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in #j5 years ago

Pastor Sam on YouTube - Gospel Gunslingers. Taxes versus renaming streets. Nicole Rose. Facebook. Ring of Fire Parody. Unauthorized. Alex Jones Show. WAR ROOM (FULL SHOW) Thursday 8/22/19 • Charrise Lane, TTP Brandon, Based Amy, Zach Vorhies, News. April of 2016

2019-08-22 - Thursday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

Screenshot at 2019-08-22 18:40:03.png

Contact Me

Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn

Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-22 - Thursday - PST - Daily journal:

Taxes & Streets

01:54 PM - IWA

I believe in private property rights. If you own something, you should have the right to call something anything. If you bought something, you should be able to name anything. That includes roads. So, it depends on who owns the roads. People can protest. They can go to town halls. They can boycott. They can tell people what they want. If they want a road to change its name, then they can tell everybody about that. Ultimately, if taxes pays for the road, then people should have the right to name the road, assuming they then own the roads. I hate taxes. But we pay taxes. So, as long as we pay taxes, then we then own stuff in theory. I say in theory. Actually, government owns stuff. But in theory, if we pay taxes, then we actually own the stuff or should own the stuff. So, we should demand things or for less taxes. If they get our taxes, then we should be more hands-on with how they spend our money.


02:04 AM - Steemit

Gaming is fun for sure. Nice dog. Love your eyes. Yeah, music is fundamental. Nice Twitter name. I love drawing. Nice to meet you.

Email Hacking

02:17 AM - Steemit

I do many things to protect myself from problems. For example, instead of using Microsoft or Apple, I use Ubuntu. I try to use a proxy. I try to change my DNS. I try to use encryption. I try to use the best web browser I can. I use Firefox. But, Brave is probably better. I'm saying this because hackers can sometimes find ways onto your computer in order to hack into email, etc. So, there is remote access (backdoors). Most viruses are written for Microsoft. Most computers run Microsoft as an operating system. I don't change my passwords.

Problem With Facebook

02:34 AM - Steemit

It is not that Facebook is not advance. The problem is the tyranny, the centralization.

Bingozee Book

10:55 AM - IWA

Stefan Molyneux would destroy Bingozee in a debate. That is not an argument. Saying you are neither on the right or the left is impossible and irrelevant. There are definitions to what it means to be right and left. Regardless, no matter what you do with the meaning of left and right, you will end more towards one side or the other depending on how you define the two sides.

Zach Google Infowars

11:04 AM - IWA

Zach can be good and bad. Not relevant. Zach is helping. But regardless, Infowars can do things to keep themselves safe regardless of how good and bad Zach is and is not. That's what I'm trying to talk about. Bill Ottman of Minds has been on Infowars. Bill has talked about these things. David Knight should be telling Alex Jones to wake up to some of this. David is older. David should know better. Cernovich and Stefan Molyneux should be telling Alex to think about blockchain. They understand some of it. Different people who have talked about blockchain have been on Infowars. So, Alex should be listening to them. But Alex seems to hate Bitcoin so much that he might be rejecting blockchain by extension, unfairly, prematurely, because Alex might be too skeptical in trusting anything that might be a Trojan Horse filled with possible backdoors, etc. Good to be skeptical. However, it's also good to put your Trump Perspective Glasses on at the same time.

If they murder Zach, is Zach still a mole then?

How many smart SJWs are there out there?

You are fake news. You love censorship.

Storm Area 51

11:14 AM - IWA

So, you love 1984 Big Brother Police Tyranny?

I would go there as a journalists to film it.

Star Trek Discovery 1

11:32 AM - YouTube

Force Ghosts and the Force in Star Trek? Well, maybe because of the Heaven Place and Spirits and how Kirk Met Picard in Star Trek Generations film back in around 1994. Maybe Kirk was like a Force Ghost.

Ring of Fire Parody

12:13 PM - Facebook - Brendan Grace

Ron Gibson

02:00 PM - ALEX JONES (FULL SHOW) Thursday 8/22/19: ZACH VORHIES, VOX DAY, MATT BRACKEN, News, Calls & Analysis

Zack Thread

02:42 PM - IWA

A smart SJW is not an SJW.

Zor Thread

02:47 PM - IWA

Which oatmeal is better? Same thing with eggs.

Robin Williams

05:24 PM - I do not know if he killed himself. The same fake news that lies about everything say that he did. You do not know that. Why do you listen to fake news? - Zelda Video


05:30 PM - 06:30 PM

Make Making Babies Great Again

10:16 PM - IWA

Dennis Prager was talking about this today on his show today:

10:16 PM - Fireside Chat Ep. 96 - Leftism Makes Mean People.

My older sister doesn't want to have kids. My older brother is worried about having kids because they might be born with birth defects. My younger sister wants children. I would love to start a family as well.

We all can try to have children. We can adopt. We can babysit. We can get involved with youth ministries at churches, schools, etc. We can try to do a little bit of something for future generations each month. Just one minute per month or more if you want. You could write a letter and send it to a kid. You could send a birthday present to a kid each Christmas. You could make a fun educational video and put it on YouTube. You could join Info Moms as they play a role in influencing future generations. We should try to have as many kids as possible. The earth is not over populated.

Encourage Having Babies

We should continue to find NEW ways to encourage people to have children. Otherwise, Muslims and others will continue to replace us in the next few decades, that is by 2050 or whatever. Some people will say we cannot stop that. I disagree. I believe in trying. If you only say that it is impossible, then you make things worse. I say I have no idea what is possible or impossible. I don't want to know. All I want to know is whether or not I'm trying my best each day in encouraging stronger families, etc.

Prager U

10:16 PM - Fireside Chat Ep. 96 - Leftism Makes Mean People.


10:27 PM - IWA

Zach is helping us regardless of his intentions, regardless of who he is or is not; all of that is irrelevant in the same way Trump is irrelevant in that Trump helps us when Trump helps us and we must continue to yell at Trump about tech cartels, 5G, geoengineering, Big Pharma, Federal Reserve, the wall, private property rights, the 4th amendment, the second amendment, the first amendment especially, in making government smaller; Alex Jones talks about this: when Trump appears to be going sideways, we hold Trump accountable.

Hold Zach accountable in the same way you hold Trump responsible. If Alex Jones is going sideways by not giving blockchain a try, then hold Alex responsible. Hold everybody responsible, including Zach.

That's common sense.

Area 51 Debate

10:31 PM -IWA

Life is all about alternatives. Make the better choice. If there is no better choice, then you could make the bad choice as the bad choice might be better than no choice at all.

Ron Gibson

10:56 PM - WAR ROOM (FULL SHOW) Thursday 8/22/19 • Charrise Lane, TTP Brandon, Based Amy, Zach Vorhies, News

Star Trek Discovery 1

11:32 AM - YouTube

Force Ghosts and the Force in Star Trek? Well, maybe because of the Heaven Place and Spirits and how Kirk Met Picard in Star Trek Generations film back in around 1994. Maybe Kirk was like a Force Ghost.