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RE: In a few minutes, and with Steemit's full approval, @Bloom (Blumenthal? Bloomberg?) will come along & wipe out my posts...

in #informationwar5 years ago

It's not betting because some people get more than others, that's not what betting or waging is about. I said it's not win lose, it's win win. You seem to look at curation as zero sum game, where anything that you did not get you lost. Its not betting simply because there is a chance to be rewarded, it's only betting when something is risked or put up as a wager, you can try and say it' s betting because Different people vote. Different people upvote. So, one person may get more curation rewards from that one vote. Another person may get less rewards for one vote. or that you're "betting" on your vote but obviously you can't lament over shit that was never yours, so saying that your "bet" lost is silly and seeing curation as a zero sum game of winners and losers simply because some make more than others seriously misses the point of rewards which isn't to go only to a few, but to many, or else hardly anyone else will try to buy in/work in and earn, some might look at 1 steem post as a loss when others see it as a win, same for curation, some are focused on profits and others simply reward what they like and even if they are trying to get the highest reward it is no more a matter of betting than simply being rewarded for any other activity, be it creating content or just holding stake.


You risk your time. You see, time has value. People always have things to lose. Money is not the only thing that has value. That is why it is betting. You are investing your time into a game. You may lose. Your time holds value. Of course, at the same time, like you said, it can be win-win. Technically, it is win-win in some ways. But people may not be smart enough to see it that way. Technically, you could argue that nothing is yours or mine. At the same time, the opposite could be argued. If you believe in God, then you need to know God owns everything. Yet, God gave it all to us. We don't have to believe in God to desire private property rights. Also, you don't have to own something in order to bet on something. Betting is a game that is not based on whether or not you have something to lose. But at the same time, you can lose your reputation and your time and who knows what else. Like you said, some of it is relative it seems. Objective truth is out there, but we are blinded by subjectivity, relativity, our point of view, like you said. We should always look at the brighter side of things. We should always think win-win, I agree.

Just because you claim it's betting doesn't mean you're correct, at all. Here you are now trying to claim that everything is betting. No, curation is not betting, no, not everything is betting and no, just because some make more it certainly does not make it betting.

Here's the definition of betting:

bet (bĕt)

  1. An agreement usually between two parties that the one who has made an incorrect prediction about an uncertain outcome will forfeit something stipulated to the other; a wager.
  2. An amount or object risked in a wager; a stake.
  3. One on which a stake is or can be placed.

It's not about looking for the bright side, it's a matter of not twisting words to mean anything and everything, which renders the word meaningless. It's the same for curation being twisted to mean that it's not curation if you're rewarded for it, and you're twisting betting to mean anything that comes with any sort of risks or simply anything that isn't "fair", or "equal" is betting, which is not what betting is at all, and certainly not what curation is.

Do you want Steemit to die?

What an off the wall question. Why are you asking such a question?

It sounds like you are. I like it.

Based on what?

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