Must Watch ABC News Insider Recording EXPOSES #EpsteinCoverup by Project Veritas

in #projectveritas5 years ago

I have only watch 1:12... and it's surreal !

however, how surreal it may be, it's nothing.

I rest convinced, it's the GREATEST WAR EVER !

this is what angers and dissapoint me so deeply, I don't say it's an easy war to win, I say: It's the GREATEST WAR EVER !

sometimes, you ask, is this "guy" really a bad guy, who knows, the fog of war.

but here? there is no fucking fog.

the less dissapointing part is that I don't really believe that many states will side with the childrapists...

that limit the scope of the thing...

however, it's still something very interesting...

because I come back to it, but the take over of this buckimham palace will have to take place.

proof demonstrated.

we can look at the betrayal of a certain person in china, who sided with the japaneses occupiers for a while at least and from the knowledge of a noob on the subject, but still...

we see there, we see now...

and even if the king/kween was alone doing their bad deeds the damage could be limited, but there is the ARISTOCRACY !! wanting to do the same things as the king/kween... mr jones they say :), the little biobots aren't very creative :).

and when some among the biobot start to believe to be so called king/kween with so called hereditary privileges, to rape rights, we have a problem.

america is facing an act of war ! what will the reaction of the power that be...

any serious CIC would react !

And we expect, that the recent might, while still very limited of PRC already is a signal, clear, that : life and death.

I think really this issue is really a great hurdle of civilization and social system of the human species, and how it is solved really determined the long term survavibility of the model.

because, yeah, when the only person who doesn't want to act is the cic...

I am sorry, but for me, we have reach the point of life and death.

against this, it's an elimination program !

this is a real a power that be moment...

what does it say about nation and military system who tolerate this?

from an ultra individualistic perspective, this is bad for me too !

what a shame !

I say what to the aliens with their rental?

the truth : I don't know...

what the fuck are you doing?

maybe the daughter of robert muller is afraid, threatened and co?

who knows....

that's why I say that, there is sufficiently enough person, individuals, in the army, let's see what is really going on...

nothing fancy...

there was an act of war on the american soil.

the dod investigate...

ohh, let the civilians do their things, clone everything, while starting from scratch... it's less complicated than to land 2 men on the moon :) !

and that what really hurts me, it's not impossible !

you know asking for 1000 analysts and co now in china is not something special or extraextraordinary for one single issue...

you know crysis?

basic of the laws of war : what is going on ?

basics, who, what,when,where, how, etc... then starting to find what's missing... there can be a little bit more action ! shadow kidnaping of prince andrew before the conquest, who knows.... they don't fucking vear suicide vest yet :), but certainly gps chips...

what I want, is justice, restoring the most basic honor of the american defense system, and maybe start to climb the wall of corruption...

but this question, it's a question of humanity, did america failed? they touched the sky to burn away?

who knows... but some must be executed.

and that I know.

because you don't like it, it's the same.

i don't care.

this is embeded in the republic.

final reminder to those who may attack China, know, that the memory of your civilization is at stake.

yes, this is way beyond mercyless.

but know you know.

what are you americans? what are your values? what are you made of? you lie well... at least something :).

you see, you could do something so cool, let's capture this girl, that I see writing since a while :), capture/hostage, and now let's redo the show live, let's invite ourselves to her guests ! what? again, they don't have suicide vests ! jokes... and we node proudly but with great satisfication knowing that it could have been, ruskies? chineses? ahaha !

the trimming of the edges of the herd has benefits :D.

like fertilizer !

and in less than 1:12 I know that the great kate and williams future king/kween of england were used, maybe against their will, to stop the publishing... I am sure there are great benefits to born future king, but as the tao...

anyway... can I do it or not? transcript her speech?

I have already /pain...

or maybe I could find it... hehehe


well this post sweecee i know exactly what your saying and you are absolutely right
the people better wake the fuck up
have a great day and thanks for the post

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