One photo every day: Markku vs. Antti (318/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)

Good evening everyone!

This time I'll post a current event as @MarkkuJantunen (3 dan) is playing against Antti (1dan) in our Go club.


They have now reached the middle game where there is much fighting.

I'll report on the outcome in a later post. ;)

Until then, see ya!

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

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[Previous post: Before I go to the gym... here's a photo of a bird too! :)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Rosettes (311/365)
Old Mill of Tönnö (312/365)
Flyboarding fun at 10°C BRRR!!! (313/365)
Kangasvuokko :: Spring pasqueflower (314/365)
Minigolf is fun (315/365)
Teach and learn (316/365)
Common roaches (317/365)

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Actually I don't know this game! But it seems like they are at the middle of Chess game! Anyway, mind is the key of this game isn't it? One more thing, I think the genius of the game is awaiting to participate the next round (I mean you)


That was the last game of the night. I played two games, first winning against Markku as he resigned, and then I lost to Antti by a dosen or so points.

I have always liked strategy games and without a doubt this is one in which we have a lot to think about! I'm sure it was a very difficult battle due to the concentration shown by the two

My bet is for Markku. I am your follower haha!!

The best game without a doubt! I like to witness this type of games to see how each one is attacked and to analyze the plays. Excited waiting for the results

Good you... game time ... and I am waiting for the result.....

Good evening @gamer00.
I can't wait who's a winner. Is Markku or Antti?
Seems they fight better. Nice shot indeed.

Ohh what a battle! I hope they don't bring down the house fighting like that! :O

Both of them perfect to the gaming. Seems anyone cannot agree with their loss. So in fact we all prefer to see who's winning gaming.
Such a tremendous photography.

Which is higher 1 or 3 Dan. So Markku is a good player.

3dan is considered more skillful than 1dan.

They both look tensed. May be it will be a hard one contest.

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