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in #j5 years ago

Stefan Molyneux premiered his documentary on Free Hong Kong. Owen Shroyer confronted Jerry Nadler during the fake USA Impeachment Inquiry. Weekly Photos | Mirror | 612 Pics | Fight for your freedoms. If you don't you lose them. Use it or lose it. Also, no pain, no gain. Work hard and play harder. Also, what you allow will only get worse over time. Also, your kids will reap what you sow, good and bad. If you choose not to care, things can get worse for you and for people around you. Successful people understand this very well. you should not have welfare and open borders in a country. You should focus on one and major in that as a government. I prefer limiting welfare first. I may consider limiting some immigration. I like walls. America needs better walls because it has way too much welfare. If we could magically get rid of the welfare state, then the walls, the borders, may have less value. Well, not necessarily no value as there are many factors to consider. Many factors. So, I want to first focus on limiting welfare, taxes, regulations, etc. I want to limit open borders as much as possible. If you want to come into the United States, you should simply get a visa for that. Go through the process. Get approved and then come in. Go through the front door at the border. Check-in. Sign-in. Log-in. That simple. Go through the process. I want a process. At Camp Kuratli, we had a guest-log notebook. During summer camp in 2007 and 2008, whenever you left camp, you signed your name in the notebook. You write down where you are going and when you left. When you come back, you write down what time you came back. That is a good idea for a camp. Why shouldn't a country have a notebook just like that at their borders?

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Hong Kong 5 Demands Screenshot at 2019-12-09 21:49:44.png

2019-12-09 - Monday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in December of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.


12:08 AM - Steemit

Your father is a smart cookie. Now, keep in mind that Rothschild destroyed the integrity of money. So, yes, several families have many trillions of dollars. Much of it is not documented for the public, generally speaking. That means, when you Google for the rich people on earth, they may not tell you about Rothschild, Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Ford, central bankers, Soros, etc.

Jump into the sunset and let go of everything you didn't liked that day. 💫 Say ...

over the sun et girl


01:34 AM - Star Trek Picard news - What are the TNG crew upto?

Fear The Walking Dead

2019-12-09 - Monday - 01:37 AM - 02:32 AM - FTWD 313
2019-12-09 - Monday - 02:33 AM - 03:24 AM - FTWD 314
2019-12-09 - Monday - 03:25 AM - 04:24 AM - FTWD 315
2019-12-09 - Monday - 04:28 AM - 04:57 AM - FTWD 316

Good people die?

I don't know.

Troy asked that question.

Why is Troy helping?

He was trying to destroy the place with the walkers a second ago.

Magic way of killing people.

It tricks us into treating people like they are robots.

It promotes vaccines.

I mean, the bad vaccines.

Some vaccines can be good.

A old woman talked about her husband who died in 9/11.

She would try to call him a million times.

Even when you are hopeless, hope is all you got.

Then she met her next husband in a 9/11 family support group.

Sex is fine but if your spouse doesn't make you laugh, then forget about it.

They made it to the ranch to hide from the end of the world instead of exploring the world.

They get drunk.

They talk about memories they had.

Get high.

Part of the brain stem.

About yesterday.

I was quoting from John 1:1.

Right after, Mark said that he has a problem with people who quote scripture.

It felt like he was reacting to me.

Can people change?

Or do people walk in circles?

We are guests in this country.


This is The Walking Dead.

There are no countries.

Mexico is no longer a country in that kind of world, right?

Madison executed Troy.


Ron Gibson

11:15 AM - Infowars - Alex Jones Show

Is perception reality?


If you jump onto rocks.

Head straight.

If you are going too strong, too fast, too much.

Then you will die.

Even if you are as high as a kite.

Even if you think you are flying.

You are really dying.

Is Alex Jones selling his house?

Please donate to him.

Stop him.

He should keep it.

His house is valuable.

More so than fake money.

He said he doesn't trust the banks.

So, wouldn't you not sell if that is true?

Well, unless if you can invest in different things with the money you get from selling the house.

Q Qanon is dangerous to the extent that it stops people from activism, from educating each other on world history, on what is happening, on actions people can take each day to make the world a better place.

In other words, Q may have helped some people.

But Q may have hurt more than it helped.

The Guardian News

11:51 AM - 'Democrat treason': protester disrupts opening of Trump impeachment hearing

Guardian News knows the name of that person.

That is why I disliked this video.

Owen Shroyer is the guy they call a protestor.

He said that Americans are sick of the impeachment hoax.

That is true.

Jerry Nadler then reminded the audience not to react.

Just sit there.

If you want to work for Infowars.

Send them your PDF resume with at least three online links to experience, employment, references, education, skills, objectives.

Dishes. Organizing. Garden shed. Big garage. Things. For hours.

General Shepherd

05:39 PM - Alex Jones Full Show(12/9/2019)

We are the Silent Majority

But we need to stop being silent

Like Owen Shroyer

V For Vendetta

Owen Shroyer interrupts Congress for like a minute and was sent to jail.

But Jerry Nadler gets to interrupt America for at least three years.

And no problem for them.

Where is the justice?

A whole new world disorder.

Scanned 46 pictures.


08:11 PM - Hong Kong: Fight For Freedom! - Premiere Live on YouTube this afternoon - Made in 2019 in Hong Kong, near China, by Stefan Molyneux of Free Domain

China and Hong Kong are genetically identical.

But Hong Kong is doing better.

Or was.

Right now, China is trying to stop that.

China is more like North Korea.

Boat seats are symbolic of life.

They can go forwards and backwards.

Genetics plays a part.

But people can still make choices.

Governments tries to stop freedom.

England got addicted to Chinese tea.

So, China began getting rich off British silver.

Also, China was take advantage of Hong Kong as well.

China didn't have anything they want from England.

Opium problem.

China wanted English government to bow to them in the 1800's.

There was war.

Chinese were to scared to tell the emperor of the British might.

Fear he would shoot the messenger.


Our Political Master don't want us to have economical freedoms.

The people of Hong Kong have grown to love those freedoms.

These freedoms were more common 150 years ago, like in the 1800's.

Some of it has continued.

Illegal Hong Kong march.

But a good march.

Over a million have been marching in Hong Kong in 2019.

For many months now.

So many.

And there are only a few million people total in Hong Kong.

The march was about that bill.

It evolved into an reaction to how the police reacts.

It went on to include like five demands.

To keep things the same.

Not to get free stuff.

In 2019, tourism down over 50% percent already.


Like Brexit.

1989 China Moment.

With the Tank Man.

Where China was murdering millions of people.

As they usually do.

Asking to preserve.

Conservative movement.

Not asking for the moon.

People are marching for freedom in many countries around the world.

That is the good news.

Hong Kong has or had economic freedoms. No ten thousand dollar cash limit as seen in America. Things like that is very good. They put it literally in the Hong Kong constitution.

I was in Saigon and it is doing good.

1997 two countries, two systems, China and Hong Kong.

China began invading Hong Kong.

They told Margaret Thatcher or how do you spell her name that she not worry about Hong Kong as China will deal with that and that they will have less to worry about in like 50 years as the leading nations of the world will depend on each other.

People get elected.

And then say, "They're disqualified."

Younger people are literally seeing freedoms taken from them.

That is tragic.

But it is also good news.

As that enrages people.

It wakes people up.

Globalists are trying to kill us off.

And they are hoping that most people can be born in slavery.

Because then those people can be unaware of losing freedoms.

That is if they are born with none.


11:00 PM Monday to 12:40 AM Tuesday - In my dream, I had like fake limbs, feet, legs, arms, and mostly like hands. Perhaps they were all replaced by Chinese government or other governments. Perhaps they were harvesting my organs and yet replaced my parts with fake body parts. I remember just thinking about that. I remember like looking at hands and I was like walking around was not sure in my dream. It was mostly a thinking dream. Stuff kind of happen but I kind of forget what they were. I don't know if I was part biological clone or robotic or a hybrid of the two or what. I was thinking about trying to find my body parts. I was not totally sure if I had my actual hands or not. I was thinking about looking for them. I was thinking about protecting them. It was almost like my dream was in the future where they find people and steal body parts from them. Actually, in real life, they do this already all around the world.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


2019-12-08 - Sunday
2019-12-09 - Monday
2019-12-10 - Tuesday

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography

Who is Emma Watson?

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Crypto Sara (I also like Bitcoin so GFY)

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I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam


Very detailed exposition of yesterday.

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