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in #j5 years ago

Met Sam. Google Whistle Blower was on the Alex Jones Show today. I was practicing driving. Knife. Big talks. China is engaged in sea pirating globally. Countries are standing up to that. Amazing. New website called Meme World. The founder of that website was blocked on Facebook. Nerds vs Geniuses. Please continue to call your representatives and tell them what you want. Focus on what you believe and not on how you feel. Wake up and focus on what you want long-term. Make a daily agenda and pray for patience and for wisdom each day. As you sleep, you connect to the Real Internet Matrix in the spiritual world where all humans are connected.

2019-08-21 - Wednesday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

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Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-21 - Wednesday - PST - Daily journal:

Win-Win Game

12:00 AM - Steemit

You risk your time. You see, time has value. People always have things to lose. Money is not the only thing that has value. That is why it is betting. You are investing your time into a game. You may lose. Your time holds value. Of course, at the same time, like you said, it can be win-win. Technically, it is win-win in some ways. But people may not be smart enough to see it that way. Technically, you could argue that nothing is yours or mine. At the same time, the opposite could be argued. If you believe in God, then you need to know God owns everything. Yet, God gave it all to us. We don't have to believe in God to desire private property rights. Also, you don't have to own something in order to bet on something. Betting is a game that is not based on whether or not you have something to lose. But at the same time, you can lose your reputation and your time and who knows what else. Like you said, some of is relative it seems. Objective truth is out there, but we are blinded by subjectivity, relativity, our point of view, like you said. We should always look at the brighter side of things. We should always think win-win, I agree.

Girl Fight

12:09 AM - Steemit

Amazing. But why would you tell her that the other person will be next and then kill them?

Our Cartoon President 201

12:33 AM - 02:55 AM - Our Cartoon President S02E01 - Watching

Joe Biden.


12:46 AM - IWA

@Bingozee wrote: "lol and look who is calling others keyboard warrior, its so easy to “talk” Big behind little keys… and don’t be so ignorant or naive.

No offence dude but your “sounding” stupid. maybe you need to be slapped out of the PST back to reality… No mortars dropping here unless there of your shear immaturity.

@DEPLORABLE_HILL have any anything constructive, productive to add.

This is the Wrong thread to ask the question but what should be done, What must be Done, and By who, and How, I am asking because I am interested in what others may have to say, but maybe it should have a thread of its own.

Any useful Information?"

This is the wrong Bingozee, wow, you're right.

Infocomms Fail

12:49 AM - IWA

@Pippydop, please get off this website. Why? Because you want this website to be private. That means that many people would come here and see nothing. They would not see the videos you want them to see. Why? Because they would need to log into the website before they could see the videos. But many people will not login. Many people will not register. Therefore, you want this website to fail.

Reese vs Reseese's

12:55 AM - IWA

This is a website that says "ca" as in Canada.

If Canadians saw "Reseese's," then they saw the main ads that read that. I guess, in some places, they spelled it differently.

We could do this all night with the Mandela Effect. We could start with the bears for example. Then, talk about Mandela and go on from there. I wonder if any of them could be not debunked. I think we could figure them all out, each one of the Mandela Effect theories.

I like thinking about the Mandela Effect in a way. Watching the videos about them can be pretty freaky if you don't take the time to study history and to figure out what happened. The biggest Mandela Effect will be Racist Trump. Wait, Trump was not racist? I thought Trump was racist? The whole time, I thought Trump was racist. Must have been the Mandela Effect. I thought Hillary Clinton was President. We should make videos about these.

Infocomms Evolution

01:10 AM - IWA


Why do you hate America so much? Why do you insult Fly-Over Country? Why do you insult that psychic ability that we all have that connect each other up to the real spiritual matrix that Alex Jones talks about? Why do you demonize Americana at a fundamental level by doing what ANTIFA and leftist NPC do by insulting the missing link?


01:14 AM - IWA

Everybody perverts the Constitution. Life is not that simple.

I pervert the constitution all the time.

Jesus Trey is so perfect. I bow and I pray to Trey at night. Dear Lord Trey, please save me from perverting the Constitution so much. Please turn me into a gay oatmeal frog, I mean into you, perfect in every way. Every time I see you, I see perfection.

Weakness leaving the body.

Alex Jones Broke His Phone

01:30 AM - IWA

You promote nihilism. I promote hope. I'm Obama 3.0.

Joey was always perfect. Mandela Effect for real. You thought Monster Joey. Actually, Joey Good. Yes, Joey so good. Joey never perverts the constitution. Joey has sex with the constitution. But it's ok because it's consensual.

Focus on what you can do and not on what is or what might be impossible. Step one, remove the battery. Yes, we should do more than that. But you can't always get new people over here in one leap. We must take baby steps. If you always tell people that it is impossible to fix problems, then people begin to feel hopeless and they begin to shut down. So, you want to be realistic. But you also need to be inspirational. You might be black-pilled, excessively. I'm, however, very bright red-pilled with a few black oatmeal spots lol.

Well is a liar. The debate was about the nation of Israel as a whole. However, @well_well_well was talking about individual salvation which comes by grace through faith for the Jews and the Gentiles alike. So, Christians are drafted in. But at the same time, Israel is God's chosen people. Well likes to take stuff out of context. Other people say this to Well too. Even in that previous thread, that other person called Well out for it. Because these are two different things. Also, don't forget dispensations. Well likes to pretend as if nobody else believes in dispensations and these other things. And we were even talking about the Mandela Effect.

Dear @Trey060,

You could be helping people so much more. But instead, it seems like you are always telling people that the sky is falling and that we are all going to fail and that the very worse will happen and that there is nothing we can do about it. That makes me want to jump off a cliff. Instead, you could be inspiring people towards progress each day. You could be making videos motivating people towards better life choices. That's how we make a difference in the world. I told @well_well_well about how we can make videos and do things to inspire the future and really shape future generations. Well, Well said no. How can you say no? Well, Well can do what he wants to do. But he is missing out. @Bingozee is missing out too.

We can turn it around, if enough of us work hard enough each day. Specifically, the 2020's decade has a potential of being the best or the worse decade ever. Now, beyond that decade, I can't really see as the future is cloudy. So, no matter how good things are in the ten years, we could still run into giant depressions in the 2030's. However, that means we have ten years to prepare for that. But at the same time, that depends on all of us. We are in a race. We are playing a game. It is a game called, "Make the 2020's Decade Great Again." That's my focus.

There are at least two main problems:

  1. Tech cartels try to spy on us.
  2. And they try to interact.

You may not want them to track you. That's a problem, but it might not be the biggest problem. If you're trying to be as private of a person as possible, then you probably should never go online or even onto a computer.

The bigger issue might be within remote access, the backdoors, in their ability to read and write on your computer, phone, etc; that is if they can acquire administrative access to execute, to do what they want. Their ability to read your stuff is a big problem. But their ability to interact with your stuff could be a bigger problem.

Of course, they're both big problems, but if I had to pick between the two, I would rather that they only had the ability to see inside my computer and that is it. I don't want them inside here in real-time changing things, deleting, editing, moving, copying, etc. But, yes, we want to avoid both problems. The first problem does transitions into the second problem. But I'm trying to say that it takes one step at a time, if you want to improve things.

Tech cartels includes the government. So, of course, many entities spy on us in phase 1.

God's Chosen People

01:56 AM - IWA

@Whisperatnight, why do you spell it Jude and not Judea?

@Bingozee likes to talk about a contrast between humans and man. I'm not totally sure why. Bingozee might be promoting transhumanism, paganism, Luciferianism, etc.

@well_well_well is talking about two different things as it depends on how you define God's Chosen People. There is the nation as a whole and there are individuals who are saved by grace through faith.

First off, the Bible was not written in English lol.

As you read the entire Bible, you get the overall context.

Hebrews 11 talks about faith. We can see the pattern throughout the Bible. It talks about salvation. But it also talks about the nation of Israel. Two different things. If you follow the patterns, then you will notice how the first thing is not the same as the second thing. The first thing is about individuals. The second thing is about a nation, a group of people, Israel. These are two different things. You might be stuck on possible overlap between the two things.

Did God make any promises to Abraham?

Bingozee is actually one of my bot accounts. I have an AI program that utilizes the @Bingozee account. I'm telling you guys this, that @Bingoze is a puppet account of mine, because I'm actually a psychopath which means, you know, deep down inside, I really want to get caught, and that is why I'm exposing myself and revealing myself, because I want to be caught. You want to know why you never heard Bingozee talk with his real voice on or in a YouTube video? It's because Bingozee does not exist. He is me. That's why I delete his comments and then post them on my Steemit blog.

Do you understand the differences between fellowship and soteriology?

John 17 parallels with 1 John 4 and the whole book in general. When it talks about knowing, it is not simply saying knowing on an intellectual level but a Biblical knowing or something beyond that in being involved in being a new creature in loving as He first loved us, 1Jn.4:19. You are saved from being a dog and not from barking. You can lose fellowship as you bark as a dog. You are now a cat, a new creature. Barking like a dog will not turn you into a dog again. You were dead in sin. You were unable to turn into a cat by doing good. Also, you cannot turn back into a dog by doing bad. The Bible talks about His People. That's a reference to Israel.

No. Two different things. You must not be smart. You're making English arguments without going back to what it originally said. You are taking advantage of how it sounds like the same thing. But it's not the same thing. Even the word "DAY" has different translations depending on the context. For example, back in the day, I was Cool Kid. Day means time period or era. Today means from 12:00 AM through 12:00 PM and to 12:00 AM the next day. There may be other definitions as well. Same thing with God's People. It's about context.

@well_well_well, so, you want to have a Bible Study?

@Memeart gets 5,000 points for bringing up a good point about salvation.

The entire Bible talks about these things. So, we could literally go through it with a comb. You mention a few parts and you leave out the other parts. I mentioned some of the other parts. You ignore those other things. There is more where that came from.

We are talking about two different things. You keep on turning the two things into one thing.

Will Johnson

02:55 AM - IWA


I believe in focusing on what we can do as opposed to only talking about how we live in the end times, the end of the world, and we are always coming closer to those things, I agree, of course.

But at the same time, the NEXT ten years, the 2020's, has the potential of being the best or the worse decade ever in a variety of ways and it is up to all of us to make the most of every opportunity in making things great again or at least in trying.

If I were to call into the show, I'd probably say those things, that we should focus on whatever we can do and not too much on what we cannot do. I always try not to assume that too much is impossible. Ultimately, God decides, of course. But I want to be part of that. So, that's all we can do. All we can do is try our best to align to God's will, His Story. Oh, God's Will, pun intended, Will.

By the way, there are little pieces of leftism and rightism in all of us.

Troll Farm

10:42 AM - IWA

Troll Oatmeal: "Jesus was a Rabbi."

Messianic Jews

10:51 AM - IWA

I'm not necessarily saying that Christians are not or should not be Messianic Jews as they might be the same thing to some extent or in some ways, depending on your interpretation of the two. I don't have a problem with an attempt at trying to follow some of those laws. For example, if there is a law about washing your hands. That sounds like a good idea. In other words, we can follow laws that are applicable. Why not?

The law does not save you, that is true.

If the law tells us not to steal. Are you going to steal?

So, please rob a bank.

Well: We are not lawless, we simply serve by Grace not Law.

How do you serve by grace?

Matrix 4

12:33 PM - IWA

They could make it into a great movie. But, sadly, it may end up being a terrible movie. I would love to be a writer for them, or even a director.

I would not let them make the 4th movie. Because they changed their genders, meaning they changed their identities. They're no longer the people that made the original films. I would go with new people.

I will watch the 4th film for educational purposes only, hehe.

The 4th Matrix will serve as a matrix window into the soul of SJW leftists, assuming it is too excessively progressive, woke, etc. So, it will be educational to an extent. Yet, we kind of already know how neo-liberals think. But if the movie really sucks, then that might backfire and red-pill some of the audience who are politically in the middle. The 4th movie will be part of pop culture because the first one, from 1999, was a huge pop cultural event at the end of the 1990's. So, it will be historical regardless of how bad this 4th film might be. In other words, regardless of how great or bad this 4th film does, people will be talking about it for years to come.

The new Child's Play reboot should have been called something else because it was more about AI than it was about Chucky, spoiler alert haha. Of course, they can do what they want, but the audience may not like it. To some extent, that new robotic Child's Play was a new film with a stolen film title. I wonder how much of Hollywood is owned and controlled by China, etc.

I've been noticing the decline in movies and shows since I was like nine years old in 1994 in Oregon. I would go see movies in the theater in the 90's and I was noticing differences in the movies, my emotions, the quality, the character development, etc, slowly, month after month and year after year. It was gradual and I was generally thinking it was just me. I was thinking that there must be something wrong with me. Which reminds me of that famous Seinfeld line, it's not you, it's me. It must be me I was thinking. But sometimes, I would think that maybe it was actually them, that things were getting worse. I didn't know as much back then, so I couldn't put my finger on it....

01:10 PM - Shower.


01:42 PM - Facebook Group - I'm a big fan of memes.

Storm Area 51 - Good For The Free Market?

02:10 PM - IWA

Over three million people on Facebook say they're going to the Storm Area 51 event in Nevada near the end of September of 2019. That might be good for local businesses. Other businesses will be imported.

There are a few things to consider:

  1. Freedom. Do people have the freedom to do what they want, to travel, to party, to free speech, to protest; the right to the second amendment; the right of a free press, to film, to record; the right of the 4th amendment, that is privacy?
  2. The right of private property rights. If Area 51 is private property, then the stormers would be violating those rights. If U.S. citizens pay taxes for Area 51, then we should be going to town halls to talk about that.
  3. People should do something. We should have peaceful protests. Make videos about it. Write articles about it. Educate and entertain people while talking about it. We probably should not storm Area 51. I could be wrong about that, but I feel like it might not be the best idea. Well, it might not be the worse idea either. It might be better than nothing. Doing nothing is worse. But there are better things we can do than that. If you're doing nothing, then go storm area 51. However, you should be watching Infowars instead. You should be going to town halls. You should be doing better things.
  4. Tyranny. The powers that be can use Storm Area 51 as another excuse for bigger 1984 government which is bad. So, an event like Storm Area 51 could expose how bad a police state can be. Storm Area 51 is a bad idea, but it might not be the worse idea. It depends on what might be better. It might be better to take those three million people to Washington D.C. to protest the Federal Reserve, CPS, IRS, red flag laws, etc. They will probably spend tax dollars on putting extra police and military around Area 51, if they have not already done so. Instead, they should be sending those military agents and others to the border. So, if military and police were to murder or hurt or stop millions of Americans, and if enough people live-streamed that all over the Internet, that might red-pill people globally, people who are politically in the middle. Most people tend to remain in the middle, most of the time. So, in some ways this event could mirror Hong Kong protests which has like millions of protesters.
  5. The free market. A bunch of people can come. Businesses can pop up and make money off that. It would be like a bunch of circuses in a desert, like the burning man events. The police should not go to them and send them all to prison for partying in the desert. As long they don't try to trespass on private property. But then again, it might not be private property, even if they say it is private property.

Fox News

02:09 PM - 'Storm Area 51' prompts emergency declaration in Nevada

Nerds vs Geniuses

02:45 PM - IWA

Homosexual Nerds

The same people that try to redefine terms and normalize homosexuality may have been behind the branding of what it means to be a geek, a nerd, a book worm, etc. There are different kinds of intelligence quota or quotient (IQ) and emotional ones as well (EQ). There are differences between the ability to retain (memorize) knowledge, to collect it, to spit it back out like a robot when asked or commanded to do so, and wisdom.


Long story short, there are all kinds of people out there. Stereotypes are good for profiling people to an extent. But the art of profiling a person is a skill that can be abused in any number of ways. When compared to the average intelligence of dumb people with an IQ of like 60, an IQ of like 100 would be smarter, like a genius. Stefan Molyneux talks about that.


So, that part could be relative to the context, to the people you compare yourself to. But the smartest people in the world, some might argue, would be around 150 to 180. Which reminds me of one of my favorite shows on CBS, a show called Scorpion. The nerds would work with the FBI to save the day in each episode.

Wide Variety

There is probably a wide variety of different variations of nerds, geeks, book worms, cosplay players, video game addicts, movie geeks, etc. So, there may be really dumb ones and really smart ones. And it depends on who you compare them to.

NPC Nerds

There may even be a faction of nerds who are possibly SJW leftists as seen on The Big Bang Theory which has the actress who played Blossom in that Blossom television show in the 1990's which was perhaps too progressive as she was like a female protagonist in the show, which is ok if done correctly.

Girly Nerds

So, like I said, some nerds can become too girly. I don't know how girly is too girly, but globalists and leftists could be turning some of the nerds into soy boys.

We Are All Nerds

To some extent, all humans can be nerdy at times. It comes down to what it means or what it might mean to be a nerd.

Racist Nerds

Plus, being called a nerd could be a form of an insult in the same way that being called a racist is. So, before they called us racist Trump Supporters, they were calling some of us nerds, etc. Yes, it depends on what kind of us nerds, etc.


But we all can be nerds at times.

Passionate Nerds

What I mean is that we can all be passionate about specific things. Isn't that what a nerd is? A nerd might be a person who gets excited over a very technical hobby or career. It does not have to be sci-fi related. A science fiction nerd is only one version of a nerd.


For example, we might be Info nerds.

Smart Nerds

So, it comes down to what nerd means. It comes down to what being very smart means. Some of us might have photographic memory. That's smart. But you might not be wise because you can know a bunch of stuff and yet you may not know what to do with everything that you know.

Genius Gut Nerds

So, I would argue that being a genius is all about going with your gut, in having wisdom, in having the right timing.

Alex Jones Trump Nerds

Alex Jones is a genius. Trump is a genius. Because they are able to do the right thing with the info they gather. That's key. Some nerds might be a little wise. That's good. Some geeks are geniuses. And might be super geniuses.

Deplorable Nerds

And the left tries to use the branding of nerd to mock some of us like they do with calling us patriots deplorable like Hillary Clinton did.

Talented Nerds

We may have different skills, talents, gifts, abilities, etc, and we should focus on our uniqueness that is grounded on the things we do best.

Robot Normal People

Globalists try to turn us into robots, clones, animals, copies, SJW NPC couch potatoes.

Logical Spock Nerds

Becoming a nerd or a genius simply involves thinking outside the box or oatmeal bowl. Globalists are always trying to stop humanity from becoming independent and in being individuals, etc. As we eat healthier and as we grow as humans, we become smarter and smarter. Our IQ increases and decreases in life.

Getting Smarter

They say that your IQ is fixed at a certain number. That is not true. I mean, generally, that is true. But IQ and EQ can go up and down throughout the course of your life. So, it's up to you what you do with what you have. Each day, it is up to you to at least try to level up in this original oatmeal game called life.

Star Trek Data Nerd

Data was smart but Picard had wisdom. Picard made the decisions. But Data knew more. But Picard was the one who would go with his guts. Same thing with Spock and Kirk.

Evil Nerds

Globalists try to make people not want to be nerds because it is not cool. Globalists, like Paul Joseph Watson has said, try to brand and promote alleged counter-culture. So, in pop culture, we would generally see the cool guys get the chicks, not the nerds. Now, with Generation Z, the counter-culture is beginning to embrace the nerds and the geniuses. Also, globalists kidnap and brain-wash many nerds and geniuses by getting them to work as professors, teachers, doctors, government workers, scientists, inventors, etc, at schools, universities, hospitals, labs, etc. Some of the best minds have been kidnapped by the globalists, etc.

They say it's not cool to be a nerd.

But it is actually really cool to be a nerd haha.

Why is it pejorative?


03:00 PM - 09:00 PM - Uncle Sam. USA. America. After that, Bible Study. Acts 1. McDonald's. 3 guys. Added local. Neh too. China in the sea, all over the place. Texas. VN. Americana. Pentecostal. Balance. Faithfulness. Faith over feelings. Focus. Calling in. Being annonymous. Working with folks. Subtle. Public figures. Working behind the scenes. Going with the gut. Hand-made knife. So Be cranberry grapefruit. Hong Kong. Alex Jones. Pastor. Hong Kong. Mexico. Ministry. Practiced driving. Many talks. Many things.

Zack & Viruses

10:26 PM - IWA

Most viruses has been made for Windows. Now, there are things people can do to counter viruses. Number one, don't use Windows. Number two, keep an eye on your task manager. Number three, upload new files to a separate computer that remains isolated from the network. If anything bad happens to the isolated computer, then nuke it and reinstall a new operating system onto that isolated computer. Try to check documents and files that may contain viruses on separate computers / partitions / etc. Just in case.

Also, have partitions in your computer. Make sure you don't have spyware hardware and software that can activate in the presence of viruses, etc. Learn some command-line in order to do self-checks all the time in order to make sure you didn't run into a virus. Also, highlight the text in a document in order to expose the hidden white code as @Hollywood mentioned. Now, technically, will a Word document containing viruses activate automatically as soon as you open it? Well, on Windows, that is more likely. But it depends on the programs you use to open the documents or files. It depends on the file ending. Does it say .doc or .docx or something else? Depends on the different settings in the programs and the operating system and everything. It's complex and it depends on a bunch of factors. I'm not sure what to think about Zach and others. I try to keep an open mind. I try to give people benefits of a doubt.

If Infowars is not already attempting to develop a blockchain network, assuming they don't already have that at all, then I don't know what to say. They could be doing so much better. They should know better. People should be yelling at Alex Jones until he gets why and how blockchain helps in a variety of ways.

Matrix 4

10:49 PM - IWA

Matrix 4.

Inside the Matrix, Trinity and Neo launch the Brain Phone. Soon, people in the Matrix begin plugging themselves into brain phones. Suddenly, they wake up to find out that they were all born with real brain phones plugged into the back of their cranium or skull.

Meanwhile, outside of the Matrix 4 film, in the real world, at the same time, tech cartels will accelerate in promoting people towards brain phones.

Some people will say, like Scott Adams of Dilbert has said, that we are in a simulation (Matrix) and that we must plug into the brain phone in order to escape the Matrix in real-life.

But in reality, what we think would free us, the brain phones, would end up leading us towards a real-life global Matrix. This will be accelerating in the 2020's at the latest. The best and worse times ever are coming in the 2020's, that is the next ten years.