About Friendships

in #life5 years ago


Most people I know are obsessed with having as many friends as they can. As many “likes” as they can. As many followers as they can.

They want validation. They want to feel “accepted”. They want to feel like they belong to certain groups. They try to change their own ways to fit into their lifestyle.

Sure, it’s fun to know a lot of people. But having friends for the sole purpose of validating that you’re worth it, I think, will only destroy you in the process.

We think that being famous is so much fun. We envy those people with a lot of friends...and we pity those who prefer to be alone. As far as I have observed, not every famous person has a fun life and not every loner has a sad and boring life.

I’m a loner myself and I am contented being with a small circle. I have experienced going with different groups but then I realized they just stab me behind my back because I don’t fucking know. XD

You don’t need a lot of friends...

You just need the real ones

Joyce and I have been best friends for 9 years now. We don’t see each other everyday. We don’t even talk everyday. But we know we will be there for each other when needed.

I knew we were already complete when we found each other. We accepted each other even without asking for it. That’s the friendship that I think is enough for most people.

Society pressures us to be like that. Truth is, you just need to find the real ones. Those who will not judge you for who you truly are and will help you clean your foot if you stepped on shit. Fuck society’s standards. Do not conform. Be a rebel.

Wow hiddenblade talking inspirational shit but yeah do whatever you want tho I don’t really care about you I’m just sayin xD

And also because I like this selfie and I don’t want to post 1 photo with no caption.


There are two levels to this. See, to some extent, some people should continue being friendly to people. But only to an extent. So, over time, more people will know you or will know certain people. So, they might say that they are your friend. Maybe more like an acquaintances. The second level are what might be your best friends, your family, etc. Generally, most people should probably prioritize their time to less than like 200 people apx. And then have inner circle of like 12 people and a super inner circle of like three people and then like your best friend from those three. It is all about priorities in life. Focus on your number one priority or number one person in your life first. And then go on to number two and then number three and so on. The problem is that some people can get lost in trying to talk to too many people too often. That can be stressful. It can be many things. So, some people need to learn how to work harder. But other people need to learn how to say no. For example, learn how to turn off your phone and get away sometimes. Take a break every once in a while. Have some me-time where you don't let anything or anybody interrupt you at all. Like each day, you need some alone time. Too many friends might mean no alone time. That can be a problem for some people.

stab me behind my back because I don’t fucking know.

Because that's their nature. Because they want to. Because they can. And because they are excellent at telling various reasons for themselves and others why it was necessary to do. It's a good thing if you spot a backstabber during something that eventually wasn't that big of a deal. Early. It's the worst thing if you find that out when you are in the worst situation ever. Or even "better", the backstabber has created that bad place for you.

But hey, if some people need lots of friends, and have a craving to be superficial, that's their choice. It would just be awesome if those people would carry a visible sign to warn people who are real and sincere. Like a tattoo on their forehead or a huge sign hanging on their neck. :D

It's a good thing if you spot a backstabber during something that eventually wasn't that big of a deal. Early.

Yeah, before I give my heart out to them. I dodged the painful feeling of betrayal.

that's their choice

Yeah it's still their life, I just hope they find real happiness though although it's hard to find in those situations.

Well said and very true. It is also good to not keep energy vampire friends and acquaintances in your 'circle' too. They can take it out of you!

Posted using Partiko Android

Ah yeah those energy vampires! I hope they are easy to spot.

It's like some people like having a lot of followers on Steemit which is pointless as most never upvote them

Lol yeah.. true friends support you even with $0.001 upvote 🤣

Yep, and I can only shake my head at how a lot of people I know can have 4K+ "friends" in FB just so that they will have guaranteed likes for their non-sense statuses, meme shares, and non-stop selfie posting.

Haha I’ve been there. Just accepting people even if I don’t know them. It helped my art, but didn’t help my heart. Still proves you can still feel lonely with those 5k friends.

I have a lot more to say about this, but I feel that such sentiments deserve a life of its own as a blog post. 😉

If only they had something valuable to say lol.

I have a friend who put it to the extreme. He threw away all social medias, including WhatsApp, and devoted himself to play Fortnite. I guess society and his circle have failed him so bad. :|

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yeah fuck society's standards indeed!!! i used to be a conformist when i was younger but soon realize i dont need to and why the hell should i if it doesnt make sense. i guess this is why im drawn to bitcoin in the first place because in a way, the technology sort of 'rebels' from the traditional way of handling our money.

i always hated it when people say hey you're not supposed to do this or do that because everyone is doing it this way and this is the 'right' way even if it doesnt make any sense. i so feel you on this one hiddi and here's to not conforming to society's standards and living life the way we want! cheers!

haha yeah it's also one of the reasons why I am still on Steem. To be a rebel B-) Everybody loves Facebook and they think their data is safe with them. They think we are on the stupid/scam path but their eyes are too closed to see why we're here even if we explain to them a couple of times.

i always hated it when people say hey you're not supposed to do this or do that

I hate this one so much too. We should be able to do what we feel is 'right'.

I would say to them that they can be on Steem and Facebook at the same time. People don't have to divorce one to marry the other. They can have multiple wives lol, I mean websites haha.

yeah.. not much we can do with closed minded people, i just let them be.. hehe not worth wasting my time in.. hehe yeah we should have the choice of doing something we feel is 'right' and not just conform to what others deem as 'right' and follow blindly. unfortunately us 'rebels' get a bad rep and gets labeled as 'weird'. but fuck them, to each his own right?

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