One photo every day: Sunset with a sub par phonecam. (321/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)

Good Evening!

Sometimes all you have is what's in your pocket, and that's what I'm trying to demonstrate here.


:) Now... Take a sunset photo with your mobile and post it below.

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: Birds: Peippo :: Common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Kangasvuokko :: Spring pasqueflower (314/365)
Minigolf is fun (315/365)
Teach and learn (316/365)
Common roaches (317/365)
Markku vs. Antti (318/365)
Yet another pink building! ––– Engel-makasiini (319/365)
Common wood pigeon :: Sepelkyyhky (Columba palumbus) --- Vintage lens photography (320/365)

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What a beautiful photo, I've always liked to see how the beautiful sun falls! Here I leave my picture, it was taken from the balcony of my apartment


Good. I'm guessing you took it just for this comment! If so I commend you! :)

Anyway, I'd like to give you a couple of tips...

I see you have some distraction on this photo, most noticeably what I would guess is the ceiling light reflection on the balcony glass. You might have managed to remove it by taking the camera closer to the glass, or by opening the window and shooting clear.

You have also divided the scene from the middle, which sort of goes against the rules of composition. It is better to pick either of the lines that divide the scene in thirds for your horizon, depending on which side is the more interesting one, the city below, or the clouds above. If the city is more interesting, you would normally use more real-estate from the photo to the city below. And if you think the clouds are your subject, you would dedicate two thirds of the photo for the clouds. (The Rule of Thirds)

I am not entirely sure, but I must ask. Is the horizon level?

I hope you find this advice sufficient. :)

Well I can tell you that the picture was taken with my cell phone that does not have a good camera. As for the reflection of the light, I did not notice it at once, but thank you very much for your good advice, I will take it into account and follow your steps! Someday I would like to be a great photographer like your brother!

That is indeed beautiful.

While this is what I got the other day.


Hmm... makes me wonder.

Could you apply the rule of thirds here somehow? Maybe use the riverbank as a leading line or two that would lead toward the sun? The sun is a bit too high, maybe wait a moment to see how it looks like when it's actually setting?

If you can, go shoot it again with those ideas in mind. :)

Well will keep that in mind next time.
Thanks for the suggestion buddy.

Hello friend Jaro at what time of Finland was that photo taken?

I'm going to post one that takes at 6:45 pm with my youngest daughter Sofia on the beach, by the way my daughter @victorialanz the amount in a publication.

Very good!

My advice:

I would probably shot this one a bit closer to her, as I see some distraction on the side. Also maybe a bit lower, to get a whole body silhouette on the photo. Nearer to the shore I think would likely work. Oh, and the horizon, it is not level.

So in a nutshell to make an awesome shot:

  1. shoot closer (fill the frame more)
  2. eliminate distractions (like people walking their dogs)
  3. place her closer to the shoreline so her whole silhouette is visible
  4. keep horizon leveled

Some other things to consider:

  • rule of thirds (maybe)
  • the stance of the model (you basically don't want hands to grow out from anyone's face)

There, I think that pretty much covers it for now. I hope you found my advice informative. :)

Thank you very much for that great advice. Friend, I'll put it into practice next time.
By the way, what I said in private, I could not take my daughters. They closed the establishment due to unhealthiness. But when I can I'll do it. regards

I forgot to answer your original question though, my photo was taken at 21:42 Finnish time

here it is sir :)


hope you like it :) not good as yours but a lil try :)

That's a great colour. A bit too much distraction in this photo. I would prefer not to have all those stuff in front of the actual sunset. ;) It's a bit hard to give you advice now.

Let's see your sunset without the power lines and awnings, perhaps then we can start our journey to become a better photographer! :)

sure sir thanks a lot for such precious advice it means a lot to me ❤️❤️..

I captured it on some other day!
Hope you like it.


Good... This is taken from a train window, am I right?

What you could do next time, is shooting from an angle where the window pane isn't visible. Secondly there is much distraction in the photo, phone or electric lines over the road... the road itself. And it seems like the sunset is very much behind a cloud.

In short: next time maybe find a place with less distraction in front of the sunset itself. You would get a better view of it, and maybe the photo itself would be a lot more interesting. Then we can start to talk about how to take your photos to the next level.

I took this photo from the metro station!

What are great analysis from you! I am not a good photographer but your suggestions will surely help me to capture better photos! I like the clouds and when it is mixed with sun, it looks beautiful to me.

I think this one is better, it is not a sunset though!



Enjoy this beautiful sunset captured using cell phone.
Btw your click was good too.

This one is very good.

Most of the elements are in balance and I can't really say there's much room for improvement, but take into consideration these two:

  1. Always check the horizon, if it's level or not.
  2. The rule of thirds is not exactly followed here, but considering the heading of the boat that likely couldn't have been helped. Circumstances being what they were, this is probably the best photo you could've got.

Good job!

Thanks for your positive response and i will always remember your tips : )
@gamer00 You are such a great steemian ..... chill buddy +_+


Saw this post and just missed my sunset. Scrolled back on my phone and came up with last sunset photo that I took.


This is a picture of sunset I took in Bourgogne, France a few years ago.

That's quite interesting. How did you get that flare, is it shot through a window? it's like something is bending the flare. :)

Normally I don't like flares, but sometimes it's the flare that makes the photo interesting.

Although I would give this advice, that if you had waited a few moments, you'd gotten a true golden sunset. It's the moment when the sun has just gone below the horizon. Normally, in a sunset photo you wouldn't get, or even expect any flares to occur.

Yes, there is glass pane in front. I think I took it after several bouts of rain and cloudy skies. It had been a few days since a good sunlight and the clouds had just cleared. I wanted to capture some sunshine before it set :-)


Fooling around with my son at the park. Just my cheapo LG G5.

These sunset created my day. It's taken old dutch fort in my country.

I hope you giving me some advice of this photography. Thanks @gamer00

You got the exact same flaring effect I repeatedly got trying to shoot my sunrise shot, I suppose it's the same for all smart phones. I had to retake the photo a few times to minimize the glare.

Anyway, I'd like you to place the sun behind the tower. It might make a better one. (Would probably eliminate the flaring altogether!)

You got the composition set up very nicely. (Maybe if you can, move the tower just a bit more to the right in the frame to make it follow the rule of thirds too as the horizon already does).

Altogether there wasn't too much to criticize on this one. :) Good job!

Altogether there wasn't too much to criticize on this one.

I know you given me best advice. I try to do my best in next time using your advice. Thanks for the support @gamer00.

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