One photo every day: Common wood pigeon :: Sepelkyyhky (Columba palumbus) --- Vintage lens photography (320/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)


Have I got a treat for you guys now!

I went shooting near to a local swimming beach on the lake Joutjärvi. I still had the same vintage (Super Carenar MC 1:2.8 f=135mm) lens I discussed Yesterday, on the nose of my camera, and while I was walking there trying to hear and see little birdies high in the birch trees, I suddenly noticed some "lumps" in a nearby pine.

I walked nearer, and what did I find?

These guys:

Common wood pigeon :: Sepelkyyhky (Columba palumbus)

Quite nice, wouldn't you think?

I shot a bunch of other photos, but I'll still be editing for a while before posting them.

Thanks for supporting me and my 365 project! I appreciate it a lot!

See you guys! :)

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: Birds: Fieldfare // Räkättirastas (Turdus pilaris)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Flyboarding fun at 10°C BRRR!!! (313/365)
Kangasvuokko :: Spring pasqueflower (314/365)
Minigolf is fun (315/365)
Teach and learn (316/365)
Common roaches (317/365)
Markku vs. Antti (318/365)
Yet another pink building! ––– Engel-makasiini (319/365)

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Wow these pigeons looks so great! No doubt about your skills of photography! Actually I would like to propose you to contact magazines which are sharing nature photography! You can be a billionaire in short time then!


"Thanks for supporting me and my 356 project! I appreciate it a lot!"

You surely mean 365. Probably you were tired, when you posted this.
It's completely understandable. You invest a lot of time, effort and work into your posts/photos.
But maybe you just accidentally made a typo.

Either way, here is my opinion about this post:
I like that both of the birds are well detailed as well as the branches, where they are sitting on, so yes, it's a quite nice macro photo.
The photo, as it is close to nature, gives me a calming feeling.
I immediately imagined the sounds of the forest, the nature and the songs of the birds.

"Thanks for supporting me and my 356 project! I appreciate it a lot!"
You surely mean 365. Probably you were tired, when you posted this.

Yep, you are right, it was a typo on my part. I fixed it now.

The photo, as it is close to nature, gives me a calming feeling.
I immediately imagined the sounds of the forest, the nature and the songs of the birds.

Yea it kinda does have a soothing feeling to it. Thanks for the nice assessment. :) It's great that you always find time to actually comment on my photos, and I thank you for that too!

Brother, that lens has been blessed by God, it has brought us very good images and surely we will have it in the box of memories. As for the photos, they are still good, so you can capture all those beautiful moments and show them to people like me who really appreciate the photos of nature

I like the pattern the feathers make on the left bird.

Very nice ambience! They seem to be waiting for you!
They are beautiful and have deeper and vevety colours! Our wood pigeons are very grey and brown.
This old lens still works perfectly! Sharp and clear photo!

Hi gamer. Don't people eat Wood pigeon. I am sure I saw it on the menu in France. Nice shot. Spring time is the nesting time.

Birds are starting to see you as one of their own after communicating with them for so long :d

A nice couple grooming their feathers, very nice picture they look so real that it seems that they can be touched.

It's good idea to frame your shot putting one pigeon on the left and one on the right to achieve a balance. But I also like the trees at the background. They looks brighter than the birds. And the blue color behind the trees, is that the lake?

And the blue color behind the trees, is that the lake?

It's the sky.

Pigeons, one of my favorite birds. I used to have hundreds of them before. I had to sell them off because I was busy with other things at that time, but I will definitely still breed them in future.

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