2019-08-02steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

Work Day 2 on sprinklers installing. Day 1 was Tuesday. More on that, below. Also, watched Louder With Crowder. Facebook Girl Debate. Creative things video. Found that video on Purio Coffee. Website. Friend Request Sent From But Then Canceled by Nancy Nguyen. Reviewing December of 2015.

Magazines, books, comics, etc, preserves history, educates, entertains, archives, encourages, equips, long-term, and serves as a backup for whenever power is not working. Some content is evergreen, even if old to you or to me. An article can still be new to somebody or serve as a reminder of tomorrow's news today, when seen coming true. Imagine having a limited edition of an Infowars Magazine that was never ever opened that details Brain Phones. Then show that to people in 2020 and beyond. You could show them the date to show them how Alex Jones predicted the future.

2019-08-02 - Friday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

2015-12-08 - Tuesday - 07:10 AM Pepsi FYG Girl & Joey Smile Again.jpg

2015-12-08 - Tuesday - 07:10 AM Pepsi FYG Girl & Joey Smile Again

Contact Me
Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn

Biography of My Life
1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-02 - Friday - PST - Daily journal:

Mark Dice

06:17 AM - Now They're Not So Sure!


06:20 AM - 02:00 PM - Part 2 of what we were doing Tuesday. $75, same as Tuesday. 2x75=150 Total. I have a cousin named Alan. Oh differences between city cops, county sheriffs, and state patrol; differences between good and bad police. Bury everything? Oh, pipes. Oh, you mean all the pipes? Oh, not the long ones. Cut corners. Save time. Bury the trash, wrappers, branches, grass, roots. Plant grass on top. Talk in code. assumptions. Implication. Slang. Passive aggressive. Bad at explaining things. Code. Normal to talk in code. To think a certain way. I can interpret things differently. Got home. Washed the dishes. Talk. Shower. 30 minute nap until about 03:40 PM. Then back onto my computer. No drugs. No beer. I said, no goals, I have. That's a lie but in that context, it was a proper response. Oh, you are a loser? You need goal. Wait. No. I already had goals. I already accomplished amazing things. So, if you ask me. If you have to ask me. You might be implying, assuming, guessing, that I'm a person who didn't do half of what I have already done. I'm 34. I said it. Oh. You say 35. Oh, you forgot. Oh, Marilyn Manson. Rob Zombie. Home Depot morning. Nice cop violating the 4th amendment with search warrants. Younger. Oh, really? Quiet she is. Car. His dad. Baby in back. Wife. Nice. But interesting. Mom. Interesting analogy. Neighbor. Old lady. Rock. WIndow. Grass. Lawn mower. I said nothing. April 2019 thing. Man knocked on the door. Oh real estate evaluation? Orange vest? He took pictures of the raised bed. Mary from Mary's Kitchen. Others can be like her. Robots. Clones. Normal people. Comedians can be retarded. They can think different. Fired. Robin Williams would probably get fired too. Donald Trump. Imagine. Maybe better if I pretended to be retarded. Alright, retarded Joey, now, as I yell and shout at you in slow motion, pleas pick up the rake. Good job with raking, Dumb Dumb Joey. Low Expectations. Cut corners. Dry drunk. Interesting analogy. Teaching English in Vietnam for 5 years from 2012-2017 ruined me as now all I wanna do lol is correct people's English and stuff and think too much perhaps about what might be said or not. Maybe not wanna work with other people. Fill in the holes. I was doing all of it instead of part by part. Forgot to go under the drain pipe. The wire. Oh. We talked about it Tuesday. I forgot. I remembered 40 seconds too late. Phone call. Oh, I corrected it. Went under that thing. It was hard. Hard of hearing? Yes and no. Depends. But not the whole story. Thursday, he worked without me.Installed the pipes. But made mistakes. He had to cut pipes at least twice today to change parts for the joints for the sprinklers and got mad at me when I said I couldn't fit a piece on. It was the wrong size. He cut the pipe. He put on a new piece. He did it twice. But got mad at me and wondered why I was there. I may have been sent home sooner had I asked more questions like what and what do ya mean and stuff. I was planning to quit today but was fired minutes before I could quit. I was going to quit because he was probably going to continue to get mad and stuff. Big red dog. Nice name. Of a cliff hanger. Rambo. He might been trying too hard to micro-manage. All pipes? Bury all of them. I began to bury some of them and then asked. Oh, only the short ones. Glad I asked. Not listening? Oh, I have my own way of doing things. Like Apple, Think Different. Happy Birthday. Big hole in front of our house this week. Work. Big machine. Not me. But they. Sewer machine thing had a problem. Fixing it.

Louder With Crowder

03:50 PM - August 1st 2019 Episode - #518 WHY MARIO LOPEZ SHOULD NEVER APOLOGIZE... | Ben Shapiro Guests | Louder with Crowder - Mug Club


04:26 PM - @Zor, why are you scared of hyperlinks? The problem is Microsoft, not the links in isolation of Microsoft, because viruses are made mostly for Microsoft-Ran Computers.

Bitcoin Thread

04:27 PM - There is already no value or worse in the Dollar. @hxtr, someday, you will be very sorry that you remained so ignorant.


Soup. Yummy.

Infocomms Spies

04:32 PM - @FreedomFighter414, are you saying this website forum might have problems? Well, of course it has problems? Are you saying spies? Or bad people? Sure. But Informants? But this website is public. That means you do not need an account on Infocomms to be an informant on the Infocomms. That means there does not have to be a connection between the users, the members, who might want to inform, to spy, or whatever, because you can do that without joining Infocomms. Also, people infiltrate religions. People infiltrate educational systems in America since the 1900's. So, it is true that infiltration is an ongoing threat on many fronts.


04:35 PM - I love gold and silver. I promote the buying of gold, silver, salt, natural resources, land, water, etc. That's key in long-term investments towards potential futures, legacies, inheritances.

Alex Jones Show

04:37 PM - The David Knight is broadcast to the masses as well.

Facebok Girl

05:08 PM - I asked about who this girl might be that took a picture with me in 2014 in December or maybe January 2015. Thomas Bissell Alexander: "No she's a very sweet girl and she deserves better than your comments." Thomas Bissell Alexander, you must be against free speech. I open up my mouth and you insult me. I ask a simple question. But I am a very bad man, you think. Very bad. That is why you will not answer my question. You believe you are right that I am very evil. That is why you will not answer my question. Because I am not a human. I am a monster. That is why you will never ever tell me who she is. I am not allowed to talk. I hope Facebook bans me again. Because I am very bad. And you will save her identity. Because you are her savior. She will marry you. She will always love you for keeping her identity a secret. Jorge Peralta: "Joey Arnold, one nite stand ?" I responded with a yes. But no sex. Just a hello at the 23/9 B park for a few minutes. I never saw her until she came to me. I was sitting down that night as I usually do or did near the hacky sack across the street from my Old Ink Room. She started talking to me. We took pictures. Just a few minutes and then she was gone. A few pictures from my camera. She was practising English. Very normal for people to do. Vietnamese go to the park and practice English with foreigners daily, all day, each day. Many parks, many places, all over Vietnam. Very normal.

Alex Jones Meme Idea

05:42 PM - Show Alex Jones 1.0 talking. Level 1 talking from Alex from the 1990's. Then, he goes to the next level, 2.0, from the 2000's, third from the early first half of the 2010's. Level 4 level-up in 2018 when he was banned. 2019, level 5.

11:37 PM - Magazine Wars - @ChulaCharlie, here is me and my Obama Magazine. - Magazines, books, comics, etc, preserves history, educates, entertains, archives, encourages, equips, long-term, and serves as a backup for whenever power is not working. Some content is evergreen, even if old to you or to me. An article can still be new to somebody or serve as a reminder of tomorrow's news today, when seen coming true. Imagine having a limited edition of an Infowars Magazine that was never ever opened that details Brain Phones. Then show that to people in 2020 and beyond. You could show them the date to show them how Alex Jones predicted the future.