2019-11-05steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

Flickr Links | The Red Cross was feeding people poison. HOO (H2O) is water. But what is HHO (2H + O)? HHO is a gas that can be used for energy. It is like water power. There are many different ways to generate current, voltage, charge, electricity. We have solar power. We have wind power. We have water power. We have bio power. We have kinetic power. We have potato power. Eternal Security | OoCities | Time Travel | UK | Facebook launched in 2004. | Some men lied to some children. These men are in the Drag Queen Story Hour thing. These Men are the bid bad wolves. They dress up like women. They pretend to be women. Parents take their children to these events. Dorre Love came there and quoted the Bible. He said men are men. The parents begun to cover their children's ears and run away from such horror. In other words, showing kids the penis of men is fine to these parents. But the Bible, Hell no they say. Let's confuse children. Their hot dogs were out before the children. Their packages were out. The babies saw nudity. The parents were into it. The parents hated the Ten Commandments. The parents love immorality and darkness. Meanwhile the CPS split apart Christian families. CPS don't go after bad families. CPS go after good families. How can we defund CPS and Planned Parenthood more and more? We must always stand on objectivity. When we don't, then anything goes. This is an example of how society falls. This is part of how the Roman Empire fell centuries ago. What is Futex? When I try to close Firefox, I see Futex. My New Flickr Account.

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Doomcock Disney Destroying Star Wars OT Characters Screenshot at 2019-11-05 10:40:41.png
Check out Overlord DVD Doom Cock on YouTube

2019-11-05 - Tuesday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in November of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Red Letter Media

01:30 PM - Half in the Bag: Captain Marvel

Red Light Areas

01:54 AM - Steemit

Yeah. That's true. That's why I never really stayed except to say hello to a few people I knew. I would walk through those streets or bike through them. There is a contrast between red light districts and the countryside. I generally prefer the villages over the larger cities of Vietnam.

Water Power

02:11 PM - Steemit

Could you then collect rain water and have it funnel into an H2O to HHO machine? Is Alternative (galvanic) Current (AC) generally more efficient than Direct Current (DC)? Are AC and DC the main kinds of electric currents? Just those two? According to Wikipedia, I can only find these two. When I was teaching English in Vietnam, I saw that they generally have their water heaters, their water tanks, on the roof, and the water would warm up that way from the sun.

2012-03-22 - Thursday - 09:34 PM PST Screenshot at 2019-11-05 02:25:57.png

Eternal Security

2012-03-22 - Thursday - 09:34 PM PST - the 22nd of March of 2012 - in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA (FGOR163) - Oatmeal Joey Arnold (JSA) - Christian Forums. By Joey Arnold .284191

I wrote:

God never unregenerates His children but God does chastise, discipline, punish.

Thread Comment

Link: https://www.christianforums.com/threads/does-god-withdraw-the-holy-spirit.7367315/#post-60088507

My Account

Link: https://www.christianforums.com/members/joeyarnold.284191

2012-03-26 - Monday - 09:18 PM
The Holy Spirit leaves every time we sin & comes back after we're done?

2012-03-26 - Monday - 10:04 PM
Hebrews 13:5: Don't be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, "I'll never let you down, never walk off and leave you," we can boldly quote, God is there, ready to help; I'm fearless no matter what. Who or what can get to me?

My Facebook

My Facebook URL may have been, prior to maybe 2010:

Red Letter Media

02:47 AM - Half in the Bag Episode 135: Justice League

Just Ice League

Justice League


One Media

10:15 AM - BAD BOYS 3 Trailer # 2 (NEW 2020) Will Smith, Bad Boys For Life Movie HD

But what about women power? You can't have a male lead in a movie. We need more representation. Why didn't they replace Will Smith with Brie Larson for this Bad Boys 3: Bad Boys For Life which is coming out in 2020? Isn't this film kind of racist as they made Martin Lawrence a bit too fat? I'm joking. I'm trolling. I really mean the opposite. But if I was an SJW, these are the things I might say.

2007-04-17 - Tuesday - 02:21 PM - Blogspot Screenshot at 2019-11-05 11:07:20.png

Direct Her

2007-04-17 - Tuesday - 02:21 PM - Blogspot - The 17th of of April of 2007 - By Oatmeal Joey Arnold at Appalachian Bible College, Bradley, West Virginia, USA

I wrote:

RANDOM 1: Dear Joey Arnold, instead of worrying, you should pray. Even pray for x. Pray that she is drawn to you or drawn far from you. Pray that you are drawn to or from her, and for wisdom regarding that. Pray, do your part in life and leave the rest to the Creator and Savior to each of our souls [to those who have trusted in His salvation, that He gave us Hope Over Dope]. Stop tempting your mind about the future decisions of education, friendships, and now even love. Pray for wisdoma dn help because you cannot do it by yourself. You are so poor and must rely on the only One that can be relied on. Please spend more time with your Savior, that is quiet and quality time. This is your challenge for today. Stop getting distracted by anything. Ask Christ to give you a bigger heart for people and for more of a heart for people than for me. My wife would have to be a people's person. Ok. Just pray about that. Make friendships. Pray. Study. Wait. You can do this. Keep yourself posted. Pray for things even when God can say no to them. Do your part in confidence. Trust God. He has a plan for you.


Where in the world is OATMEAL Joey? TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 2007. Posted by Joey Arnold at 2:21 PM

Camp Kuratli 1930323_21010243961_2280_n.jpg

I worked at Camp Kuratli in 2007 & 2008.

first facebook.jpg

Facebook launched in 2004.


Political Facebook

11:47 AM - Steemit

Notice the announcements in the sidebar of this screenshot of Facebook as it mentions new features, things you can do on thefacebook: "10. Organize a mass protest of your school's labor." Sounds political. Infowars launched a forum website in 2018 called the Infowars Community Army, AKA the Infocomms (IWA). It was all about organizing protests. That's good. IWA says that is what that is for. But did Facebook say that they were political as well? Not really. Not usually. Officially, Mark Zuckerberg would say that FB was a platform for all ideas.

Facebook Link

My Facebook URL may have been:


RevHI pics on Flickr

2009-09-01 - Joey at Camp Homelani in Hawaii 1410844486_07b6270854_o.jpg

Revolution Hawaii

2007-09-01 - Saturday - Second Day in Hawaii - Salvation Army Camp - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Revolution Hawaii Team Member - I arrived to Hawaii for the first time ever on Friday, the 31st of August of 2007 - This was the next day, Saturday, the first of September of 2007 at some kind of camp retreat which we attended for that weekend.

Family Photo Albums Project

04:00 PM - I assembled some pictures of me and family members from 1985 and 1986. I organized around ten or so photos today into the photo album.


05:00 PM - On this reality TV show, these families talked about how they raise their children. They have a spin the wheel of fortunate chores which determines which chore each kid gets to do for the day or for the week. Good idea. Eight year old Blake wanted to make videos. Like movies. The father was thinking about it and he was considering editing the videos as well. He was going to lend her his camcorder or whatever that he has. But I wouldn't. I would reward her with a phone or camera for her birthday assuming she earned it. Then she could do whatever she wants with the camera. It could be a cheap camera phone or whatever. He does not have to edit the videos. Mom would put us on timeout. She did good with the oldest. She did ok with the second oldest, Rick. It was always tougher as mom got busier in the 1980's and more so in the 1990's. You could say that our family lasted for 24 or possibly 29 years. My mom was married to my dad from 1980-2008, like 28 years. Well, either 2007 or 2008, officially. We had our last family reunion, to date, the Christmas of 2004. So, as kids, we would run around a bit more at night. So, hey, mom would send us to bed around then. Maybe around 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM generally speaking in the 1980's and 1990's. We had a smaller reunion in 2008 and 2009. After that, my sisters went to New York City. In 2012, I went off to Vietnam. Rick married in 2007 and later would do missions work with his wife in Honduras. Our dad stayed in Forest Grove, Oregon. Mom moved to Shelton, WA, around 2007 and remarried. Mom is doing better now. As kids, we would be put on timeout around noon on some days. Just five minutes of being silent. Some times, we would fall asleep. The youngest, it may have been tougher. If we were still hyper, we were let loose to the outdoors to run around like animals. Mom would spank us sometimes or threaten us with spanking. She utilized different punishments at different times. After like 1995, mom began different tactics perhaps, more so. Like, she would take away our video games sometimes. Back to the show, Blake was trying to interview like her younger 4 year old sisters. Simple questions like why they love mommy. It was tough. When you make an movie with adults, you end up doing scenes over and over again. It can take years to make some movies. It can take days to weeks to film episodes. Imagine how much tougher it can be to film 4 year olds. It depends on how specific you want it to be. You have to be indirect. Make the kids think it is their idea. It is tougher to direct the kids directly.

2012-03-05 - Monday - How People See Joey Meme - 9 Boxes

How People See You

2012-03-05 - Monday - How People See Joey Meme - 9 Boxes

Pardes Selah

07:55 PM - Is Pokémon Go a danger to society?? Ft. @hala_nico (Pardes Live #142)

"Pokemon Go To The Polls." Hillary Ham Ham Clinton.

Are Pokemon people too?

Pokemon Google Earth

Augmented Reality Today. Brain Phone Reality Tomorrow.

Brain Phones Are Hot

Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider over the Newer Tomb Raider

Who's your favorite Batman?

Meth Lab?

Pokemons are transgender because they evolve.

Flickr Links

08:15 PM - Steemit - Links to my 4 Flickr accounts


2011-03-26 - Joey Arnold Mirror Picture


I have several accounts on Flickr. I just made a new one @joeyarnoldvn today, Tuesday, the 5th of November of 2019 around 08:00 PM PST LMS JA. As far as I know, at the moment, I've counted four accounts including this new one, JoeyArnoldVN, which I made today. I abandoned the previous three accounts. I may upload some photos to JoeyArnoldVN on Flickr in the future, possibly. I might and may in fact continue to ignore and abandon other accounts and focus on my new joeyarnoldvn Flickr profile account which I just made like less than an hour ago. I may not upload to Flickr daily. Maybe monthly. Maybe randomly. Depends on how many pictures I'm allowed to upload on a free account that is lacking premium features.

The names, the handles, the usernames, the display names, of my four Flickr accounts are as follows:

  1. JoeyArnold
  2. JoeyArnold7
  3. JoeyArnoldTV
  4. JoeyArnoldVN


My New Flickr Account.

Older Flickr Accounts

Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold TV
Joey Arnold 7

2010-08-09 4972483556_017c941293_o.jpg

WYI 2010

2010-08-09 - Monday - WYI 2010 - I'm in this picture. We were playing some kind of game.


10:39 PM - My computer was slowing down. I only have 4 GB RAM. But also have 8 GB of swap on my hard drive which might be like ZRAM. I'm going to try change the priority on Ubuntu to use more ZRAM, aka swap. Well, swap and zram may not be the same, but they are similar I believe. Here is some code I am experimenting on. The priority for swap is from -2 to 10, and 10 being the highest priority. And -2 means the PC will use more RAM and less swap. And a higher number, like 5, 8, or even 10, means the computer will try to use more swap as opposed to RAM. So, if you have less swap, you could make a partition that can be used like RAM on your hard drive, hopefully.

Some code:

sudo swapoff /dev/sda1
sudo vim /etc/fstab
cat /proc/swaps

Check the size the swap

sudo cat /proc/swaps

Change Directories


Random Notes

11:29 PM - I've read that swap is slower than RAM. People tend to say that using swap wears down the hard drives that the swap (ZRAM) is on. So, I guess I will keep my swap priority at -2. Swap can be there just in case there is no more RAM space left. I might consider buying more RAM.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


2019-11-04 - Monday
2019-11-05 - Tuesday
2019-11-06 - Wednesday

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography

Oregon had Lois and Clark. Rhymes with jay and say and okay. Jay.

vietnam oatmeal joey arnsold joeyarnold joeyarnoldvn shelton was usa oregon WA washington america vietnam ojawall morehead rasp pdx fgor97116 fgor163 my blog joseph scott donald marilyn mitchell cool kid
I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam

A leftist Trump hater attacked a female in front of hundreds of people. No one helped her, police ignore it, media ignores it. The left hates strong women.

Nostalgia Chick on Being Hated on the Internet | Rantzerker 117

Project Veritas ABC Leak + Me Commentary

Shocking Halloween costume Drag queen Blair Back has fake abortion at bar.

Legal Abuse & Defense Against Global Surveillance

From the Centralized IT Parasite Dilemma to Blockchain Ankle Bracelets for Politicians

USA Land of the Free, they Say

"Aryans vs Jews in Colorado"

Felt like saying something.

Schiff's witness tampering is now a Historical fact; and the Kangaroo court status is established!

How Fredrick Brennan, former 8chan owner turned on the new owner and 8kun. Brennan is connected to Travis View who has ties to the Atlantic Council funded by Burisma and Soros. Evidence of Atlantic Council paying for Schiff Staffer's trip to Ukraine!

Going Sideways: The Rise Of A.I. Tech In Africa

Must Watch ABC News Insider Recording EXPOSES #EpsteinCoverup by Project Veritas

Leak Reveals: ABC News Spiked Epstein Story 3 Years Ago!

The lie is different at every level.

(IFF) DNA determines personhood (AND) personhood determines human rights (THEN) DNA determines human rights

[PROPAGANDA] some loose nuts & bolts taken out there from the internet.

More problems with Man Made Global Warming pseudoscience, and scientific inaccuracy of their temperature models!

#SteemComic Strip Contest #7 - Entry 1 - creativecoin informationwar

Click here to watch Alex Jones & Other Infowars Shows
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