2019-12-11steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago (edited)

Cable Boxes had microphones in them in the 1990's in the USA. They were illegally listening to everybody and was sending it all to database archive collections. That was over 20 years ago. Things are ten times worse than that today in so many ways. | Yellow Belt Rick | Try new things. Be ok with failure. Tell yourself that you might fail. But give it your all. Be confident in what you can do and in what you do have right now. Focus on one thing at a time. Priorities are keys in life. Take naps. Take more showers. Put a coat on. Make more room on the shelves. Life is a game. Life is like Tetris. See the future. Don't dwell on the future or on the past. Focus on priorities as they align with eternal principles. Accept gifts from others. Perhaps you earned it or not. Treasure what you have. Why not pass on what you know to other people? What are you waiting for? A Star Wars A New Hope. That's you. Are you not a new hope?

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Screenshot at 2019-12-11 02:38:57.png

2019-12-11 - Wednesday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in December of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.


12:55 AM - Trump Holds MAGA Rally in PA Amid Impeachment Witch Hunt • 12/10/19 - General Shepherd - Alcoholic Alex Jones

Alcoholic Alex Jones

01:35 AM - YouTube

About a month ago, Alex Jones' wife told him that when he is drinking with friends that it's like Fat George Soros is handing him beer. After that, he was able to quit cold turkey because every time he saw alcohol, he would see Soros handing him the beer instead of his friends or whoever. That got him to stop. The moral of the story is that Michael Jordan is right visualization. If you can see it, then you can believe it. And then you can make better choices. You can find what you hate, what you fear, what you love, and you can use them as motivation towards doing what you believe in doing.

Family First

01:56 AM - Steemit

The value of neighbors, local communities, some churches, some families, like you said, in helping each other out with food boxes, as opposed to excessive reliance to governmental, federal welfare, socialism. You are right with what you are saying.


I worry that people may go after my family or after people connected to me. I'm not married. I have no kids. But I have siblings, parents, relatives. I know, I am still a nobody at the moment. But if I were to ever expose too much. I just contemplate what might happen. I was living in Vietnam. I think about exposing corruption in their government, perhaps. But that may prevent me from being allowed to returned to Vietnam. I feel that it is better for me to live in America at the moment. Life is like chess. So, I try to think several moves ahead. I write a bit on Steemit. I try to pass on information to the world. I try to do my part. And some people are attacked. Some landlords are refusing to rent out to Trump Supporters for example. In blue states, it can be tougher for patriots. CPS agents are dividing up families. All kinds of things are happening. So, we are in a war.


That's right, nothing is more dangerous than the truth to a fool, like you said. Yeah, like V For Vendetta, truth inspires. It spreads. Like dominoes.

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

2019-12-11 - Wednesday - 02:28 AM - 03:51 AM - A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

Tom Hanks plays Fred Rogers.

He tells a boy he is strong for holding a bat.

You must be even stronger on the inside.

The father couldn't get him to put down the bat.

But that got him to put it down and hug Fred.

Later, Fred is trying to put together a tent but can't.

I think it takes two adults to do it.

We will leave it up to let kids know that even adults make mistakes.

Sometimes, things don't go according to plan.

Earlier, the mail man came by.

It looks like the same actor that played him on the actual show years ago. Yes. I was right.

David Newell played Mr. McFeely on the show and is in the movie as well.

He was born in 1938.

So, he was about 80 years old as he made the cameo in this movie.

They sing the theme song to Fred in the subway.

That brings tears to my eyes.

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood was on for 31 seasons, that is 912 episodes, about 28 minutes per episodes, from 1968-2001. The show skipped one year, 1970-1971, which is when the show switched from NET to PBS. Before that, Fred was on The Children's Corner in 1954.

PBS replaced the National Education Network (NET) in 1970.

So, in the movie, Fred rogers this guy.

His dad gets sick.

Almost dies.

Fred surprise visits them.

Fred whispers to dad.

What did you say?

I asked him to pray for me because anybody who is going through what he is going through must be close to God.


04:00 AM - Tom Hanks: Playing Mister Rogers was "terrifying"

04:02 AM - Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood - How Children Grow and Develop Each Day (2 HOURS!)


04:07 AM - Tom Hanks on How Pittsburgh Natives Take Hometown Hero Mister Rogers Very Seriously

WAIT = Why Am I Talking?

John Donvan

04:15 AM - Mr Rogers ... Cool Dude - My favorite interview in all my years reporting, when I got to profile a great and modest man for Nightline, in Summer of 2001. He inspired me, especially to recognize the privilege I've had to have a TV audience, and the responsibility that comes with that.

In the 1960's, Fred said he was concerned with the violence that was presented by the mass media. He said that. The fake news. He confronted the Fake News in the 1960's, almost 60 years ago.

Sages throughout world history don't or should not seek after fame, power, glory, money, influence, etc.

But to be helpful.

And the other things may come along with that.

And that is fine.

Fred's voice is a bit nasal, in the nose.

A bit stressful through the nose.

A tint of a deeper tone in his voice as he is speaking from his heart.

Tom Hanks didn't really get that in his portrayal of Fred.

Captain Kangaroo lasted 29 seasons.

6,090 episodes.


He had kangaroo coat pockets or pouches.

That is where his name comes from.

Bill Cosby played himself on that show from 1980-1984 in Picture Pages.

Julian Park

04:35 AM - Fred Rogers inducted into the TV Hall of Fame


04:44 AM - GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFE - Official Trailer (HD)

Red Letter Media

04:47 AM - Rich and Jay Talk About Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Rick was in the original.

Honey I shrunk the ghost, haha.


Finished watching that Red Letter Media video. Funny stuff. Coffee. Yogurt.


11:30 AM - RUSH LIMBAUGH disrupts Hillary Clinton Rally

Body Language Ghost

11:33 AM - Body Language: Trump Demeanor Change

He appears more relax.

Is that a good thing?

I hope so.


11:37 AM - Infographic News for Kids 12/9/19

Owen Shroyer confronted trader Jerry Nadler.

Baby it's cold outside.

Is that a dumb song? No.

Is it racist? No.

Copyright is problematic.

It is like a gateway drug towards crony capitalism.

Speaking of drugs.

Walmart apologizes for selling a shirt with Santa doing drugs. Let it snow meth.

Psalms 113:3

So Many Problems

11:48 AM - YouTube

The problem is that millions of illegals are entering into America. And we got Big Pharma. And we got Tech Cartels. And ten other things. We have so many problems attacking us all at the same time.

@Joshua Herpolsheimer, are we not supposed to be a republic and not a democracy?

Pew Die Pie

11:50 AM - YouTube Rewind 2019 failed and its my fault!

2019 is not even over yet. What if there are awesome videos on December 31st?

You cannot separate culture from politics.

I mean, you can try.

You can pretend to.

Directly speaking, you can remove obvious references.

But indirectly, there are political influence.

And that is always there.

Political engineers are always attempting to engage with culture.

To some extent, they do.

It is to the extent that we allow.

If we tolerate it, they steal it from us.

And that is the problem.

The good people step back.

And the bad people fill in the void.

The vacuum.

And the people do it subtly.

Under our noses.

They pretend as if nothing is happening.

And they call the good guys the bad political people.

And they call us racist, sexist, etc.

And they are being political while pretending that they are not political.

As to put put a mask.

And that ruins civilization.

And that is how Rome fell.

We fall when we fail to learn.

When we fail to take action.

Against tyranny.


12:06 PM - Steemit

I used to eat a lot of ice-cream in my twenties. Like a box each night. So, I have been cutting back on that in my thirties. I was gaining a bit of weight. So, I like what you are saying in your post.

Can COPPA fine you?

12:23 PM - Steemit

Some lawyers say the fines are to YouTube itself or to Google or to Alphabet because, in the fine print, it is directed to the administrators of YouTube. The users are not administrators because they don't have all the options that admins have. But regardless, COPPA is a big mess.

Value in Privacy

I agree that it is generally safer to keep kids private. And maybe let them choose to publish their video in twenty years from now or to publish some of them when they are off in college or whatever. Yeah, it is uncharted for sure, for all of us.

Kids Encourages Kids

Now, it is possible for some kids to be able to encourage and inspire other kids via videos, etc, online. But it is similar to being like a child actor. Like, being in the public limelight may come with a price.

Fame to Influence Others

People can perhaps use their fame to influence people. But that is risky of course. And possibly rewarding. It may depend to some extent on the kid as different kids are different and some kids do things that are pretty public at a young age.

Kids in Gymnastics

Like if you had a kid perform in gymnastics at the age of 8 for example, the public performance might be uploaded to the Internet. So, if the parents don't publish the performance, others in the audience might.

If It is Already Public

Because it was done in the public. I would say it would benefit the family if they were to publish it as opposed to just letting some random person publish it.

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas

But then, the home videos can remain offline.

Star Wars

It is similar to how Star Wars started publishing movie trailers to YouTube. Otherwise, random YouTubers upload the trailers and get all views. So, around like 2014, Star Wars started doing that on their official channel on YouTube. In doing that, they would get the most amount of views for those trailers. Otherwise, random channels get all the free publicity. So, in other words, parents could choose to publish whatever that is already public. If your children do things in the public, then you might as well publish that. Anything done privately could remain private for the moment if you want.

It Depends I Guess

Again, it depends on the kid, the family, where you might live, whether or not it is safe or not to do this or to do that, etc.

Hanoi Robot Deception

12:38 PM - Steemit

When you say president of that city, is that the same as a mayor? It is funny and it is also serious that some leaders do this. Like robots reading text like you said. So, he said they wouldn't be prosecuted and then they were. So, he was like, oops. He was like, oh, who wrote my lines? He should be held responsible.

Two Problems

01:04 PM - Steemit

That means two problems as opposed to one. The first problem is that of cannibalism.

Inbreeding Problem

It might be similar to the problem of inbreeding, that is when a son get his own mother pregnant. That has something to do with the DNA and how babies are made via mixing from the genes of the mother and the father.

Birth Defects

If the father is from the mother, that tends to result in birth defects. So, many people have buried the dead. Usually, we find them sleeping at cemeteries.

Why do people avoid eating people?

There may be reasons why we keep bodies in coffins as opposed to in a compost pile. Perhaps, the ancient world knew why. Perhaps, there are reasons behind it. Perhaps, some people are unaware of what those reasons might be.

Chemical Residue

A second problem is in what chemicals may have been used to break down the bodies.

Back Into The Soil

Because those chemicals, those things, can go back into the soil and into the plants, the foods, the animals, the people.

The Cellular Level

It can be tough to know as some of this can happen on a cellular level. That includes the dead body parts.

Cannibalists Get Sick

People who eat dead bodies get diseases.


Some of it goes into the brain of the consumers.

Pork, Shrimp, Lobster, Etc

When people eat shrimp, lobster, pork, etc, they get stuff that the body hates. Bad stuff happens.

Recycling Bodies

Now, is it possible to recycle a body eventually and well enough in order to later reintroduce it back into the soil? I don't really know. I would hope so. Maybe wait a thousand years. 30 days might be too quick.

Atomic Level

But regardless of that, perhaps the dead body would need to be broken down at the atomic level as opposed to just the cellular level because there can be bad things from the cells that can then be consumed later on by people. Now, you might be able to blow dead bodies up with an atomic bomb.


Maybe that would break the bodies apart into tiny pieces at the atomic level. Well, maybe some of it.

Radioactive Spider Zombies

But then that introduces a third problem, and that would be whatever the bomb leaves. As in radioactive garbage or whatever.

Kick That Can Down The Road

I would procrastinate from eating dead bodies for like another thousand years. Let the future people make those kinds of choices. I don't think people have to eat dead bodies right now.

AOC Greta

But some people think the world is going to end in like Agenda 2030, that is in less than twelve years. Oh, AOC, we need to eat babies? AOC couldn't say no.


They are doing this in Seattle. I live near Seattle. So, I am concerned with this.

Rice, chicken, egg, peas.

Yellow Belt Rick

01:52 PM - Steemit

You can see courage in my older brother. I was a bit scared of him growing up. Well, not always, but he eventually became a black belt in Taekwondo. This photo is from like June of 1990. Richard, my bro, was eight years old in this picture. This is at the karate place near the 7 Eleven near our house in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA.

1990-06 - Rick Arnold - Yellow Belt.png
Twinkle Twinkle Arnold Stars | Video Games | First Baby Sister

Learning self-defense is a good thing. I took some classes there as well for like a few months. My younger sister did as well. Well, you don't have to become a karate master. You can feel a bit overwhelmed at even attempting to study martial arts. You may feel like you might fail. You may feel like you are too busy. I would say, why not give it a try, right? Failure is better than regret. You never know. Accept failure. Take it a step at a time. Try new things. I gave it a try. But then I felt embarrassed in the locker room at that karate place. And we started running out of money. So, I was only a white belt. But I at least gave it a try.

1992-07 - Rick Arnold - Purple Belt.png

This second photo is from July of 1992 when Ricky was a Purple Belt. Eventually, he was a pretty good kicker. That was one of the reasons I was scared of him. Now, less so. I kind of grew up since then. And that is what life is all about.

Dishes. Photo album project. Organizing. Nap. Shower at 04:53 PM, the last minute.

Crusades 101

Muslims bad.

Catholics bad.

People say that Catholics represents Christianity.

And they did bad things.

And they still do bad things.

So, then people say Christianity sucks because of that.

Catholics may have stolen land from Israel.

Or it was Rome.

Which was kind of the same thing as they were the Roman Catholics.

Muslims were invading Jerusalem.

So, they defended that.

Were they only defending?

Yes, bad on both sides.

God is real.

Christianity is the best.

Judaism is the seed of Christianity.

You can help Jews protect their land from Palestine.

Jihadism is bad.

I like trucks.

I like choices.

I like gifts.

If you get something, maybe you did earn it.

Romans 13.

Bible Study.

Count your blessings.

Differences between loans and gifts.

If something is yours, it is yours.

If a gift is not a gift, then it is not a gift.

Don't feel guilty for for having what you think you don't deserve, what you think you didn't earn yourself, because gifts can't be earned.

When a gift is earned, then we call that a reward.

We don't deserve life and therefore nothing really is earned because we can't exist without Christ.

But at the same time, perhaps you did earn it because perhaps they wouldn't give other people what they gave you and perhaps it came at a price or with a price at the same time which means you are making it up to them each day in paying it back to earn it.


Let every soul be subject to governing authorities.

But in America, we are the government.

In that we vote.

In that we have either a republic or a democracy.

Or both.

But I prefer a republic over a democracy.

So, Romans 13 talks about slaves submitting to authority.

But we are not slaves.

If you are allowed to vote.

If you are allowed to run for office in the government to become part of the government.

That means you are either directly or indirectly part of the gov.

Or it means potentially you can be in it.

And you can influence it.

But slaves cannot.

In that time, you were under the kings.

But in America, we are all kings.

That is what makes America unique.

Star Wars Theory

06:48 PM - Reacting to JJ Abrams and Cast FULL Rise of Skywalker Interview

The greatest teacher, failure is.

Very wise, Yoda is.

Harry Frank Potter Videos.

HFP it is.


07:18 PM - Star Wars - Battle Royale

Cooler than Power Rangers Tributes.

YouTube is Dead

07:39 PM - Steemit

Generally, if you are trying to make money on YouTube, and if they choose to, then they come in to flag your videos which then results in the video being removed or the comment section might get disabled, etc, etc. However, at the same time, generally speaking, if you are not trying to monetize the videos, then that is less likely to happen, well, pre-COPPA at least. In the future, like in 2020, or right now, as soon as the changes take effect, then things can be even tougher for the non-monetized videos as well, perhaps. But already, people are not notified of videos. Millions of people, especially in 2019, have been getting unsubscribed from people they subscribe to. A lot of people talk about this all over the Internet for many months now. But most of the problems are in connection to monetized videos and not so much on the free videos.

Trash. Mom didn't go outside. That was me haha. Funny manger photo. Leave me alone. Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus, relaxing on the couch. No time for visitors. Just laying around. I'm tired. I just had a baby. Holy Cow. Holy mother of Jesus, oh wait, that's me. Holy Baby Jesus.

Lord Rothschild Palpatine

08:08 PM - Steemit

Palpatine is symbolic of people like Rothschild, Soros, Rockefeller, Clinton, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin. Well, maybe more so like the Rothschild family who would fund both sides of the wars just like the Emperor did during the Clone Wars.

Shadow Groups

There may be other people, families, empires, groups, organizations, governments, agencies, cartels, unions, courts, individuals, etc, that we either don't know about or know very little about that are above these people even and perhaps they do their best to remain anonymous to be secret and to control the world and to make their puppets like Obama and others do stuff for them.


That may be possible to some extent and partly not possible as some of the globalists want the world to know what they are doing.


Maybe some of them can somehow remain in the shadows like Palpatine did. But even Palpatine told some people who he was.

Keeping Secrets Can Be Tough

Like Palpatine told Darth Maul, right? In the cartoons, Maul survived. Perhaps, Maul told some spiders or aliens about who Palpatine was while he was drunk and trying to put himself back together again. Or maybe Maul didn't know that the Sith Master was also Palpatine. I don't know. But maybe Maul knew or felt it.

Information War

And perhaps Maul told Alex Jones who then started telling the whole galaxy about who Palpatine really was.

Palpatine Told People

But even if that didn't happen, eventually, Palpatine took off his hood or I mean he put put his hood on and changed the name of the government from the Old Republic to the first Galactic Empire. There is a lot we don't know.

Star Wars is Real

They already have Space Force. I mean, governments and others have UFOs. They have technology that they keep classified as much as they can and then they sometimes release tech that is 30 years old or so. That means we generally only see the old tech. So, Star Wars is real.


I don't know about aliens but I know that they have all kinds of gadgets, devices, ships, toys, etc, that would blow our minds away.

Canada Crisis

08:14 PM - Steemit

I don't like economic depressions but I also don't like the Federal Reserve, the central bankers, Soros, Rothschild, etc. So, the dollar can crash. Bad things happen. Ron Paul is smart. We are facing hard times ahead. We must always talk about alternatives like Bitcoin, etc.

Evil Money Symbols

08:15 PM - Steemit

$ = Snake + Staff
$ = Serpent in the garden with Adam & Eve
$ = S = S words like Satan, Sin, Seductive, sex, sorcery, sand, selling souls
President = Serpent + ID
Luke = Lucifer
Skywalker = a star element like, Venus or the sun?
Jedi = D'jedhi magicians of ancient Egypt, Free Mason, Knight Templar, etc.
D'jhedhi = Serpent Priests
They Live movie
Pentagon built on Hell's Bottom?
It was constructed 1941-09-11, just 60 years before 9/11.

Egypt Jedi

08:35 PM - Steemit

I didn't know about the origin of the Jedi. Wow. That makes sense. Yes, people call us crazy for connecting dots, for knowing history.

Big & Crazy

Here is the general rule for that. The more people you can talk to and educate, then the crazier you probably should be. That is why Alex Jones rants.

If A Tree Falls in a Forest

But if only a few people are listening and you turn them off to doing their own research, in asking questions, in attempting to maybe think outside the box, then you might become less effective at helping at all. I guess it depends on the situation.

Online vs Offline

Online, things can sometimes be different in regards to how one might act. Offline, however, a small fry may want to probe a person gently before throwing some heavy books at them lol. The ability to red pill is an art form that is extremely difficult to navigate. I say, one thing at a time.


One question at a time. Online, people make great videos, memes, pictures, etc, and even articles like this. So, when a person is ready, they can read something like this. And that is fundamental. So, we can plant seeds in their hearts. Gotta be patient. Each person and each situation can be different. But at the same time, eternal principles do apply to the extent they are applied fully and completely to the situations and individuals at hand.

Bill Still

Bill Still made a great documentary about the history of money and all about Rothschild. Memes are gateway drugs towards red pills.

Merry Mayhem

08:53 PM - Wed Night Mayhem : Star Wars leaks - We watch as everything burns

The Rey arch seeks to match the combining forces of Luke & Vader.

The delivery of the sequel trilogy sings at a different beat the first six films of the Skywalker saga of Star Wars.

Star Wars: Sleeping Beauty

Kylo kisses sleepy Rey to wake her from death.

Padme was dumb.

Who would fall for a crazy Anakin Skywalker kind of guy?

Padme was not a strong woman.

Too many red flags.

He cried.

He was not patient.

He was too flawed.

Too many warning signs.

Ani slaughtered people.

In December 2019, the Rise of Skywalker theme soundtrack song has been stuck in my head a lot. Maybe since November or since the trailer that first introduced that grand finale soundtrack score of John Williams. THe song keeps on coming back almost daily to play in my head.

Grade 04

1989-10 - Katie Arnold - Age 09 - Around October of 1989 - Emmaus Christian School

1989-10 - Katie Arnold - Age 09 - Grade 04 - Emmaeus Christian School.png

I continued watching Star Wars related videos, trailers, talk.

Nap from 10 PM - 12:30 PM.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


Thanks for this,

Kids + Ghostbusters = Stranger Ghosts

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