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in #j5 years ago

Led Sunday School. First Love. Bit Bay | @Stefan.Molyneux - The Red Man Group Featuring Stefan Molyneux! Join Stefan Molyneux at the 21 Convention in Orlando Oct 24-27 2019. Level1Techs - Qubes OS Part 1: Overview and Features | List of 31 Networks | Burger King Amazon Destruction | Reunion. 60's band. Or 70's. Talk about medicine.

2019-08-25 - Sunday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

Deplorable Choir on Fox Screenshot at 2019-08-25 13:58:23.png

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Biography of My Life

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2019-08-25 - Sunday - PST - Daily journal:

Bit Bay

03:05 AM - IWA

Decentralized Markets vs eBay, Amazon, Facebook, etc:

It can be better to buy and sell online, directly, peer to peer, in a decentralized fashion, generally, potentially, theoretically, than it has been through a middle man, through centralized tyranny. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies and Bit Torrent and IPFS and Open Source and Ubuntu and many things are and is changing the world. Many projects are out there. Open Bazaar is an example of one of those projects out there. Haven is a new app. Your information doesn't get shared or collected or stored in the cloud. It stays right in your phone, and your transactions are all peer-to-peer.

Naomi Brockwell

02:58 AM - What's the most private way to buy things online?

Depravity Debate

03:09 AM - IWA

Sin is not a synonym with humanity?

Bridge Troll Debate

03:21 PM - IWA

@AtypicalRift, did those bridge trolls violate private property rights? If a troll owned the bridge, then the bridge is his property. If not, then he is a robber. People must protect themselves from pirates, robbers, murderers, etc. Did the trolls prohibit the free flow of criminals? Yes, a little. But it also promoted welfare which contributed to where we are today. People can get used to other people solving their problems. Over time, people become more lazy when they're spoiled and helped too much. The concept of anarchy seems to be a paradox or a fantasy. Absolute anarchy would be a paradox because parents govern their families. Teachers govern classes. Bosses govern their employees. So, technically, you don't get rid of government. Instead, you return the power back to the people from centralized locations like the central banks which is what Trump talked about.

Road Debate

03:25 AM - Steemit

If I own a car and you try to paint it without my permission, that is a private property violation. Because it's my car. If a person owned a road, same thing.

Steem Debate

03:31 AM - Steemit

Exactly. Thus why I call content creators like employers in the sense that bosses do better with more staff in some cases at least. It's a funnel. It's a sprinkler.

Downvoting & Upvoting - HF21

08:45 AM - Steemit

My question was about whether both pools are the same or not. The regular upvoting pool is part of an ecosystem that rewards good bets. If you upvote and then many people upvote that same post, you're rewarded. If you have more SP, your upvote weight is higher. Your upvote grows.

So my question was about whether your downvote would grow in the same way with the help of the second pool system. I think you are saying no, that it will not. I think it probably should not grow. I think the second pool shouldn't work like the first pool. So, hope you're right.

If the second pool does not grow, then does that mean everybody would have the same downvoting power? Well, I think, actually, the answer is no. I think I need to edit this comment.

I think you were saying that the downvoting pool is 25 percent of the upvoting pool. If that is true, then your downvote (25%) grows as your upvote (75%) grows. Now, is that sounds like a third option. It sounds like the second pool is dependent on the the first pool. Therefore, the two pools are not separate and maybe more like one pool still. Well, I'm not sure if this third option is better or not, but it might be better in some ways.

I wrote this comment while I was thinking about all of this. In conclusion, I want to say that it appears that the second pool is not separate if it is reactive to the first. It relates to the first pool by being 25% of the first pool. It responds. It reacts. Yes, perhaps the two pools are separate in a way, meaning like you said that downvoting does not affect upvoting. In that sense, it is separate. But the 25% part is not separate and independent. Maybe separate but not independent. Because it is based on the first pool.


08:57 AM -Steemit

You were told lies about capitalism by people like Soros. There are so many problems that we have in the world, including technocracy, Corporatism, monopolism, plutocracy, authoritarianism, tyranny, globalism, the central banks, etc, etc, etc.

Real Capitalism

01:30 PM - Steemit

I like trying to make money. I want as much money as I can get. What do you call that? I like to call it free market capitalism as opposed to crony state capitalism. Employers need more money in order to distribute the money to the employees. When I lived in Vietnam, 2012-2017, I was impressed with all the employers there were. I support small businesses. I like that. I like it when people turn their houses into hotels, stores, cafes, businesses. I love freelancers, independent contractors who are like employers unto themselves.

There are so many problems out there. One of the problems is when governments help certain companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc, etc, and that is not capitalism. These groups are tech cartels. That is not capitalism. Monopolism is not capitalism. Technocracy is not capitalism. Yes, people say they are, but they are not. The problem is that people infiltrated America and did bad things and then blamed it on capitalism. So, they came in, especially in the early 1900's, and they did bad stuff, and got companies and banks and governments to collude and work together and do certain things that were very bad for the world, long story short and people blame those things on capitalism as opposed to Luciferianism and Agenda 2030 and Big Pharma and all of these big problems and big things. I love capitalism. I hate globalism. I fight against globalism, etc.

Censorship Wars

01:31 PM - Steemit

I am one of them. Just ask around. I was banned many places. So many people are writing about it. The fake news is lying to you and you are falling for the fake news, good for you.


01:50 PM - Facebook

Jordan D Winslow, Europe is dying. You want Europe to die. I am trying to help people., But you are lost in fake news. You are accusing of things I am not doing. You are insulting me of things that are not happening. You are making up stuff off your own assumptions. I talked about these other people. I was not talking about what you mentioned. I was talking the people who redefine words, vocabulary, definitions, terms, language, specifically. Those same people also say you cannot say mother or father as that is not inclusive enough of those who don't have parents. The list goes on and on. I talk about the people that tries to destroy the world. Sadly, you're talking about a different topic. This article is not about that. But you come out of nowhere to talk about a subject that is not the focus in this post. I wrote this piece to discuss how nerds were weaponized, redefined. Long ago, gay meant happy. That is an example of how people took a word and they stole the word. There are so many examples. Leftist stole the term liberalism. That's another example. Racism was stolen. Nerd was stolen. They're trying to destroy everything.

Stefan Molyneux

02:05 PM - The Red Man Group Featuring Stefan Molyneux! Join Stefan Molyneux at the 21 Convention in Orlando Oct 24-27 2019.

Baby Steps

03:09 PM - Steemit

But one step at a time. I'm the Trump of blockchain. I'm trying to persuade people down the right path or direction. Life is about picking your battles.

Battles vs Wars

Also, we can lose battles but what matters is winning the war. So, specifically, privacy is like a battle but not necessarily the war.

Many Different Issues

The privacy issue is a tough issue. But it is not the only issue. So, one thing at a time. That's why I'm saying I'm the Trump of blockchain in the sense that I'm looking at the generality of it all of making big changes, overall, as opposed to smaller and more accurate decisions.

Overall Progress

Sometimes in life, you don't have time to get it all done. Also, everything is generally moving. So, there may not be enough time for that. I'm trying to say all of this to say that it depends.

Video Example

I shared that video above about an app that seeks after decentralized markets. Now, some of what they said might be inaccurate or incomplete like you said, @AtypicalRift, that the data may not be encrypted, hidden, protected, secured, as it goes through the Internet.

Complex Issue

But again, one step at a time as the Internet has different parts and when we improve one thing, then we have to improve other things as well.

The Phone Debate

We can talk for days about how to fix phone problems. I think I started a thread about that. It's a long story. But it is all a big puzzle.

Privacy Projects

Monero is a cryptocurrency that seeks after being encrypted, secret, hidden, etc. There may be other projects that might be similar to Monero in being private. The competition there will continue to push projects to it's limits and beyond. Like Buzz said, to infinity and beyond.

General Outline

I included that video above as a general outline of going the right direction, generally speaking, broadly. @Memeart, you are right that these projects are not perfect. They may have vulnerabilities. Some of these projects may not have enough privacy or any privacy at all.

Internet 3.0

However, blockchain projects are extremely unique in seeking to use cryptography, that is blockchain protocol in creating networks that has a ledger or an archive that keeps on going as long as people run them on computers.

Privacy Minded

There are people and projects out there seeking to increase privacy and everything for people online. We may not be able to acquire complete privacy at the moment. Well, it depends on a few things. But we can at least try to increase privacy to an extent. You can change your DNS. You can add encryption. You can use proxies, programs, operating systems, software, hardware, etc. These things can help increase privacy, etc.

We can continue to seek after protecting data.

Decentralized vs Centralized

But one of the main points for blockchain is in decreasing centralized control over the data, the networks, etc. It's all about having a system that is not controlled by a single company.

Unstoppable Bitcoin

For example, Bitcoin is NOT owned by a person or company. I am NOT talking about the amount. I'm not talking about how many bitcoins people may have. In contrast, governments are trying to shut down the Facebook Libra Digital Coin.

Fake Cryptocurrency

Libra is not a cryptocurrency and governments are trying to stop it even before it is launched. Bitcoin was not the first attempt.

Before Bitcoin

Centralized digital coins have came and gone. So, even before Bitcoin, some coins came. But they were shutdown. But they did NOT shutdown Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not a digital currency. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency.

Gab vs Steem

They took down Gab a few times and NOT Steemit. Why? Because Gab was NOT on a blockchain. Steem was put on a blockchain.

Purpose of Blockchain

That's a main point to blockchain. It is about having a network that is global and that governments cannot stop without destroying all the computers in the world at the same time because if you only stop some computers, then the blockchain could continue on the other computers on other countries.

Like Stopping Cancer, Fire, or Wind

Then, if you go to stop those computers, it may be too late. By the time you get to those computers, it is possible for the blockchain to be copied to other computers in other countries or even back in the original countries you already stopped. So, it's like trying to stop the wind. The blockchain is like the stars in the sky.


05:44 PM - Qubes OS Part 1: Overview and Features

Top Crazy

05:54 PM - IWA

Bad people steal words. So, they stole what left and right means and they trick us into thinking that left and right is fake. It is not. But their versions of left and right is. So, @MITCHELL, they got you. They tricked you. They want you to say what you said. That is their plan. They want to get the left to go crazy and they want people like you to say that left and right is imaginary. Yes, you are right in the focus on what is good. But what is good is right and what is bad is left.

New Networks

06:39 PM - List of 31 Networks

Sin Debate

07:09 PM - IWA

I want to know what @Bingozee thinks sin is. Does sin not mean imperfection? @Bingozee said that humans are NOT sinful because they're imperfect. However, imperfection and sin is one and the same. They're the same thing.

Fake Steemit

07:31 PM - Medium

I was reading Is Steemit Social Network Truly Decentralized? That article said that Steemit banned an account. But it failed to mentioned that Steemit is NOT Steem. When you register for an account, a host will approve your account. That person may have the master key. You'll be given smaller passwords and keys for your Steem account. So, they could use the master key to change the other passwords. That would mean you would get logged out. There is a way for you to make an account yourself through a website. If you do that, then you will retain the master key to yourself. Now, Steemit is centralized perhaps. Steemit is an app. So, yes, Steemit may censor. But Steemit is not Steem. Two different things. Steem is the blockchain. Steemit is an app, like a user-interface (UI) of Steem. There are apps or dapps or programs that run on Steem. One is called Busy. So, yes, you might get banned or locked out of your Steemit account. If that happens, then you will need to make a new account. Ask me how you can make your own account in order to retain the master key to yourself, but it may cost you some money to make an account yourself. If you register for an account, then another person may approve your account. But you may have to wait a few weeks or a few months for your turn. They vet you. They look at your information to make sure you are real before confirming your account. But you may not get the master key when they finalize your registration. But you don't have to wait. You can go through a process to register in one hour or less. Also, some people are willing to pay for you for the registration fee and they may also give you the master key as well. I currently have 4 accounts. I got 2 for free and paid for the other two. This articles about Steemit on Medium was partly fake news.

Left & RIght

07:46 PM - IWA

@John, are you sure classical liberals are not on the right? It really comes down to what left and right means. Democrats and Republicans are both on the right or on the up or the good side. Leftists and others are on the left or on the down or on the bad side.

John Joey Leviticus

07:55 PM - IWA

If You Don’t Know John Is Joey….You Are One Dumb Mother Fucker!

Leviticus - Stop with the John shit Joey. It doesn’t matter how many different accounts you make up…WE KNOW IT IS YOU, STUPID FUCK!!!

Can we please Free Tommy?

@John, who is this lady that you are talking about? Is she Kathy Stole My Bike?

Microwave Satellites

07:59 PM - IWA

I wonder what microwave satellites are and whether or not they are different than other kinds of satellites.


08:01 PM - IWA

My childhood friend was Bill.

Make Gov Smaller

08:05 PM - Steemit

I want to make government smaller. That is my focus. Also, I want to make towns and sheriffs great again. I prefer the wild wild west. Small towns should be like countries in and of themselves to some extent. Local communities should try to help each other out as opposed to having federal government do everything for people.

Means of Production

08:14 PM - Steemit

The means of production is always privately owned. The question is owned by who. People who have enough money to be able to buy the means of production can do so. I love private property rights. Some people have a little money. Some people have a lot of money. The people that have a lot of money can buy the means of production. If not, then the means of production is then owned by the community, I mean the government, which is fine if you trust the government.

Steem 2 Million

08:21 PM - Steemit

Thanks. In the next year, hopefully we will be up to two million accounts for Steem, as of 2020, at least.

Shop Avatar

08:34 PM - Steemit

The scary part is the manipulation aspect. Also, they get people to trust them. They try to blackmail people as well.

Starving the Beast

08:38 PM - Steemit

Good advice. I do some of these things when I can. Things don't have to be new new.

Native Americans

08:43 PM - Steemit

@Stefan.Molyneux made some great videos about the Native American Indians. Great oatmeal videos. Very historical and educational.

Steven Crowder, ALex Jones

08:47 PM - Steemit

True. I don't understand why Steven Crowder said he did not agree with everything Alex Jones said just a week ago when he was interviewing Alex. I agree with Alex with everything except maybe how Alex can sometimes say that he feels likes Bitcoin has some potential problems because of Soros and maybe Rothschild trying to buy up Bitcoin coins. Alex kind of says he knows blockchain and decentralization and cryptocurrencies is the future and I am trying to tell him to turn his website into a blockchain and to join Steemit. Steven Crowder should be on Steemit too.

Burger King Amazon Destruction

08:52 PM - Steemit

How do we stop these monsters from destroying forests, jungles, woods, wildlife, etc?

Discovery Bible

10:02 PM - IWA

@Whisperatnight, did that first video above say the ark of the covenant was discovered in 1982? I heard somebody say 1982 in the video. I do find it all interesting. I love exploration. Did they also find Noah's Ark?


10:10 PM - 04:20 AM