2019-12-10steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

Do you say Merry Christmas? There is a war on Christmas. There are people who are trying to stop people from saying Merry Christmas. It makes them angry when you say Merry Christmas. They tell you to say Happy Holidays. They tell you not to say Mother and Father because haha, some people don't have a mommy or a daddy. They are like magicians. It is like magic. Well, I mean, it is as if these words are spells, like magic words. Reminds me of Harry Potter where they were not allowed to say the man who must not be named. They get so furious when you say these words. They try to control the way we think. They don't want us to think for ourselves. They want us to be retarded. But they don't want us to even say retarded either.

My Autobiography

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Savannah Hernandez Screenshot at 2019-12-10 01:55:59.png
Screenshot at 2019-12-10 21:48:43.png

2019-12-10 - Tuesday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in December of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.


11:00 PM Monday to 12:40 AM Tuesday - In my dream, I had like fake limbs, feet, legs, arms, and mostly like hands. Perhaps they were all replaced by Chinese government or other governments. Perhaps they were harvesting my organs and yet replaced my parts with fake body parts. I remember just thinking about that. I remember like looking at hands and I was like walking around was not sure in my dream. It was mostly a thinking dream. Stuff kind of happen but I kind of forget what they were. I don't know if I was part biological clone or robotic or a hybrid of the two or what. I was thinking about trying to find my body parts. I was not totally sure if I had my actual hands or not. I was thinking about looking for them. I was thinking about protecting them. It was almost like my dream was in the future where they find people and steal body parts from them. Actually, in real life, they do this already all around the world.

Mary, did you know that your baby son will soon be the king song is stuck in my song right now.


They lose value when their loop holes, exception clauses, interpretation, reinterpretation, etc, grows excessively, unilaterally in becoming new contracts, agreements, covenants, etc, especially if the contracts become too different. When two parties agrees to something, if they sign a contract, and if one party changes that contract, that is basically a sense of breaking the contract. That is what China did. China is violating Hong Kong, etc.

General Shepherd

01:04 AM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Monday - 12/9/19

Free Hong Kong

01:13 AM - Steemit

I just finished watching a few minutes ago. My favorite part is the historical insight into the 1800's, specifically in the relationship between China and England. Secondly, the interviews with amazing Asians. I enjoy listening to them talk.

Steem War

01:23 AM - Steemit

But governments already have your data. They get it. Edward Snowden talked about that in his latest book that came out in 2019. Trying to hide is not possible. You cannot hide. They have been destroying our fourth amendment right for too many years in too many ways. Keep in mind that it is said that the Steemit Inc. company is separate from the Steem blockchain itself in theory. That is at least what some people say. If that is true, then it doesn't really matter who owns Steemit Inc in that they are separate from Steem itself. But of course, China and others are taking over the world. We have to always try to stop global tyrannies. When we take a break from trying to stop them, that is when they gain ground. So, of course, it seems that Drudge was possibly sold. That is bad. If Steemit Inc is sold or stolen or whatever, of course that is very bad in the wrong hands. Of course, they are trying to stop Steem and change Steem. They will not stop trying to go after Steem, Bitcoin, Minds, Ethereum, etc.

Being Anonymous

01:35 AM Steemit

You have the freedom to try to be anonymous. The problem is that the people that know who you are shouldn't and the people that don't should. The CIA knows who you are. Certain agencies in the world have you. I don't know who you are. But they can make you disappear. So, nobody will know because you are anonymous. That is why I'm not. If you were able to be anonymous, then it would be safer to be anonymous. But that is not possible like you said. But beyond that, they can still figure out who you are, even if you think you have avoided connecting your online with your offline. They do it for you. They have databases that cross references data to figure out things. They have been doing this with people who are NOT on Facebook. Not just the people who are on Facebook are put into databases. Everybody gets put into databases. So, anything you have ever done, ever, period. Well, people may not have it all but they try to. It is a long story and the globalists will go after you, even you, if they want, if they continue taking over the world and everything. So, of course, like I said, people can try to be anonymous. It is called freedom to make those types of choices. I don't disagree with that. But I am saying that your attempt at being anonymous is a defensive fight. You should instead be on the offensive.

Not Private

01:48 AM - Steemit

Edward Snowden talks about how the CIA and others wire tap the Internet. This means that they archive virtually everything or like almost everything. They even try to collect encrypted data. Now, some governments, some groups, may not be breaking the encrypted data. It can be hard to encrypt. It can take time. Lots of time. But they at least try to collect it and store it. And later on, they try to break into the data. So, that means they try to collect personal information, emails, phone numbers, etc. China probably already has it. Others may have it as well. It is a long story. Just read Snowden's 2019 book for more information. Watch the videos of Naomi Brockwell.

Tropical Christmas

02:31 AM - Steemit

What is a balloon garland? I love balloons but I really love Christmas. Yes, snow is nice but tropical weather is very nice. So, it is like Christmas everyday in the Philippines because the people are a gift.

Yummy Rice

02:34 AM - Steemit

Where are the chopsticks lol? I love food like this when I was in Saigon. I know, Saigon is a little different than the Philippines. But not completely. Also, I had some friends from the Philippines in Saigon. I ate with them sometimes and it was fun.

Pitching Steemit

02:42 AM - Steemit

You know Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, sucks. They're censoring people. They got people banned. Have you ever been terminated, mister busy elevator man? One of the problems that we got is centralization. That is tyranny. The tech cartels become big and bad like governments. They become like Hitler, Mau, etc. That is why we strike back. Like Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. People are building alternatives to Facebook and the other social network ghettos. So, why would you not join them? Why would you not be part of history, elevator man?


02:46 AM - Steemit

Are there not big problems in the world? I would ask the elevator man that question or something to that affect because he or she would need first understand the problem before he or she could appreciate how Steemit attempts at solving the issue of being censored, banned demonetized, spied on, abused, manipulated, robbed from, shadow banned, hidden, lied to, etc.

Too Many Friends?

03:09 AM - Steemit

There are two levels to this. See, to some extent, some people should continue being friendly to people. But only to an extent. So, over time, more people will know you or will know certain people. So, they might say that they are your friend. Maybe more like an acquaintances. The second level are what might be your best friends, your family, etc. Generally, most people should probably prioritize their time to less than like 200 people apx. And then have inner circle of like 12 people and a super inner circle of like three people and then like your best friend from those three. It is all about priorities in life. Focus on your number one priority or number one person in your life first. And then go on to number two and then number three and so on. The problem is that some people can get lost in trying to talk to too many people too often. That can be stressful. It can be many things. So, some people need to learn how to work harder. But other people need to learn how to say no. For example, learn how to turn off your phone and get away sometimes. Take a break every once in a while. Have some me-time where you don't let anything or anybody interrupt you at all. Like each day, you need some alone time. Too many friends might mean no alone time. That can be a problem for some people.

Divorce Facebook & Marry Steem

03:12 AM - Steemit

I would say to them that they can be on Steem and Facebook at the same time. People don't have to divorce one to marry the other. They can have multiple wives lol, I mean websites haha.


03:16 AM - Steemit

I know that is what they tell you. That might not be technically true in reality. But that is what people normally say. I guess it depends to some extent. I guess, if you agree to the terms, then ok. However, if a person randomly takes a photo of you when you are walking to a store and then they email you the picture and then says don't share it, you could still share it because you didn't sign a contract with that person. You might even try to sue that person or try to destroy the camera or whatever. So, I guess it depends on the details.

Surprises in Life

03:20 AM - Steemit

The orange hair reminds me of Anne of Green Gables. I know, she had red hair. Well, close enough. I'm glad he said do it. That reminds me of Palpatine in Star Wars who says do it like Mountain Dew. Just dew it haha.

Impeachment or Treason?

03:22 AM - Steemit

Are you aware of what Obama did in 2016 to start this thing? Are you aware of what happened in England? I can ask you twenty more questions like this. It is a long list of things.

Sued or Paid?

03:35 AM - Steemit

The courts are often wrong. The judges are corrupt. That is another problem. The legal world is full of bad stuff. If something happens in the public town square, so to speak, then copyrights, patents, trademarks, etc, should not be warranted the ability to override that. Copyright and other things are dangerous depending on the government who might selectively enforce the interpretation of how they might apply. People get sued unfairly all of the time. That is bad. Too many cases are too subjective. Also, another thing to consider is Fair Use. Also, on top of that, if they publish the photo and you share that, then they should not be allowed to sue you. See, if you link to them and say that they took the photo, then you then in fact give them the credit. So, when they go after people for sharing what is already public, that is published, that is potentially violating your ability to talk about it. Also, free publicity helps them. Technically, they should pay a person to share a photo. So, if the photo is already published, and if somebody shared that photo with other people, then that is free advertisement. So, it is dumb for them to sue the advertiser when they should in fact be paying them for marketing. Of course, some people disagree with what I am saying. I know that. But I am saying that ads are valuable. That is why there are commercials on YouTube. When you share somebody's work, you are in fact helping them. They owe you. They really do owe you money. But sometimes, they can sue people and get money from the same people that they should be paying. That is bad. Yes, it happens. But it should not happen. The courts should wake up. Those judges should be removed for being too unfair and too blind to how things work.

Never Safe For Work

03:41 AM - Steemit

You are not safe for work, even with your clothes on. I mean that as a compliment. Do you love black and white photos? I think you do. That takes me back to Charles Chaplin and movies form the 1950's. Classic.



03:52 AM - Steemit

My favorite is number five.

Mr.8 Coffee

04:06 AM - Steemit

I used to walk across that intersection and go to Satra Foods many times. I was in Vietnam, 2012-2017. I went to Mr.8 Coffee at least one time that I remember. I think I like the coffee. So, it is cheaper than the Starbucks that is near there. The two other cafes that are at that round about are interesting. I like the statue in the middle of the traffic circle.

Fear & Perfection

04:13 AM - Steemit

Fear can cripple people and fear can also push people towards success. Fear is generally just an emotion. What matters is what you do and not how you feel.

Star Ship Love

04:15 AM - Steemit

Reminds me of Nicki Minaj when she was dancing on some island about star ships or something haha.

Baby Yoda is Too Old?

04:29 AM - YouTube

​Kemper Crowley, How many counters did I make? You have never seen Stefan Molyneux. Because you would not understand philosophy. How many different examples did I give about how aging is not the same as development. They are separate. For example, some turtles can live for over 100 years. So, does that mean those turtles go to college when they are 20? No. They develop faster than us and live longer than some people. Yes, Yoda can be a baby when he is 50. I don't argue against that. I argue against that requirement. If you say he has to be a baby, I say that is silly. If you say he might might have been, then I say ok. Because it doesn't matter what Yoda might have been because Yoda is not real. What is real is logic. And logic says that he did not have to be this or that. It can be this or that. It can be. It does not have to be. That is all I am saying. Because some people say it has to be. No it does not have to be. But it can be that way.

​Kemper Crowley, some kids go to college when they are nine years old. Some people are retarded and never pass the second grade, even when they are like 50 years old. Different people have developed at different speeds and to different levels. Regardless of that, some very developed people have lived shorter than very undeveloped people. There is some variety there. The turtle example which you mentioned shows you that you don't have to develop longer in order to live longer. Yes, some animals may develop slower than others. Yeah, and maybe Yoda does too. Yeah, I have no problem with saying that Yoda might develop slower. But he shouldn't. Writers that write that should be fired. You should at least be able to talk by the time you are not even two years old.


2019-12-10 - Tuesday - 04:38 AM - 05:23 AM - Batwoman 109


Parallel Dimensions

In another dimension or universe, Beth is good.

The bat of the future.

Everybody knows Bruce Wayne is Batman.

Brother of the star of How I Met Your Mother plays a bad guy haha, oh it is Lex Luthor haha.

He got the Book of Destiny and got away.

The Super Blue Chick is pretty hot.

But couldn't stop him.


The black girl said hopeless to Superman.


The show is hopeless ahaha.

I cannot wait for this to episode to end.

It looks nice.

I am attracted to them hahaha.

but that is about it.

Intellectually, I am curious as it looks a bit sci-fi like.

And that is cool at least.

They have Batman on screen.

Clark & Lois have a baby.

Lex is killing Supermans in the different universes.

Smallville Universe.

Actor that played that Superman makes a cameo.

He gave up his powers which made Kryptonite have no effect.

But wouldn't it still hurt him?

And wouldn't Lex still kill him regardless?

Batman has a machine that allows him to walk.

He is angry.

So, Batwoman calls his mansion a big coffin. Almost like insulting rich people. But I love money.

Cameo from another actor that played Superman from like 2008 or something.

Superman fights Superman.

This kind of happened in one of the movies.

The blonds beat up a guy in a mine.

RoboBatman killed Superman.

Batwoman is the Paradign of courage, the bat of the future, or whatever.

She is the girl, the key, in the Fifth Element with Bruce Willis.

Oh, Paradon?

Supergirl told Batwoman that she has heart. She said that Batman had heart and ended up old and alone and hopeless and she hopes she doesn't become like him. Supergirl says she will not.

But you don't know that.

But you can figure that out a day at a time.

Was Kate Superwoman in that other universe?


Up at 12:55 PM. Dishes. Picked up sticks from the main front bush. It was trimmed again. Put the container of water in the big garage. Did more organizing. Got more books, papers, etc, from the big garage to the book shed. Took my pills as I usually do in the afternoon. A bit of a headache. A bit colder today. I usually sleep six to eight hours.

General Shepherd

03:17 PM - The Alex Jones Show Tue 12/10/19 Full Show

Two articles of impeachment were released today.

One on abusive power usage, which isn't true.

Second is on interfering with Congress which is similar to what they got me when I stopped a prank 911 call in 2012 and I got in trouble for it.

They are trying to impeach and remove Trump.

They will bring forth women who say Trump raped them.

Like they did to Kavanaugh in 2018.


They will continue creating false flags.

They will continue blaming crimes, murder, mass shootings, school shootings, etc, on Trump, on Trump supporters, etc.

We must be aware of what they do.

We must always know what they are doing.

We must always try to tell people what is happening.

That is always a first step.

You can't really change things for the better if you are unaware of what is happening.

You can he hopeless or hopeful.

Regardless, why not try to live life?

Why not try to make a difference?

Either we win or we don't.

Regardless, the experience of trying is priceless.

I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Scanned 57 pictures.

Was Watching Alex Jones.


07:15 PM - Full Event: President Donald Trump Rally in Hershey, PA 12/10/19

Democratic States of America

07:34 PM - Dissenter

We should give the democrats the West Coast of the United States of America, anything west of the Rocky Mountains. That could be a solution. Order all Democrats to move to the west. The patriots can live in the east. Have them vote for a President for their new country. Let them continue with the Open Borders, abortions, etc. We can call this new nation the Democratic States of America (DSA). If you prefer a republic, come to the east. If you prefer globalism, leftism, democracy, socialism, communism, tyranny, plutocracy, technocracy, then please get the Hell out of here and move over to the West Coast. All the Democrats in Chicago can move to Portland, OR. New York leftists can move to Seattle, WA. Leftists in Detroit can move to San Francisco. These may be the top three West Coast Sanctuary Cities. So, most of the democrats and most of illegal immigrants can go those cities. Some of alleged refugees are murderers, etc. There is a lot of child trafficking. So, those guys can continue doing that in the west. Keep the left in the west.

One Step Ahead

08:11 PM - Steemit

China and other governments have been trying to stop Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc, which have nodes or mines or whatever that they call it, meaning that it is similar to Steem with the different nodes all around the world like you said. There are Super Quantum Computers, etc, that attempts to break Bitcoin encryption, to hack into blockchain, even Steem, etc. In other words, they will not stop trying to stop us. That is why we always have to switch to Quantum Cryptocurrencies or increase encryption strength. Because they are always right behind us. They will not stop. That is why we must always have different alternatives. Because if they do somehow find a way to blow up all computers that mine Bitcoin for example, we need to perhaps have some Steem, Ethereum, other alt coins, silver, gold, etc. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. You never know. Better safe than sorry. So, I'm on Steem and I'm on other blockchains as well like Bear Shares, Weku, etc, because you never know. So, if Steem dies, I can perhaps survive on other blockchains in the future. But Steem is my first love and I hope Steem never dies and I focus on Steem. That is my first priority. I post to Steem first and copy and paste my posts to other websites. I want to always try to archive my work, etc. Always have backups of your stuff. Because you never know. At any time, anything can happen.

Walking Dead Reality

08:28 PM - Steemit

I hope you are right about that. You probably are right. I am just saying you never know as variables can change in the future.

Nobody Become Somebody Sometimes

Therefore, it is possible that if a nobody became Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Seth Rich, etc, in being a whistle blower, in exposing corruption, in passing on information to other people, governments, etc, do go after those kinds of people.

Cable Box Mic

For example, in the 1990's, there was a man who opened up a cable box to find a microphone. That guy broke open that box live on television. After that, agents were sent to him. They began threatening him. They tried to kill him. They were trying to get him to stop. They were trying to scare him away. Now, if that man was perhaps too anonymous, then it may have been easier to Suicide Him. As of 2019, he is still alive.

Be Careful

I'm just thinking statistically about probabilities. For example, I don't know what happened to Epstein. But people probably murdered him. Well, he might be a bad example for the point that I'm trying to make.

Seth Rich Murdered?

So, take Seth Rich for example. He died. He was probably murdered. Perhaps, he should have been more public about whatever happened. Perhaps, he should have had body guards. So, what I am saying is that people don't always try to get murder. But sometimes, they end up doing something that upsets the political engineers, the powers that be. So, my point is that some people end up showing up on their radar. It can be gradual or it can be all of a sudden. Better safe than sorry is what I am trying to say. Maybe they will never go after you. But they may go after somebody you know. Therefore, we should always encourage people around us to be as wise as possible. Because you never know what might happen.

Dead Doctors, Scientists, etc.

Sometimes, doctors and scientists end up dead. It happens way too often. People need to be smarter. Because they could have been more effective alive.

Stick Together

So, patriots should try to stick together like they do in The Walking Dead. We live around zombies and Negan and all kinds of monsters. We live in a very dangerous world.

Anonymous Kids

08:37 PM - Steemit

Exactly. Now, if I were to have children, I may want to try to keep my kids as anonymous as possible. Or maybe not. I am still undecided.

Starbucks Crap

08:42 PM - Steemit

Rachel, yes, I am happy too for your comment too. Well, the coffee at Starbucks does not taste very good. They can charge more money because people are addicted to Starbucks. Vietnam coffee is better. Well, it may depend on where they get the coffee and how they roast the coffee and everything.

Marketing 101

09:07 PM - Steemit

More publicity means more money.

Disney World:

That is why Hollywood spends billions of dollars on ads. So, free publicity is an ad.

Google Ad Sense

That is why we got Google Ad Sense on YouTube videos.

Billions of Dollars Each Year

Each year, people pay billions and billions of dollars on publicity. Now compare the value of billions of dollars of publicity with free publicity.

Pay or No Pay?

If a company had to choose between paying for publicity and not paying for publicity, you know they would rather not pay for the publicity.

Value of Promotion

Therefore, when somebody promotes them, they should pay them as opposed to sue them. Yes, they sue people sometimes. That is retarded. But they do bad things. People do bad things. But publicity helps people sometimes. Ok, maybe not always.

Free Ronald

But Ronald McDonald does birthday parties, events, etc, for free. Why? Why for free? Because free advertisement is better than paying money for the ads. In Vietnam, where I lived for five years, I saw people pay more money for crappy Starbucks coffee. Why do people pay for expensive coffee?

Name Recognition

Because it has brand name recognition thanks to all of the marketing. Something that is less known can be less popular, sometimes.

VN Coffee vs Starbucks

Vietnamese coffee taste so much better. And Vietnamese coffee costs less money. But people still end up going to Starbucks, McDonald's, Burger King, etc, as they are recognized thanks to all of the publicity they get.

Bad Publicity?

In other words, there is no such thing as bad publicity. It brings them money. Same thing with musicians, etc.

Demand Grows

When more people know you, demand for your stuff grows.

Web Crawlers

Right now, Google gives you free publicity in the form of web crawlers, the bots, the apps, the programs that come from Google and other search engines. In order for your posts to show up in a Google Search Result, a web crawler or some kind of bot has to put you on an archive list. Now, that takes money, power, time, computing energy, hard drive space, and you in fact owe Google money. But regardless, you can benefit from being on the Internet.


Otherwise, you may not be on Steemit. I guess you could, but you can benefit from publicity. Because as you draw them in, then you can get some of them to pay for your products, services, or whatever that you have to offer them.

Going Viral

That is why people try to make their videos go viral on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Because name recognition is powerful.

Big Actor = Big Box Office Results

For example, a famous actor would mean more people would go see the movie, actors like Tom Hanks, Robin Williams, Will Smith, Julia Roberts, Bruce Willis, Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, etc.

Name Recognition

They have name recognition which grew as publicity grew. As they became more popular, demand for them grew. That is how supply and demand works in economics.

Government & Regulations

09:13 PM - Steemit

My question is about government. See, in order to regulate the economy, you have to like enforce it. So, some of that can interfere in free markets, that is in the flow of supply and demand. I agree that people should try to take care of the planet. But my question is about whether we want to increase the centralization of governments who can enforce the regulations. Now, of course, if government can be good, then we should trust the government with all of that power. I ask questions like that because I want government to get smaller. But you can't shrink government and increase regulations at the same time.

Grand Theft Auto

09:21 PM - Steemit

Joey better be a good man. Because Joey is a great name. My favorite part of the video is when the ambulance you were driving did a flip and then continued going. I've not played GTA in a few months. GTA is perhaps more exciting than Twisted Metal. I guess I would still prefer Mario Kart. But of course, I know I'm comparing apples with oranges. They're different kinds of games. Well, I'm not aware of any other game franchise similar to GTA. It is pretty unique.


09:23 PM - Steemit

LEGO is kind of like 3D drawing. It is simple like blocks and yet they can stick together lol. I would build spaceships as a kid in the 1990's. I love The LEGO Movie 1 & 2, and especially LEGO Batman. So, therefore, my favorite part are the LEGO characters.

Do kids know what transgender is?

Perhaps it means to talk to everybody.

They could think.

Perhaps they don't know what it really means.

Time to Party

10:15 PM - Steemit

IPFS is a great thing. A normal website should be free to ban whoever they want. But Facebook is not normal because they got money and help from governments, etc. Google too. I imagine, Twitter too.

Platform For All Ideas?

The problem is that Facebook said people could do like anything. Well, maybe not anything. Well, I don't know really but it appeared as if anything would be allowed, originally, back in 2004.

Wait a Minute, Hold The Breaks

And then they started back tracking that.

Walking Backwards

They have been slowly walking all of that backwards in the 2010's, these past ten years, slowly, each year, more and more, they continue to say yeah, haha, yeah, you can do anything except this and except that and don't write this and don't say that and don't show this thing or that thing because it is hate speech or violent or it might inspire some crazy people to kill other people retrospectively or please take down this video because of copyright and never mind Fair Use, Safe Harbor, other laws, etc.

Tech Cartel Normality?

What I'm trying to say is that the tech cartel ghetto networks are pretty evil and yet pretty normal in some ways.

Virtual Town Square

The Internet is a virtual town square that is very public.

Battle Ground

Wait, no, the Internet is more like a battle ground in the sense that we can fight each other, virtually speaking as opposed to physically. So, in other words, it is like spiritual warfare as opposed to with sticks, stones, flesh and blood. In other words, the Internet can be more than just a town square.

Free Market Internet?

Like, technically speaking, anything can happen on the Internet, good and bad.

Children in War?

So, what I mean is that you may not want children on the Internet any more than you may want your children fight in a war with 300, that movie.

David & Goliath

Like, real war is dangerous. Like, also, in the real world, some people even traffick (kidnap) children. They sell kids. People rape and murder kids all around the world.

The Internet is Dangerous

And you may see porn on the Internet. You may see crimes. You may see blood. You may see things you don't like online and offline. Keeping the Internet safe would be the same as keeping the whole world safe. In order to keep the world safe and secured, a one world government would have to enslave all of humanity and control everything. Well, that is what globalists are doing. It is the opposite of the free market system.

Roles of Parents

Ultimately, it should be the responsibility of the parents to keep their children as safe as possible.

Mommy Government

I don't want government to be my mommy lol. So, parents should find ways to regulate what their kids might do online. Like, where they might go on the world wide web.


But at the same time, parents should help their children grow up and not just shelter them forever.


If Twitter started as a website that originally said no porn, then that might be one thing. But they seem to have some hypocrisy as they have been allowing porn while banning Alex Jones, etc, at the same time.

Twitter is gonna ban porn?

They actually plan to ban porn now hahaha? They should have made that decision before they even became a website many years ago.

Free Market Choices

Of course, within the realm of free markets, a company should have the freedom to make these kinds of decisions. That is fine.

Free Markets vs Crony Capitalism

But Twitter might not be a company. It might be an agent of governments, etc. Therefore, that is not free markets. And that goes over the heads of many people. See, many people think Facebook, etc, are only companies. But they are not.

Teaching children about homosexuality is fine to the extent you keep it in contrast and in perspective to everything else.

Some people choose to be gay.

Most people do not.

That is what you can teach kids sometimes when they are old enough and ready enough to learn about it.

So, when kids ask, you can tell them about it.

The problem is that they are forcing two year old boys to become girls.

They are cutting off the weener off little boys who are like give years old in America and in other countries.

Some years later, the boys get mad and the adults stab those boys to death.

So, they are getting murdered.

Rebecca Wright is a smart woman.

Savannah Hernandez knows what it is all about.

Talk about dating.

Who should pay for the bill?

The man or the woman?


The Internet is like a hill.

If your land is safe, then stand on the hill.

If you were trying to hide from bad people, then hide in a hole and not on a hill.

That is like trying to be anonymous.

So, if they don't know where you live, then you can hide.

But if they know where you live and you hide in a hill, they can collapse your home.

So, stand on top of the hill.

Let other people know that you are under attack.

Don't be anonymous, perhaps.

Go public.

Become a public celebrity.

A public figure, as much as possible.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
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JST 0.030
BTC 60115.56
ETH 3203.28
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.46