Going Sideways: The Rise Of A.I. Tech In Africa

I have talked about this before and it is time to talk about this again. Artificial intelligence technology being brought into Africa by China for......you guessed it.....SURVEILLANCE. That's right. A.I. surveillance tech via soft loans. China is subsidizing these countries obtaining "advanced repressive technology". Doesn't that phrase just nail it on the head.

This goes beyond just control. This will be another example of technology used against human beings for political and religious purposes resulting in mass depopulation. Remember Rwanda? Ethnic and religious cleansing around the world can now me done with the most modern and inescapable tools. Leave no one behind. Everyone counts. These catch phrases are genie language. You see it?

So, you think this can't happen here?

Here is my latest video....

2019 Thumb Nail .jpg

( Just click the picture to watch the video)

China's control grid is for everyone.




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Howdy squirrelbait! This is so creepy but people need to realize what's happening and what is coming to THEIR neighborhood. China offers all these dirt poor countries millions in loans in exchange for being able to use their new technology and for things like mining and mineral rights?

Yes, you are right. I forgot to mention the mining. China is raping some of these countries of their resources and enslaving the people. Yup, I remember that now. Thanks @janton for bringing that up.

"...cobalt mined in these harsh conditions ends up in popular consumer products. It moves from small-scale Congolese mines to a single Chinese company,Congo DongFang International Mining.."


Great. Yeah they tempt these countries with the big money loans, knowing they won't be able to pay them back. Of course if they don't pay them back then they take the resources completely. Thanks for that link squirrelbait!

"Of course if they don't pay them back then they take the resources completely."


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