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in #j5 years ago

Corn. Pew Die Pie Wedding - Marzia & Felix - Wedding 19.08.2019 - Our footage from the wedding, best day of my life! Too many people say don't get married. I say get married. This is why | I'm Oatmeal - She is Phomeal | Prager | They went shopping. Figured out how to copy photos from 2 phones to the computer. The files had to be unhidden on the desktop. Also, click on the option on the phone to share to the PC.

She is the Pholosopher:

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2019-08-24 - Saturday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

My Minds Screenshot at 2019-08-24 16:44:04.png
My Minds

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Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn

Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-24 - Saturday - PST - Daily journal:

SF21 Debate

01:48 AM - Steemit

Technically, that is already a problem. But at the same time, it can also be a good thing. I like free markets. You know that the free market is not safe. But I like it. Steem might not be a free market. But if it was a free market, it would be very dangerous. If Steem was too safe, it would be not a free market. If this second pool is a bad idea, we will all write posts about that.

Israel Debate

02:33 AM - IWA

Were there no interracial marriages long ago?

Did slave owners ever impregnate their slaves?

Babies Debate

02:34 AM - IWA

Can I get married in the basement?

Computer Issues

10:20 AM - Phone plugged into the old computer haha. Wrong number. Wrong house. Nobody's home. Few minutes before this. Had to restart my own laptop this morning and last night. Sometimes the WIFI becomes disabled. So, I hard-restart.


10:47 AM - The Sad Life of a Thwomp

Israel Debate

10:57 AM - IWA

Was Hitler part Jewish by blood through his mother?

Leftist Christians

11:16 AM - IWA

You can be a Christian and a leftist because you are saved by grace through faith, Ephesians 2:8. However, at the same time, the Holy Spirit will be whispering to your heart, "Wake up." But to some extent, it is still up to the individual. To some extent, we are all a little leftist in certain things. But some people are very leftist.

Real Christians

But it is true that passionate True Christians could be classically liberal and yet, hopefully, not too leftist. If you're actively embracing the eternal principles, the golden rule, the ten commandments, etc, as found in the Bible; if you're becoming like Christ, then you will be becoming less and less like a leftist. In theory, yes, you would be going a different direction.

There are two aspects to leftism:

  1. Leftist Followers
  2. Leftist Enforcers

Leftist Followers

There is a following aspect which involves trusting the government in saving us from global warming, gun violence, etc.

Leftist Enforcers

The other aspect involves helping the government and others do what they do to save us. So, some of that involves maximizing power in order to keep us allegedly safe. But some of us may prefer freedom over safety. They tend to prefer safety over freedom. Of course, we all want to be safe. But at the same time, people on the right tend to want to emphasize on freewill over forcing safety through authoritarianism, tyranny, 1984 police state globalism, slavery, technocracy, plutocracy, etc.

Everybody Nerds

11:27 AM - Facebook - 2019-08-21 - Wednesday - 02:45 PM


H[censored] Nerds

The same people that try to redefine terms and normalize h....[CENSORED LOL] may have been behind the branding of what it means to be a geek, a nerd, a book worm, etc. There are different kinds of intelligence quota or quotient (IQ) and emotional ones as well (EQ). There are differences between the ability to retain (memorize) knowledge, to collect it, to spit it back out like a robot when asked or commanded to do so, and wisdom.


Long story short, there are all kinds of people out there. Stereotypes are good for profiling people to an extent. But the art of profiling a person is a skill that can be abused in any number of ways. When compared to the average intelligence of dumb people with an IQ of like 60, an IQ of like 100 would be smarter, like a genius. Stefan Molyneux talks about that.


So, that part could be relative to the context, to the people you compare yourself to. But the smartest people in the world, some might argue, would be around 150 to 180. Which reminds me of one of my favorite shows on CBS, a show called Scorpion. The nerds would work with the FBI to save the day in each episode.

Wide Variety

There is probably a wide variety of different variations of nerds, geeks, book worms, cosplay players, video game addicts, movie geeks, etc. So, there may be really dumb ones and really smart ones. And it depends on who you compare them to.

NPC Nerds

There may even be a faction of nerds who are possibly SJW leftists as seen on The Big Bang Theory which has the actress who played Blossom in that Blossom television show in the 1990's which was perhaps too progressive as she was like a female protagonist in the show, which is ok if done correctly.

Girly Nerds

So, like I said, some nerds can become too girly. I don't know how girly is too girly, but globalists and leftists could be turning some of the nerds into soy boys.

We Are All Nerds

To some extent, all humans can be nerdy at times. It comes down to what it means or what it might mean to be a nerd.

Racist Nerds

Plus, being called a nerd could be a form of an insult in the same way that being called a racist is. So, before they called us racist Trump Supporters, they were calling some of us nerds, etc. Yes, it depends on what kind of us nerds, etc.


But we all can be nerds at times.

Passionate Nerds

What I mean is that we can all be passionate about specific things. Isn't that what a nerd is? A nerd might be a person who gets excited over a very technical hobby or career. It does not have to be sci-fi related. A science fiction nerd is only one version of a nerd.

For example, we might be Info nerds.

Smart Nerds

So, it comes down to what nerd means. It comes down to what being very smart means. Some of us might have photographic memory. That's smart. But you might not be wise because you can know a bunch of stuff and yet you may not know what to do with everything that you know.

Genius Gut Nerds

So, I would argue that being a genius is all about going with your gut, in having wisdom, in having the right timing.

AjjjjjjjTrump Nerds

Ajjjjjjjjjjj is a genius. Trump is a genius. Because they are able to do the right thing with the info they gather. That's key. Some nerds might be a little wise. That's good. Some geeks are geniuses. And might be super geniuses.

Deplorable Nerds

And the left tries to use the branding of nerd to mock some of us like they do with calling us patriots deplorable like Hillary Clinton did.

Talented Nerds

We may have different skills, talents, gifts, abilities, etc, and we should focus on our uniqueness that is grounded on the things we do best.

Robot Normal People

Globalists try to turn us into robots, clones, animals, copies, SJW NPC couch potatoes.

Logical Spock Nerds

Becoming a nerd or a genius simply involves thinking outside the box or oatmeal bowl. Globalists are always trying to stop humanity from becoming independent and in being individuals, etc. As we eat healthier and as we grow as humans, we become smarter and smarter. Our IQ increases and decreases in life.

Getting Smarter

They say that your IQ is fixed at a certain number. That is not true. I mean, generally, that is true. But IQ and EQ can go up and down throughout the course of your life. So, it's up to you what you do with what you have. Each day, it is up to you to at least try to level up in this original oatmeal game called life.

Star Trek Data Nerd

Data was smart but Picard had wisdom. Picard made the decisions. But Data knew more. But Picard was the one who would go with his guts. Same thing with Spock and Kirk.

Evil Nerds

Globalists try to make people not want to be nerds because it is not cool. Globalists, like Paul Joseph Watson has said, try to brand and promote alleged counter-culture. So, in pop culture, we would generally see the cool guys get the chicks, not the nerds. Now, with Generation Z, the counter-culture is beginning to embrace the nerds and the geniuses. Also, globalists kidnap and brain-wash many nerds and geniuses by getting them to work as professors, teachers, doctors, government workers, scientists, inventors, etc, at schools, universities, hospitals, labs, etc. Some of the best minds have been kidnapped by the globalists, etc.

They say it's not cool to be a nerd.

But it is actually really cool to be a nerd haha.

2019-08-21 - Wednesday - 02:45 PM PDT LMS

Steem Competition

11:59 AM - Steemit

Other Places:

The good news is that there are other websites that are similar to Steem that you can also copy and paste posts to. I'm not talking about Busy which is an app or a platform of Steem. Also, Steemit is also an app of Steem.


There are other blockchain social networks that I post to that is similar to Steemit. There are probably more out there. They include:

Dream Real

Another one that is slightly different is Cent. And there are probably more out there that may come and go.

That's the competition and if Steem fails too much, then some people or a lot of people will continue only posting to some of these other websites. So, if Steem wants to continue to be on top, they will try to listen to their own users. When I say Steem, I mean the Steem Witnesses who coordinate hard forks, annually or whenever.

Enforcing Justice, Aggressively

01:47 PM - IWA

Social justice warriors (SJW) emphasizes more on enforcing justice onto people (AGGRESSIVELY, EXCESSIVELY). Followers of Christ can choose to emphasize more on grace instead of justice. Specifically, I'm talking more so globally speaking, as in federally, nationally, and eventually, potentially, unfortunately if they can, internationally under the NWO.

Forever Kids

In other words, leftists cling to government, tech cartels, etc, as their parents. Why? Because they prefer safety over freedom. In other words, they prefer being FOREVER CHILDREN. They follow the powers that be because they're SPOILED CHILDREN. They're stuck on the DEMON Democratic Plantation which Diamond & Silk talks about. They want more power like kids want their parents to spoil them with money, toys, food, stuff, etc, etc. 1 John 2:16 talks about this, that people seek after the love of money, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. We seek after power and safety, by default. In other words, we are naturally selfish, bias, blind, sinful, evil, etc.

Embracing Freewill

The more you understand God, the more you understand the meaning of life. God didn't make robots. We could have been robots lol. But seriously speaking, if God wanted us to be safe, we would have no choices, decisions, freedoms, freewill, opportunities, character development. Leftists prefer safety over freedom. As you grow up, you embrace freedoms because that's the meaning to life. Alex Jones talks about how life is like a test. It's all about being tested. It's about making choices as individuals as opposed as Non-Playable Characters (NPC).

Dangerous Risks

Freedom means vulnerability. That's the heart and soul of plain original oatmeal, that is our daily bread. In other words, fundamentally, life is dangerous and full of risks. As children, we are leftists by default. Being a leftist is simply all being dependent on parents, welfare, government, education, your employers, and especially peer pressure from local communities, NEIGHBORHOODS, friends, family, etc.

Meaning to Life

It's about making choices. But leftists try to make the choices for us. Why? Because they want safety and power. Most leftists are followers. Some become addicted to the power. That means the leftist leaders choose to lie to their followers in order to maintain power and control and tyranny.


Christians and leftists can both commit to their beliefs. Some Christians can to choose keep their families safe. That's good. Parents should keep their kids safe. But leftists try to do that to everybody. Leftists see all people everywhere as their children. That's why walls are so bad in their mind. Because all of God's people are one big family. Other countries are like other rooms of the same house. To a progressive liberal, the whole planet is one big house. It is our job as a one world order to take care of all the humans on this earth. They choose to see humans as retarded children as opposed to seeing people the way God sees them as Little Gods which is what Alex Jones talks about. We become like God as we exercise our ability to make our own choices, decisions, in our personal lives, and some of those decisions may be good and some of those choices may be very counterproductive, destructive, evasive, irrelevant, etc. But the process of life is very valuable. Life is like a fire. Our lives are like a personification of being refined as gold in fire. It hurts but no pain then no gain.

Grace & Justice

Real love is a combination of grace and justice. So, leftists can be consumed with enforcing justice, federally speaking. When a Christian tries to excessively yell at people, "YOU'RE GOING TO BURN IN HELL IF YOU DON'T ASK JESUS INTO YOUR HEART RIGHT NOW," that Christian is then becoming a little too leftist. What the Christian said might be true. But if you really want to reach people, then do what we did in Revolution Hawaii. We would hand out water and sandwiches to the homeless and tell them with a smile on our face in 2007 that Jesus loves them. As Jess would say, Jesus is alive. That's powerful. As parents, we should enforce some justice on our children. But leftists wants to treat everybody like children. Some Christians could emphasize too much on justice or in most cases excessively on grace. Focusing on grace can be a problem on the local level as that can spoil your kids for example or your local church or your school or at work or in a local community. However, federally or globally, it is dangerous to capitalize too much on enforcing justice on everybody apart from Private Property Violations between different parties, people, groups. And even private property conflicts should be dealt with on the local level as opposed to on the federal or state level.

Obi Won Disney Go

02:41 PM - Why Disney ISN'T Giving Obi-Wan His Own Movie - Comment

I watch stuff for free. Millions of people like me find copies of shows and movies and many things via Bit Torrent and websites. I watch Cobra Kai for free too. Why do people pay money? I don't. If it cost some cryptocurrencies, then I would be tempted to pay. But they would need to pay me too for services, etc. I love Steemit.

Referee Gov Idea

03:05 PM - I was thinking about this analogy to describe the world. Some governments try to be referees. Other referees try to be coaches, judges, parents. In other words, coach governments are all about authoritarianism. It's about micro-managing the citizens. Close your eyes and imagine the world as a collection of basketball arenas. Each country is like a colliseum. I call it as I see it. That rhymes with colliseum. It's poet and it rhymes like George Lucas says. It's like sand, it gets all over the place. Life is scary and beautiful. It's everything and nothing. Get out of my body and into my belly. If you're a germ, then I want you out of my body so that I can digest you. But I digress. I digest haha, haha pun intended. Back to my analogy, there are different countries. The players in those other arenas may try to come inside your arena and play. But shouldn't they have to go through security first? I think that might be better. But some people want open borders. They want people to be able to move freely from one arena to another arena, from one country to another country. The internal government of a country should act like referees. The external parts of the government should act like bouncers. Control who comes in and out of the country. Don't act like referees. That's more state and local government territory. Federal government should only be like bouncers, body guards. But too often, these bouncers are turned into referees and are sent all around the world to other arenas. This is crazy. Almost as crazy as Inception, that movie about dreams inside dreams inside dreams. Technically, the world is like a big arena with arenas inside that arena and arenas inside arenas inside arenas. Like dreams inside dreams inside dreams and so on. There are people who try to regulate the world, like the U.N, the E.U, etc. A federal government is like an arena. Inside that arena could be states. Each state is like an arena. The counties are like arenas inside the state arenas. Cities are like arenas inside the county arenas. Communities and neighborhoods are like arenas in city arenas. Families are like arenas inside community arenas. Individuals are like arenas inside family arenas. It's like Russian dolls with dolls inside dolls inside dolls, etc. It's circles inside circles inside circles.

Pew Die Pie Wedding

03:59 PM - Marzia & Felix - Wedding 19.08.2019 - Our footage from the wedding, best day of my life!

Too many people say don't get married. I say get married. This is why.

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

04:07 PM - Referee Government vs Coach Government


04:30 PM - Minds - Facebook - Oatmeal

AOC, will you marry me and Zumba Me Please? AOC is pretty hot in this video. 02:39 PDT LMS, Thursday, August 1st, 2019.

I'm Oatmeal. She is Phomeal

05:03 PM - IWA - Minds - Website

I'm the Oatlasopher. She is the Pholosopher.

Lord Oatmeal

05:23 PM - IWA

Lord Oatmeal, a Prince of Troy, because my ancestors were the kings of Troy, thousands of years ago. Bow down to Lord Oatmeal. I’ll surely deliver you, if I please.

White Jews Debate

05:24 PM - IWA

Did Jewish people have sex with Europeans?

Are you jealous that you're NOT a White European Jew?

I am the biggest racist oatmeal in the whole wide world.

Prager U

06:38 PM - IWA

Prager is founded on eternal principles. Instead of attacking those principles, @MITCHELL, it seems that you are attacking the person, Dennis Prager, specifically the philosophy or more accurately the programs, the procedure, the vehicle, the style, the flavor, which Prager uses in his Fire Chat videos, his radio show, his speeches, etc, and never mind that he employed Candace Owens and has all kinds of people in PragerU videos and most of those videos do NOT have Dennis in them and there are therefore several flavors. I repeat, several flavors of Prager. See, Dennis is only one flavor. If you don't like his style, then what about Red Pilled Black, Candace Owens and her weekly Sunday Show? If not her, then what about other people and the videos they're featured in? What about what he writes?


07:22 PM - IWA

My IP address was banned on the Infocomms, @Will, @PastorSam.

I can verify that what @VRfluxx is saying is correct. Generally, a website might ban IP addresses. Now, they may not try to ban proxies, VPNs, etc. Eventually, if they’re being attacked, if they’re having trouble, if they’re trying to block trolls who are coming in from proxies, etc, or if they choose to for any reason, then they may begin putting even more IP addresses on their block list or blacklist. But, generally speaking, one step at a time. That’s why I prefer blockchain which could help people in some situations. A proxy is basically an IP address. If a proxy IP is blocked or if it is too slow, etc, then you could try other proxies. There are different web browsers and programs that might help a little. Also, you can change your DNS to or which are the DNS IP addresses of Google. I’m using them right now. Or you could use which is the DNS of Cloudflare. Some DNS may report your activity to your ISP. Some might not do that. Your DNS tends to keep records or could have lists of the IP addresses (websites) you visit even after you delete all of your Internet history. I don’t know which DNS might be the best.


07:30 PM - 09:00 PM

Beans Dinner @oatmealhealth

09:16 PM - I'm online looking up remedies. Had some beans, bread, and soup for dinner, around 06:00 PM. They say whole wheat can help digest beans. It takes enzymes to digest beans. Always have some beans in your diet in order to keep your body prepared. A lists of foods that helps digestion: peppermint, ginger, fish oil, tuna, salmon, yogurt, apples, black beans, green beans, raspberries. Another list: fennel, caraway seeds, chamomile tea, apple cider vinegar, anise seeds, warm lemon water, pumpkin, activated charcoal, dandelion, coriander, cinnamon, baking soda, garlic, Asafoetida, buttermilk, bay leaves, black salt, clove oil, mint tea, Bergamot Essential Oil, Triphala, turmeric, herbal infusion, betel leaf, dill seeds, massage, magnesium, parsley, water, potassium, deep breathing, upside-down bike exercise, avoid salt, avoid dairy. Another list: exercise daily. Another list: oats, papaya, avocado, watermelon. ANother list: psyllium, artichoke leaf extract, eat slowly. Another list: B vitamins, folate, chia seeds, omega-3 fatty acids, beet greens. Another list: coconut water, tulsi, holy basil, aniseed, cold milk, jaggery, cardamom, gooseberry, aloe vera, oranges, pineapple, coriander, pomegranate, cumin seeds, cucumber juice, mustard, almonds, pickles, celery, cabbage, Asafetida, heeng, herbal licorice. Enzymes. Carrots. Castor Oil. Foods that are hard to digest and why. Jeera Water. Lime. Heartburn remedies. What causes bloating. Another list. Asparagus. Betaine HCL. Another list. Molasses. Another list. Yoga.






Two ways to eat, over and under the tongue.

Leftism Debate

10:38 PM - IWA

@Will is right that the left can emphasize too much on inflection, reflection, and deflection. They will generally see in you what is inside them. Stefan Molyneux talks about this. Generally, people don't really know that. So, when you tell them that they are in denial, they'll struggle to digest that, to swallow that red pill.

Crazy Tree

11:32 PM - IWA

@AtypicalRift, that chart explains why I lean towards the anarchy no government side in order to push for balance on this political global teeter totter. I'm not really seeking no government. Well, technically, I'm an anarchist in contrast to globalism, that is global tyranny, authoritarianism, technocracy, etc, etc. I'm a bit of an anarchist in the face of abusive federal power, and possibly a little bit in the mist of aggressive state power. But county, city, community, local, town, neighborhood, village, block, group, family, and tribe power, less so. Also, private property power (rights) is valuable, priceless, fundamental. Technically, it seems that leftists have taught in schools that anarchy can only be chaos and bad. Yes, it can be. It depends on what kind of anarchy. Technically, we may never live in a world that is ruled only by anarchy. So, it might be irrelevant to attack anarchy, assuming that anarchy is not the biggest problem. Yes, anarchy can be a big issue, hypothetically. However, a bigger dilemma is globalism, etc. Someday, anarchy could be a big issue. But right now, globalism is a bigger issue.

Religion Debate

11:34 PM - IWA

What about the religions of leftism and paganism and other cults and beliefs that are often disguise to be like not religious at all?

Anthropology Debate

11:36 PM - IWA

We are perfect and without mistakes?