19.004 SBD ) reward
86.826Burning Man And 3 More Examples of Anarchy Working In Real Life [VIDEO]
@dollarvigilante ★ 250 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.373 SBD ) reward
86.557An Inspired Day Spent at "PMQ Creative Space" / 创意十足的PMQ元创方
@rea ★ 113 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.244 SBD ) reward

Tag "photography" (2100 posts)

86.891The Beauty Of Morocco (Original Video & Photography) ENG - DE
@yoganarchista ★ 39 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.431 SBD ) reward
@oldtimer ★ 100 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (29.548 SBD ) reward
86.198Samurai Girl [Glow Effects in Photoshop]
@ykdesign ★ 93 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.904 SBD ) reward
86.188B/W Portraits Photography by redpalestino
@redpalestino ★ 177 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (38.528 SBD ) reward
85.6Mushroom not edible
@alexin ★ 125 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.775 SBD ) reward
85.453📷Walk in the forest park
@leylar ★ 81 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.785 SBD ) reward
85.178Atlanta Downtown Dinner at Polaris - rotating restaurant 22 stories in the air - the blue dome fine dining
@inspire1 ★ 259 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (65.761 SBD ) reward
85.145If You Would Like to Observe Tallest Man-Made Indoor Waterfall, Go to Singapore! Part III :D
@mindsoul ★ 97 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.765 SBD ) reward
84.94Happy Thursday Steemit, Share Your Macro And Colourful Photography!
@juliank ★ 125 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.401 SBD ) reward
84.916SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #251
@girlbeauty ★ 22 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.728 SBD ) reward

Tag "blog" (1240 posts)

86.036STEEM: current prices a dream or a nightmare?
@exyle ★ 362 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (30.408 SBD ) reward
@oldtimer ★ 100 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (29.548 SBD ) reward
84.723The best juice and Lanches (Insane Brazilian Sandwiches)! With Paulo and Michel!
@exyle ★ 302 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (39.147 SBD ) reward
@meesterboom ★ 144 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (19.851 SBD ) reward
84.164Opportunity Lies at 30 Cents
@ezzy ★ 64 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (42.907 SBD ) reward
83.574Looks Like It's Gonna Be Chinese Dumplings Tonight Then...
@ezzy ★ 62 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (19.004 SBD ) reward
83.407Steemhunt Airdrop - Claim Your Tokens Now! (Airdrop ending 13th September)
@therealwolf ★ 783 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (57.078 SBD ) reward
83.229Joy wears Lemon 🍋 on a sunny day.
@joythewanderer ★ 202 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (19.656 SBD ) reward
81.913Mushroom not edible
@alexin ★ 125 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.775 SBD ) reward
81.767This is my job
@rijalmahyud ★ 516 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.693 SBD ) reward

Tag "busy" (1444 posts)

84.764The Paradise Hall in Tongdo-sa Temple, Korea
@slowwalker ★ 350 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (69.878 SBD ) reward
82.674Qurator's Shining Qurite #12 @bitrocker2020
@qurator ★ 1463 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.399 SBD ) reward
82.624Roughly $650 Billion now wiped out of Crypto Markets in 2018
@jrcornel ★ 198 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (40.083 SBD ) reward
81.347How to start an online outdoor gear store
@benadapt ★ 314 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (62.401 SBD ) reward
81.301365 Days of Qurator! Party Time with Extra Upvotes
@qurator ★ 710 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (7.103 SBD ) reward
81.25How to secure your EOS private keys
@littleboy ★ 124 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (62.710 SBD ) reward
81.152Google Play Takes Down Some BCH Wallets
@kingscrown ★ 404 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (46.635 SBD ) reward
81.047The Daily Qurator #365 Happy Birthday Qurator!
@qurator ★ 788 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (7.502 SBD ) reward
80.754Manchester United Europe Oldschool Amiga Game
@kingsmind ★ 107 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.478 SBD ) reward
@better-life-tips ★ 266 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.775 SBD ) reward

Tag "nature" (820 posts)

83.919Black & White: Cliff
@daveks ★ 45 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.511 SBD ) reward
83.141📷Walk in the forest park
@leylar ★ 81 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.785 SBD ) reward
83.032Mushroom not edible
@alexin ★ 125 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.775 SBD ) reward
83.009SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #251
@girlbeauty ★ 22 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.728 SBD ) reward
82.908Autumn photos №4
@alexin ★ 22 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.920 SBD ) reward
82.861SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #250
@girlbeauty ★ 11 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.688 SBD ) reward
82.861SUMMER FLOWERS: Pink Flowers #151
@girlbeauty ★ 15 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.969 SBD ) reward
82.861SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #248
@girlbeauty ★ 11 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.005 SBD ) reward
82.861SUMMER FLOWERS: White Flowers #249
@girlbeauty ★ 10 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.026 SBD ) reward
82.86SUMMER FLOWERS: Red Flowers #59
@girlbeauty ★ 8 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.345 SBD ) reward

Tag "steemit" (1697 posts)

82.906Steemhunt Airdrop - Claim Your Tokens Now! (Airdrop ending 13th September)
@therealwolf ★ 783 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (57.078 SBD ) reward
82.8It's All About Our Noble Steemians With @cryptogee. Episode 16
@dhavey ★ 51 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.762 SBD ) reward
@oflyhigh ★ 133 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.205 SBD ) reward
82.575Are The People With Whom You Began Your Journey On Steemit Still Around?
@firepower ★ 162 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.487 SBD ) reward
82.072Steem Creators - Toronto 2018
@captainbob ★ 302 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (29.879 SBD ) reward
81.702Who Is Making Steemit Open Mic Trading Cards?
@luzcypher ★ 177 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.084 SBD ) reward
81.192Steem Is Not A Blog : The Micro Task Economy
@icosandwhich ★ 448 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (105.056 SBD ) reward
81.136How To Get HUGE Upvotes on Steemit! A Step By Step Tutorial
@joeparys ★ 521 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (442.062 SBD ) reward
80.704Steps to Become a successful Steemian
@eu-africa ★ 159 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (29.708 SBD ) reward
80.567New Milestone Reached - 1000 Followers - Thank You Everyone
@bumshak ★ 339 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.689 SBD ) reward

Tag "art" (865 posts)

86.21Hang On -my DADA drawing
@opheliafu ★ 90 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (37.451 SBD ) reward
86.12Trying out DADA
@katharsisdrill ★ 31 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.237 SBD ) reward
85.061Can’t wait to live paint at “Positive Vibrations” party in Saint Louis!
@chrisdyer ★ 10 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.255 SBD ) reward
83.734Samurai Girl [Glow Effects in Photoshop]
@ykdesign ★ 93 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.904 SBD ) reward
83.658Puppy Graphite Drawing Finished By EdgarsArt
@edgarsart ★ 41 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.928 SBD ) reward
82.578Phill vom GCHQ - Seite 62: Dagda [German]
@shortcut ★ 162 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.182 SBD ) reward
81.503VANS OLD SKOOL: Open Source 3D Sneakers made with Blender
@jellenmark ★ 470 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (146.648 SBD ) reward
81.264What Is In My Sketchbook? by Endija
@msendija1 ★ 15 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.337 SBD ) reward
80.743@Blocktrades + @Sndbox: Steem Fest Giveaway - PART 2
@anomadsoul ★ 367 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (125.677 SBD ) reward
79.353Despair Ibuki
@scarlet-rain ★ 11 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.532 SBD ) reward

Tag "travel" (770 posts)

85.88The Paradise Hall in Tongdo-sa Temple, Korea
@slowwalker ★ 350 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (69.878 SBD ) reward
82.687Atlanta Downtown Dinner at Polaris - rotating restaurant 22 stories in the air - the blue dome fine dining
@inspire1 ★ 259 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (65.761 SBD ) reward
82.418If You Would Like to Observe Tallest Man-Made Indoor Waterfall, Go to Singapore! Part III :D
@mindsoul ★ 97 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.765 SBD ) reward
81.783Beautiful Scene
@jznsamuel ★ 127 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.163 SBD ) reward
@oldtimer ★ 100 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (29.548 SBD ) reward
81.213Hello 🇵🇷Puerto Rico!
@lukestokes ★ 209 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (32.518 SBD ) reward
80.892Travel to Burgas (3) - Simply Beach and a Fish
@uwelang ★ 151 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.013 SBD ) reward
80.505The Beauty Of Morocco (Original Video & Photography) ENG - DE
@yoganarchista ★ 39 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.431 SBD ) reward
80.322Architectural Photography: White Chateau in Hradec nad Moravici, Czech Republic
@phortun ★ 61 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (21.619 SBD ) reward
79.917Motorcycle Travel Series by @velimir 'A Wine Cellar' (Part #449)
@velimir ★ 296 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (43.566 SBD ) reward

Tag "news" (1464 posts)

85.29Police Take $10,000 From Couple With Baby On The Way
@doitvoluntarily ★ 80 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.891 SBD ) reward
85.224Food Truck Showdown In Wisconsin
@doitvoluntarily ★ 95 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.580 SBD ) reward
85.223Shocking Study Reveals Airport Security Trays Have More Germs Than Toilets
@johnvibes ★ 139 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.295 SBD ) reward
84.639Last Day To Claim Your Hunt Tokens
@fruitdaddy ★ 102 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.880 SBD ) reward
84.574Russia Claims White Helmets Made Fake ‘Chemical Attack’ Videos With Kids to Justify US Attack on Syria
@tftproject ★ 156 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.619 SBD ) reward
83.254Prague will host the 6th year of the Signal Festival
@czechglobalhosts ★ 52 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (18.403 SBD ) reward
82.188📰NEWS: 💸Wechat Pay and Alipay are coming to Singapore 新闻: 微信支付和支付宝即将来到新加坡 😎 (by @ace108)
@ace108 ★ 47 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.513 SBD ) reward
78.251Vox Accidentally Tells the Truth: Most US Gun Deaths are Suicides, Not Homicides
@styxhexenhammer ★ 21 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.181 SBD ) reward
78.23The Next Step in the War Against EU Censorship and Article 13
@styxhexenhammer ★ 23 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.231 SBD ) reward
78.229Hurricane Florence Could Be a Massive Disaster for People Well Inland
@styxhexenhammer ★ 21 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.175 SBD ) reward

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