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in #j5 years ago

My Tagged. Hong Kong protest tactics: occupy, disrupt, disperse, repeat. Tagged. Was watching Infowars today. The Alex Jones Phone debate. Star Wars Theory videos. Reviewed April 2016. Weekly Photos 01 - 02 - 360 pictures

2019-08-19 - Monday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

My Tagged Screenshot at 2019-08-19 20:55:16.png
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Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn

Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-19 - Monday - PST - Daily journal:

Praying is Like Spiritual Flying

01:39 AM - Steemit

We are more connected with each other than we know. We do have a third eye. It's very beautiful and very scary. Prayer is like yoga, like meditation. You should not always pray just to demand things from Genie God. Instead, it's about slowing down your breathing. It's about embracing empathy, sympathy. Because we are all psychics. The powers that be try to turn us into cyborgs via Brain Phones, Brain Chips, Smart Brain Chips, Super Human Enhancement, and everything. Because they want to stop us from stopping them. Globalists and others try to achieve transhumanism, immortality, global tyranny, etc. Some of them want to upload their consciousness to the Matrix. They want to merge with aliens and immigrate to new planets. There are different factions of the globalists. So, they pretend to agree with each other and work with each other. They're not all on the same page. They're divided. They stab each other in the back. We are more united as a human race when we embrace natural laws and eternal principles. Prayer helps us merge with eternity, meaning we can zoom outside of time to see things better. Some people have claimed the ability to talk to other people in lucid dreams while they're sleeping. Elsa. 2x.


02:54 AM - Steemit - YouTube

Sexy Brazilian Model Carol Seleme is showing some of her favorite ab exercises that you can do in a workout.

Sleep: 9 or 10 PM Sunday to 12 AM apx and 05:20 AM - 10:20 AM.

10:24 AM - Mark Dice - Beto's Big Announcement 😂

The Sour Head

11:11 AM - ALEX JONES & STEVEN CROWDER #2 "FULL UNCUT" - Why does Steven Crowder say he does not necessarily agree with everything Alex Jones is saying? Where is the disagreement? Alex said these are the things the globalists and others believe and are trying to do. So, if you were to disagree, you would then be disagreeing with them and not with the messenger, Alex Jones. I don't get it. Alex didn't say anything. Therefore, how can you disagree with nothing. Alex simply mentioned history. Well known history and patterns. How can you disagree with facts and evidence?


12:19 PM - No. Not today. And I don't really enjoy travel a lot. And I'm busy like I said before. I feel like my life is too much of a mess at the moment. Because I don't have a job. I live with my parents. Yes, I'm doing these things. I'm trying to help my family and the world. But at the same time, I know some people might see me as a loser or whatever they want to call it. So, I want to either end up working for Infowars someday or another group perhaps. If not, I may get some kind of meaningless job which I could then be fired from as soon as they read what I write on the Internet.... unless if I could do some kind of work that could really help people I guess. So, long story short like I said, I kind of don't want to go anywhere today. That's how I feel. I could be wrong. And I could change my mind in September 2019 maybe. Who knows.

The real Loki, the joker? Not the one from Marvel's. Superman is a Nazi idea from ancient mythology. Bill Maher might not be as bad as we may think, Alex Jones argued Monday. That might be true. He is sophisticated in the paradoxes he mentions. He might be a slave.

Steven Crowder

01:21 PM - IWA

Steven Crowder seems to be very smart. And he helps people understand so many things. So, I don't understand why he is still distancing himself when he is simply a younger version of Alex with a bit of a different style that focuses on comedy which Alex does too sometimes.

Flat Earth

01:26 PM - IWA

What, the earth is not flat? Is my head not flat either?


02:512 PM - IWA

I might have accidentally eaten him by mistake and now he speaks to me while I'm out and about jumping on turtles saving princess. He is now my Inner Mario.

Prager U

04:01 PM - The Left Wants to Keep Racism Alive

Alex Jones Phone Problem

05:55 PM - IWA

Alex Jones said his phone was hacked this Monday morning, the 19th of August of 2019.


First, take out the battery out of your phone at night.

Why did you not do that?

Second, take out the SIM card.

Because Internet is accessed through the SIM card, through your phone service, and also through the WIFI as well.

But there may also be some backdoors to how they can connect to your phone wirelessly, as well. But, you would need to remove programs, viruses, etc, out of your phone, in order to really get on top of it.

Plus, you would need to remove spy chips off the motherboard inside your phone.

Phones are computers.

Things people can do:

  1. Remove your phone battery.
  2. Remove your SIM card.
  3. Do a Google search for programs you may want to remove.
  4. Do some research on settings you can change.
  5. Learn how to unlock your phone in order to get administrative access in order to change more of the default settings inside phones.
  6. Do research on how to turn off some settings that allows programs and people to wake up phones via the Internet (WAN). By default, many things are turned on. They should be turned off. Some months ago, we had some Infocomms threads talking about some of these things.
  7. Do research on how to remove spy chips out of your phones. You simply need to memorize how the inside of your phone is supposed to look like. The easiest way to figure this out is to compare your phone's insides with official blueprints, pictures, maps, of what it is supposed to look like. Then, you can compare the two to figure out what does not belong. Same thing with programs.
  8. Find out which programs are running on your phone. This applies to computers as well. Make sure you know which programs are required. Once you know that, then you may be able to detect programs that are not supposed to be there. Some of those programs may be spyware. It may be who knows what. But if you are familiar with what is supposed to be there, software and hardware alike, then it can be easier to recognize aliens, Trojan Horses, viruses, hackers, spyware, spy chips, etc.

Does Alex Jones really not know how to protect his phone or is he using the story, and allowed it to happen, purposely, or maybe accidentally, in order to teach the world a lesson, in order to have the opportunity to talk about a problem that many people can have, and in order to help people relate better to Alex, and why are people not telling Alex to remove his battery at least each night and possibly other things as well, and no wonder why Alex has a problem with Bitcoin if he doesn't even know how to protect his phone, right, or does everybody have this problem except for me?

@Rob_Roy, Alex Jones would probably have to send his phone to IT people if he hasn't already and tell them to grab the metadata of the hacking. As much I might know about tech, I don't know if I've done something like that before.

In other words, I think removing a battery is ten times easier than extracting metadata. I'm sure I could probably learn how to do it on a computer. But on a phone, it might be a little harder to do. I just think it is a silly problem to have.

If you are Alex Jones, why would you allow people to remote access your phone? There are so many things people can do to stop remote access. Alex talks about remote access and backdoors and yet he should be talking about how we can stop that. And we can stop that. I can teach people how to stop those types of problems. We should all learn a new thing each day. We should stop acting so helpless.

Unless if he knows better and allowed it to happen so he could talk about it. He either knew better or he is, like he said on Joe Rogan, a little retarded, like Oatmeal.

Yes. I voted yes. Depends on the phone I guess. But if you cannot remove the battery from your phone, then get a better phone. I mean, older phone or different phone or fix it.

@Leviticus was right the entire time. Don't y'all go and apologize to him all at once.

@Bingozee was right too. The whole time. The Trumpet Man was right.

@Crit1kal and @Minutemen-Of-America were right this whole oatmeal time.

Ironically, even Mama Potato was right this entire time.

How the retarded oatmeal do I get my battery out of my phone?

I accidentally lost my phone's SIM card in that Sim City game.

Most phones run operating systems made by Google or Apple.

Is it true that some phones have no removable SIM cards?


07:28 PM - IWA

I actually live in the basement's basement. Hitting total rock bottom. Can you smell what that oatmeal rock is cooking down there? Rhymes with spirit. Actually, nothing rhymes with spirit apart from cure it.

Pastor Pastors

07:50 PM - IWA

I want you to know that Jesus was a Rabbi and Rabbi means teacher. People are to be like Jesus. Remember that Jesus had disciples. Those disciples became apostles. The apostles were the leaders of the early church. In other words, people like Apostle Paul were the missionaries. They were church planters. A church planter serves as a remote pastor or evangelist. A church planter is the pastor of the pastors. Because pastors need pastors too. So a pastor pastor goes around planting new churches. They are pastors too. We may not call the pastor pastors pastors but the pastor pastors are still pastors as they pastor other pastors and help plant new churches and they stem back to Christ.

Audio & Video

10:41 PM - Steemit

Facebook does kind of. But we can do better than Facebook.

Google Secrets

10:46 PM - Steemit

@ura-soul does not watch Infowars and did not listen to the two whistle blowers on the Alex Jones Show a week ago and what they said as seen on Project Veritas.

Money Prepared

10:49 PM - Steemit

That's why we must save up money in a few different currencies, some cash, gold, silver, cryptocurrencies, etc. Have backup investments. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. Be prepared with canned foods, etc.

Crypto Dog

10:52 PM - Steemit

Yes, I like the competition of money as seen in cryptocurrencies and in Bitcoin and it will continue to rise in the 2020's, the next decade along with Steemit and blockchain and many things like never before.

Stopping Suicide

10:55 PM - Steemit

In order to help people from making bad choices, including committing suicide, you must give them purpose, joy, hope, which is only found in L4OJ, in Jesus Christ, our Savior Creator.

Post Loading Errors

11:04 PM - Steemit

I can see this post now. Yesterday, I was struggling to see this post. Also, I have had trouble seeing some of my older Steemit posts at times. I have clicked on a link and would get an error. Then, when I used the Steemit Google Search to find the same post to click on it, then it took me to that same post and it loaded. I should probably write an article about that. Perhaps somebody knows what that is all about.

Steemit Gambling Game

11:12 PM - Steemit

I would hope that it's both, that when you Steemit Upvote, you're playing a betting game, like gambling, which means rewards, money, depending on how good you play the voting game; and it is also curation if you resteem it or it is curated (moved) to the trending page. Also, more people may consider reading it if it made more money. For example, if I saw a post that made like $50,000, then I would click on it because I don't think any post has ever made that much money on Steemit. So, money talks. If I had to pick one or the other, I would say it is not really curation and it is mostly a gambling game which involves possibly winning some money for betting and that also means, as seen with all those people who buy lottery tickets, that many people lose and make either no money or very little and that is kind of how it works. If everybody won, then it might not be a game.