In a few minutes, and with Steemit's full approval, @Bloom (Blumenthal? Bloomberg?) will come along & wipe out my posts...

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

...aimed at the billionaire pedophiles (his friends?) that are running and RUINING this country and the lives of countless little ones.

He/she never posts.

He/she never upvotes.

He/she rarely even resteems.

(How different are they, really???...Image courtesy of

In other words, this person DOES NOTHING HERE BUT DOWNVOTE things he disagrees with, and apparently, he/she also thinks that billionaire pedophiles should not be called out for their diabolical evil. I know this because this is the first time he has downvoted MULTIPLE TIMES in the same day. Apparently, I've struck a real cord with this user.

Sure, there's free speech, but there is also being a despicable supporter of evil.

Hardfork 21 is soon going to make it so that his downvoting doesn't even cost him as much.

In other words, Steemit is becoming exactly what they claimed they would never ideologically-driven, censorship-enabling, anti-first-Amendment hell hole-- just like the other major social media sites.



yeah you gotta wonder why some person would flag something against child pedophilia
hope all is well mepatriot and have a great evening

Child pedophilia? What more kinds are there? How about a pedophile?

But this is not about the subject but the person.

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation, and Liberty. We are a peaceful and non-violent movement that sees information as being held back by corrupt forces in the private sector and government. Our Mission.
  • Discord, website, youtube channel links here.

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

Your pic is why I coined the word Zionazi. None of what you state in this post is factually incorrect, which I have been railing against since I became aware of the EIP proposals.

Fortunately, various and myriad competitors to Steem have arisen, and if our worst fears regarding it are realized, simply moving on will be possible. Zeronet and Blockchan have piqued my interest, because both do not potentiate flagging, are very resistant to censorship by established economic interests, and are intended to be used to speak freely. Neither have a financial component however, so for those interested in that there are also numerous other platforms, from Weku and Somee, to Voice, and maybe Libre.

We'll see what the future holds. It is not the rulers of this world that matter, but what comes after. John of Patmos said that Death comes on a pale horse, and Hell follows after. I am certain that for those who have earned it here, hell of their own device is their reward.

We who have paid for our sins here will be free of their burden in happy days to come.

@bloom is inconsequential to me, but I don't care about money. There are more important things. Seek them, and no flags will take them from you.

I hear ya. But, at my age, I was hoping to BOTH share important truths, and to also find a way to overcome the decades-long financial stranglehold the PTB have had on my family.

Bloom is only "important" as another minor "proof" of the real power running America, and how/why people need to finally begin to actively resist it.

Lol "if you get rewarded for curation is it curation?" aka:

If you get rewarded to make music, is it music.

Try to make sense. Dodging my point doesn't make you right. It just makes you irrelevant.

My point is that casting votes for money isn't curation, which is casting votes for content and creators. A better analogy than making music would be the Payola scandal back in the '50s, where DJ's on the radio were just playing the cuts they got paid to, and not curating the music. To stick with making music, then you should have started with writing and posting, not curating, because that's analogous.

Edit: I replied before I checked to see what I had said you were replying to, and I don't even know where you came up with your comment. It isn't a quote from my comment above. So, not only were you avoiding the point I have made many times, but you were putting words in my mouth.

Have you no self respect? What good could it do you to 'win' an argument you made up in your head? I make statements that express my views, and if you make up your own statements that you pretend are my views and argue those, then just leave me out of it, because you're having a conversation with yourself.

My point is that casting votes for money isn't curation, which is casting votes for content and creators.

Yes, because when you're paid for what you do it stops being whatever you're doing and is rendered as a tainted cousin at best of what you've done.

You said previously to curators getting paid by museums:

Yep, they get paid a salary. Consider the difference in motivation that provides, instead of extracting profit from the items they promote. It's the difference between a husband and a pimp.

Sure it is, but at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is do they make money by curating? Undoubtedly, and poor curation will get them replaced I imagine, but that's also beside the point, point being that they get paid for what they do, and likewise they make money directly by their work, if they curate well they will undoubtedly ask for better pay. Exactly like artists get paid to perform, exactly like curators here get paid to perform. You though, claim that it's profiteering off the content, that by investing into the platform, staking, and voting for content to be rewarded while also being rewarded for rewarding content, that the stakeholders are extracting value from the platform and from the content, which is pure nonsense since the act of staking and the act of rewarding the reward of content is where the platform gains it's value both in the utility aspect and in speculation / price discovery aspect.

I would hope that it's both, that when you Steemit Upvote, you're playing a betting game, like gambling, which means rewards, money, depending on how good you play the voting game; and it is also curation if you resteem it or it is curated (moved) to the trending page. Also, more people may consider reading it if it made more money. For example, if I saw a post that made like $50,000, then I would click on it because I don't think any post has ever made that much money on Steemit. So, money talks. If I had to pick one or the other, I would say it is not really curation and it is mostly a gambling game which involves possibly winning some money for betting and that also means, as seen with all those people who buy lottery tickets, that many people lose and make either no money or very little and that is kind of how it works. If everybody won, then it might not be a game.

It's not betting since it's not a matter of win/lose, and it's no different from commenting or posting as far as contributions having the chance to be rewarded.


Why are so many of your posts blank?

Yes, there are serial flaggers. I applied a flag to a post because it was a blank post, and thus blatant spam. No one can edit your content except you, so it isn't that level of censorship.

Nice try, Jacob. As long as that dufus grays out my posts with his "right" to downvote only, and to never add any content or ANYTHING of value to the site, I reserve the right to re-post them so they aren't missed.

If that bothers you, fine...get lost, and read someone else's blog. I have had that lame canard thrown at me before. My feeble attempts to counter AGGRESSIVE , UNPROVOKED ATTACKS against me are NOT "spam."

I suggest finding a better way to ensure your posts are visible. Your reputation is higher than theirs, so you're already ahead of the game. Try seeking out an #informationwar discord group or curation trail. Contact @freezepeach as well. Don't resort to activity that will harm your standing further. Re-posting the same content over and over is spam, and it draws the ire of the community at large. It also drains your resource credits needlessly.

Then may I suggest a change of tactics? Don't delete post content. Leave it up so people can actually see what is getting flagged. Include a hyperlink to the flagged post in new posts. Approach new posts with an eye toward improving your presentation and polishing your writing. Because whether you agree or not, re-posting the same thing is spam, regardless of your stated intent, and a string of blank posts where you deleted the content looks like you are the one with something to hide.

If they were left up after being grayed out by serial downvote abusers, they would be currently and visibly duplicative and easier for people (like yourself) to call them spam.

I am not really interested in your advice as to how to run my blog. Please cease and desist.

If you were really interested in the right thing you would join in calling for an end to serial downvoting by people who do NOTHING for the site but downvote others they disagree with, ideologically. That is a blatant form of censorship that can only be slightly combated by reposting.

If upvoting increases as you are rewarded for upvoting posts that go on to get even more votes, which is like a betting game on being the early bird to be the first to vote for what will go on to be popular, viral, successful, huge; then, therefore, in theory, I would imagine that if there will be a second pool, then you will be rewarded to downvote and that the downvote power will increase in power, in weight, over time, in the same way that upvotes can increase and I would imagine that people could earn Steem money while downvoting and possibly could in theory upvote and downvote their own posts directly or at least indirectly through bots and other accounts and therefore win in double betting where either you win by picking the winner or the loser or you you win either way if you upvote and downvote posts to then get into a win-win situation where you win no matter what. Now, of course, not everybody would try to do that, but some could. So, what would be the effects and symptoms and results and consequences and everything from that? I'm not too sure exactly.

We need proof of mind for downvoters, and limitations on downvoting.

Also, people who do not post should not have the right to downvote those who do.

You are not the only one. Downvoting seems to be a hobby of some. What will you do about it?

Continue to try building sentiment for a future hardfork that addresses the problem.

i got:

Looks like something went wrong on our end.

Head back to Steemit homepage'

when i clicked the main link. got here by clicking the comments icon.

well, not like Jesus' olivet prophecies are NOT going to come true, is it?

they will hate us..

Which "main link?" TIA...

Agreed. We know we are hated by TPTB, but we can NOT let that stay a secret anymore.

when i clicked the link from my feed that's what i got - could have just been a temp glitch - but i had to click the 'comment' speech bubble thing to get to the post.

Oh...I see. I erased the original after he "grayed it out," and re-posted it (and he grayed it out again, and I reposted again.) You probably saw one of the earlier entries.

Thanks for the support, as always, my friend!

Oh...wait. Not this one though.


Somebody has taken censorship to a NEW, PREVIOUSLY-UNKNOWN level with this post. WOW!

comments here display fine. not on your newest post. what fuckery is this?

It does that while loading many pages.

no, it was repeatable, and for different users too.

someone is targeting mepatriot, which means steemit is censored. look at the comment that is greyed out with a screenshot - why?

It happened when I opened your reply right here. It has happened when I open posts unrelated to politics. Steemit has a completely unbiased bug, not a sinister conspiracy.

fair enough, of course i've seen it before - but other steemit pages loaded fine straight after.

the censorship is having his posts greyed out, downvoted for no reason other than, well, communism, he has been targeted many times yet look at his score.

the system is shit.

I can see this post now. Yesterday, I was struggling to see this post. Also, I have had trouble seeing some of my older Steemit posts at times. I have clicked on a link and would get an error. Then, when I used the Steemit Google Search to find the same post to click on it, then it took me to that same post and it loaded. I should probably write an article about that. Perhaps somebody knows what that is all about.

Shadow banning has arrived at Steemit.

When you say shadow banning on Steemit, you mean downvoting right? Because flagging means content is hidden. That means people have to click a button to unhide it. So, in some ways, that is like shadow banning. I don't like that content hides when it is flagged below zero dollars. I understand why people favor that system. I think there should be upvotes and no downvotes. We still have flags. That means like a democracy. But I prefer a republic over mob-ruling democracy in theory. Ironically, Facebook and Twitter has likes (upvotes) and no dislike buttons. Reddit and YouTube has likes and dislikes. I don't mind having a dislike or downvote button. But it might be dangerous and stuff.

You mke some good points, as always, Joey. In my opinion the use of "shadow banning" post extends here (now) beyond just graying them out, but making them inactive links, as was shown this past week.

I am not against downvotes, but I think the right to do it should be limited and tied to an account's actual contribution to the site in the form of providing good content. People like @bloom are here ONLY TO DOWNVOTE and do nothing else of any value, and that needs to stop.

I don't think that is true. I know it looked like the links are inactive. I think that was simply a glitch in the blockchain or in the Internet. It seems that traffic can be too heavy at times. Plus, if you change the title to your post, then that may break an old link. Well, that depends on whether the URL changes as you change and edit the title. I have clicked on things and it did not work. And then I waited and clicked on the same link on Steemit and it would work. I agree with you concerning downvoting.

It's all water under the bridge now. HF21 proves Steemit, Inc. is 100% committed to bleeding the minnows dry to try and squeeze what little wealth-making potential for the whales still exists here.

I basically try to stay out of these fights that involve the ultra powerful but to be totally honest with you I even considered once writing an article about bloom, it would be titled I Don't Know Who This Person Bloom Is But I Love Them. That's because I've never seen him flag anything that wasn't deserving of a flag. Most of what I see him flag is hate filled rhetoric, not just a mild dislike of something but people who have unsubstantiated hate filled bias or some far strung unsubstantiated conspiracy or conspiracy theory. There are many things in life we do not like or approve of but spreading hate, fear, intimidation, untruths, etc., is not going to help.

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