SundayCook #44 - Hake with Portuguese corn bread [EN] | Pescada com broa de milho [PT]

in #food7 years ago

Hello!! Ready for another delicious recipe!?

Well, this Sunday I feel like fish again and remember a recipe, that despite not being fully traditional, it uses typical​ ingredients. At my place it is already a tradition from time to time, we love it!!

Olá!! prontos para outra receita fantástica!?

Pois bem, este Domingo apeteceu-me novamente peixe e lembrei-me de uma receita que apesar de não ser muito tradicional, usa ingredientes super típicos. E na minha casa já é tradição de tempos a tempos, adoramos!!

For this SundayCook I prepared | Para este SundayCook preparei:

Hake with Portuguese corn bread | Pescada com broa de milho

Once again, it's super easy and delicious!! | Uma vez mais é super fácil e delicioso!!
A perfect recipe for a family or friend lunch! | Uma receita perfeita para um almoço de família ou com amigos!

Today I realized that Native Americans used ground corn, for cornbread (but not only), before European explorers arrived. Maybe that's the reason why we have Portuguese cornbread (broa) today.

Percebi hoje que os Americanos Nativos já usavam milho, para pão de milho (mas não só), antes dos exploradores europeus chegarem. Provavelmente é esse o motivo de hoje termos broa (pão de milho português).


I don't know how American​ cornbread tastes like, but I know Portuguese cornbread is denser​ than our ordinary bread but, and when freshly baked...oh my, it's so tasty!!

Slightly sweet and moist with a crunchy crust. Can you imagine it!?

Não sei a que sabe o pão de milho Americano, mas sei que a broa é mais densa que o nosso pão normal, e quando está fresca...nossa, é tão boa!

Ligeiramente doce e húmida, com uma crosta crocante. Conseguem imaginar!?

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Enough of talk, let's go to the recipe!!

Já chega de paleio, vamos à receita!!

Ingredients | Ingredientes:

  • 8 hake steaks (hake medallions or loins)| - 8 pedaços de pescada (medalhões ou lombos)
  • 200 grams Portuguese cornbread | 200 g de broa
  • 1 large onion | - 1 cebola grande
  • 1 red pepper | - 1 pimento vermelho
  • 1 clove of garlic | - 1 dente de alho
  • 1 lemon (zest and juice) | - 1 limão (sumo e raspa)
  • 150 ml olive oil | - 150 ml azeite
  • black pepper (to taste) | - pimenta preta (a gosto)
  • salt (to taste) | - sal (a gosto)

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1 - Season the fish with garlic (finely ​cut​), salt, black pepper and lemon zest and juice. Set aside.

1 - Temperar a pescada com alho (cortado finamente), sal, pimenta preta, raspa e sumo de limão. Reservar.

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2 - Cut the onion and red pepper into small cubes and place it in the baking dish.

2 - Cortar a cebola e o pimento vermelho em cubos pequenos, e colocá-los num tabuleiro de ir ao forno.

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3 - Cut the Portuguese cornbread into small pieces, and make coarse bread crumbs by hand.
4 - Wrap the fish in this coarse bread mixture.

3 - Cortar a broa em pedaços pequenos e desfazer com as mãos para obter migalhas grossas.
4 - Envolver a pescada na broa.

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5 - Place the fish in​ the baking dish.

5 - Colocar o peixe no tabuleiro.


6 - Add the olive oil to the marinade, whisk it and pour this mixture over the fish. Drizzle everything with more olive oil

6 - Juntar o azeite à marinada, mexer e regar o peixe com esta mistura. Regar tudo com um pouco mais de azeite.

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7 - Bake about 35 to 40 minutes in preheated oven (180ºC).

7 - Levar ao forno pré-aquecido (180ºC) por cerca de 35 a 40 minutes.

It's ready to serve!! | Está pronto a ser servido!!

See how easy it was (again)!? | Vêem como foi fácil (outra vez)!?


I usually serve this dish only with rice, but you know, today was Sunday and I wanted something more elaborate!!
Normalmente sirvo este prato apenas com arroz, mas vocês sabem, hoje é Domingo e quis algo mais elaborado!!

I served it with rice, broccoli and roasted potatoes!! | Servi com arroz, bróculos e batatas assadas no forno!!

I'm so proud of​ having this SundayCook series running. It means I have a different and delicious meal every Sunday!!

Estou tão orgulhosa de ter esta série de SundayCooks. Significa que tenho garantida uma refeição diferente e deliciosa todos os Domingos!!


** The coarnbread over the fish gets really crunchy, DELICIOUS! | A broa sobre o peixe fica mesmo crocante, DELICIOSO!

I will come back with another delicious Sunday cook!!

Stay tuned!!

What is Sunday Cook?!

This Sunday Cook project began with a strong will to contribute to Steemit with my personal view of Portuguese cuisine. I really believe we have plenty of good food. Despite I'm not a professional or nothing similar, I can assure that I'm doing my best, and hopefully, I'm improving my skills too!

On Sundays (cold Sundays), I like to prepare more elaborate and delicious food. It requires time and patience. Usually, I cook some traditional Portuguese food, or at least with Portuguese inspiration :) I try to do it in a healthier way, using the minimum fat as possible, and normally I pick some recipe and transform it. During the week I don't like to spend much time cooking (no time at all), that's why I get totally motivated to cook on Sundays!!


Eu voltarei com outro SundayCook delicioso!!

Fiquem atentos!!

O que é o Sunday Cook?!

Este projeto iniciou-se com uma grande vontade de contribuir para o Steemit com a minha visão pessoal da cozinha Portuguesa. Eu considero que temos excelentes pratos. Apesar de não ser profissional nem nada que o valha, garanto que tenho feito o meu melhor, e espero estar a melhorar os meus dotes culinários!

Nos Domingos (quando está frio), gosto de preparar comida mais elaborada. Requer tempo e paciência. Normalmente, cozinho pratos da cozinha tradicional Portuguesa, ou pelo menos inspirados na mesma. Tento cozinhá-los de uma forma saudável, usando o mínimo de gordura possível e normalmente pego numa receita e adapto ao meu gosto. Durante a semana não gosto de perder tempo a cozinhar (nada mesmo), e é por isso que me sinto motivada a cozinhar nos Domingos!!

Links for previous posts | Lista de links para posts anteriores:


Thank you for this wonderful and delicious recipe. It looks so tempting, interesting recipe from healthy ingredients.

Thank you!! Never think of this as a healthy recipe, but guess it may be. It only uses a small amount of olive oil!! Portuguese cuisine is top notch​ ;)

That does look easy to make -- and good! I've never eaten Hake, so I looked it up. It turns out that I know this fish as a Whiting. And I eat that regularly. It's the Pacific Whiting, but the same genus as what you have. Here in Oregon, it's caught off the coast and flash frozen in whole filets. So it's a local fish and one of the least expensive I see. I like baking them! I usually use onions, celery, and milk - a poached fish. I'll have to try your recipe when I have fresh peppers this summer.

As you probably already know, I had to google.translate the portuguese name and I found hake as the most "appropriate", but common names change from place to place. This is also very popular in Portugal (it's cheap too) and is eaten frequently. Usually, ​we buy it frozen as well, never seen a fresh one.

Your recipe must be good too, I love celery and I don't know why but I love to add milk to this fish (I'm almost sure I add it previously ti this recipe, but I haven't written​ it down, so I'm not sure!).

I didn't even think of you using google.translate. I like learning what other people call plants and animals in different areas. Here's to hake -- the wonderful whitefish! ; ) And to me making a Love Friday post sometime. I get so far behind on Steemit by Friday! Have a great weekend!

I like to know how I can pronounce my ingredients in English, I like to learn too ;) The Portuguese name for this cheap fish is "Pescada". That's the cool part of doing a bilingue post! :)

Hope to see a LoveFriday post written by you. Have a great weekend as well! :D

Another delicious looking dinner Liliana. I LOVE corn bread. Ours is dense too but I usually bake mine in a cake pan so the batter would be looser than for a bread dough. It's tasty and moist - I add frozen corn to my corn bread.

I'd love to try corn bread the way you made it. I'll have to see if I can find a bakery that makes it. It must be awesome toasted with a bit of grape jelly?? Yum.

I usually serve my corn bread with chili con carne.

I wish my hubby liked fish. Lately I have turned off of meat and am getting my protein other ways - probably not enough. Just a phase I am sure.

Thanks for being so diligent with this Sunday Dinner post.

I never tried to bake cornbread or any kind of bread, actually. But I want it badly ;)

I prefer cornbread with butter, cheese, chorizo...guess more salty things because the Portuguese cornbread (at least the one in the photo) is already a bit sweet.

How he can't like fish? You live in Canada, and have access to beautiful and cheap salmon (I suppose). Heke is not my favorite fish, but prepared this way gets very good! Thanks for your kind comment, makes my day better!

Strangely enough he likes canned salmon -ick. It smells and tastes like cat food probably tastes. Fresh salmon is amazing. It's not cheap here either - I buy Pacific Salmon fillets fresh frozen in packages of on fillet. It costs about $28 CDN for maybe 7 pieces? Also I buy Atlantic cod this way - not fishy at all.

Our cornbread is very sweet too which is why is goes so well with chili. I can see why you'd like cheese or chorizo with it - the salty spiciness with the sweet would be really good. I'll see if I can find the recipe for you - its so easy -there is no kneading of the dough. If you like sweet cornbread you'd love it.

I can't imagine me baking cornbread, at least not in my oven!! I must try first some "regular" bread to see how it gets :) Thanks anyway :)

Adoro broa de milho! Acompanhada com tudo, manteiga, azeite, simples. Com a pescada deve ficar muito bom. Dá-lhe um toque crocante. Vou ter de experimentar a tua receita :)

Esta versão fica baratita e é muito boa. O que eu gosto mesmo é de bacalhau com broa;) Mas não pode ser todos os dias ;)
Espero que gostes!

As receitas cada vez mais deliciosas! Muito bom, Lili!

Obrigada minha querida Clea!! É bom saber!! Uma ótima semana!!

Pra ti também! Forte abraço!

yummy food i like food my sistar @liliana.duarte

Doesn't we all love food!? ;)

Woooow delicious......

That looks really good, Liliana! very yummy

Thank you ver much :)

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