
Good. I'm guessing you took it just for this comment! If so I commend you! :)

Anyway, I'd like to give you a couple of tips...

I see you have some distraction on this photo, most noticeably what I would guess is the ceiling light reflection on the balcony glass. You might have managed to remove it by taking the camera closer to the glass, or by opening the window and shooting clear.

You have also divided the scene from the middle, which sort of goes against the rules of composition. It is better to pick either of the lines that divide the scene in thirds for your horizon, depending on which side is the more interesting one, the city below, or the clouds above. If the city is more interesting, you would normally use more real-estate from the photo to the city below. And if you think the clouds are your subject, you would dedicate two thirds of the photo for the clouds. (The Rule of Thirds)

I am not entirely sure, but I must ask. Is the horizon level?

I hope you find this advice sufficient. :)

Well I can tell you that the picture was taken with my cell phone that does not have a good camera. As for the reflection of the light, I did not notice it at once, but thank you very much for your good advice, I will take it into account and follow your steps! Someday I would like to be a great photographer like your brother!

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