brazil 12 [eng]

in #travel6 years ago

hello dear friends

It has been a long time since I got in touch, that was because with chris and schnilskinski hitchhiked down the entire ruta 3 from buenos aires to ushuaia, 3000 km in 5.5 days ... without connection. here in the hostel I can write something again and I take you to my last weekend in brazil and on my way to buenos aires.
have fun while reading!

8.10. - 14.10.

even with the beginning of the new week, not much changes in my relaxed life here in guarapari.

I spend a lot of time designing other typefaces and I also cleaned up the car and packed a first bag of stuff that stays here and waits for my return.
By the way, I've discovered an interesting new podcast:
1000 days techno, jürgen laarmann interviews different prominent people of the scene and develops the history of this music style together with them.

listen in, if you are in after hour feeling or just bored sitting in the car. it’s german. to fall asleep, I watched the first few episodes of: 'a handmaid's tale'. also very interesting. Let's see how the plot develops in the next few episodes.

my last day in the pousada of joaquim started with a lot of sun and a good breakfast.
Today I will pack my backpack together, but first I got all the things in the living room and then decided individually for each piece of luggage, whether I need it or why I take it with me.
I set up two equal stacks. one goes in my backpack. they are the weatherproof things, thick socks and my everyday objects. the other pile consists of shirts, my instax, hammock, tarp and a lot of stuff that I would never throw away, but now I do not want to carry it around with me in the south.

I packed the backpack and the rest in the closet under the stairs, I separated myself for the time in argentinia, from some of my books. I finished writing the physical diary no. 2 and left it here too.
At the occasion, I finally summed up all the receipts from the ATMs in a large table and have a better overview of my finances. I would like to share this with you:

for 10 months in argentina, chile, peru, bolivia and brazil, i spent about 3300 €. I also bought the car, which increased my total expenses to about 4600 €, but that's optional.
even if that sounds like a lot of money, down to one month, I live here for almost 330 € per month a very good life.
Of course also because I work from time to time as a volunteer and things like couchsurfing and hitchhiking are part of my travel style. not included in this bill are the return flights.
As I have said so many times, traveling does not have to be expensive, but you have to pay attention to the ratio destination and duration. shortly after the beginning my trip I met a young woman from Germany, who opened to me, cheaper than for 5000 € you could not have the four weeks Patagonia and Chile.
I can reassure you and say it is cheaper. However, if you only have four weeks and not four months, you should think of a travel destination in europe or even in germany.
yes I know, then there are not so many extraordinary photos for insta and co. however, travel time and flight costs are much better. that only as a small plea, I'll write at the end of my trip a detailed article on it and rage again about the 2 weeks south america tourism puke.

go on with my last day in guarapari:
After I had finished the bureaucratic frills, I was very relieved to wash the car and scrub it off properly.
then there was a fruit salad with yoghurt and another episode, 'the handmaid's tale', before I went to sleep.

Today after the breakfast i drive together with joaquim to vitoria. I parked my backpack at a hostel and then started climbing to the convento de nossa senhora de penha, a small chapel standing on a hill in the middle of the city. the hill is surrounded by natural forest and from the top you have a great view of the bay and the cities of vitoria and vila velha.

I then hiked on to the Morro de Moreno, another mountain directly on the coast, here are some radio antennas and the climb was a lot more strenuous.

I wanted to enjoy the sunset from a small beach called prainha da gloria. Special feature here were the rusty shipwrecks that were in the bay. that gave the whole thing a dystopian atmosphere.

Finally, after some delicious pastries, I went back to the hostel and took an uber at around 22 o'clock, to the house of isabelle. she has given me shelter for the next two nights and I am looking forward to meeting her again.
We chatted briefly, before I, exhausted from the day, fell in the pillow and asleep.

Today we started the day with first-class pancakes and then set out to explore vitoria in the morning.
First we walked to Pedra de Cebolla, a famous stone, around which a beautiful park was created.

then we stop to have something to drink and eat, it's really awfully warm. then we ran together to a copyshop, where I finally had some good stickers printed to make some advertising for the blog and steemit.
our further trip led me and isabelle to the city beach and on the way there we would witness an ugly bike accident. We then helped the man to push his bike and Isabelle persuaded him to go to a hospital to have his hand examined.
The beach with the small boats is quite idyllic.

Later we ran to a shopping center to buy a jute bag for me and once again to get some nice food. In the evening, we picked up the stickers from the printers and ran home with aching feet.

Also today I started with pancakes in the day and then spent a lot of time on the sofa with netflix to watch and ice water to drink. together with isabelle we made some delicious brigaderos. These are balls of sweetened condensed milk and chocolate powder, which taste really fantastic. isa has written the recipe in my book, so that I can do that sometimes when I'm back in Germany.

Just before I left, the brother of Isabelle got a visit from a friend and we talked a little before grabbing my stuff and driving over to the airport. at 16.40 my flight went to belo horizonte. My luggage has become much lighter due to the stuff I left at Joaquims house.

Here I have about a 20-hour stay and then fly tomorrow to Argentina.
I ate a burger before I found a quiet corner and prepared my camp on a bank. It is relatively uncomfortable, but next to me there are three other people who want to save the hotel, so I assume it's okay.

Crumpled, I woke up today at the airport in Belo Horizonte. After a cheese sandwich breakfast, I waited for a few hours until I left at 12 o'clock for the gate and found myself a little later in the plane.
I enjoyed the entertainment program and watched the 2015 film: The Martian, a masterpiece of recent science fiction that describes how an astronaut left behind on Mars finds its way back to Earth. exciting, dramatic and I find a scenographically beautiful implemented, even if it does not get to interstellar.

Around 4 pm I landed in buenos aires. full of anticipation I hiked from the airport and into the bus. My destination was the apartment of Chris in La Plata, another city, but here you can easily reach by train.
At least, I thought, the train did not go to the end station, so I had to go into a bus and then a whole lot.
I arrived late and after we told each other about our travel experiences, we went to sleep.
I am very happy to spend the next time with him and can not wait for our Patagonia trip to start.

Chris had set up a kind of plan for the next few days, which was filled with action just waiting to be experienced.
First of all, however, today was the usual family call ritual and we talked for a while about my travel plans and what happened at home. then we left.
today we would go together with nils and a few girls to oktoberfest here in la plata. a free and outdoor event in one of the many parks of the city.

There was a lot of cheap good beer from small breweries, delicious food and some bands also played.
after a few hours of cozy beer consumption, we headed off to a bar where a friend of chris and his band celebrated an album-release party and so we came back for about an hour to the enjoyment of argentinian rock music.
neatly finished, we hiked home and fell asleep.

stay tuned for more amazing photos and stories of la plata, buenos aires and patagonia. visit the national parks and natural wonders together with me!

hasta luego


here my current contact data:

mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +54 221 454 7949
whatsapp: +54 9 11 2693-6601
in case you want to be a bit more updated, instagram: @schlingelnatter

list of previous posts from this south america travel (chronological)

argentinia 1 ger/eng
argentinia 2 ger/eng
argentinia 3 ger/eng
chile 1 ger/eng
chile 2 ger/eng
chile 3 ger/eng
chile 4 ger/eng
chile 5 ger/eng
andes 1 ger/eng
argentinia 4 ger/eng
argentinia 5 ger/eng
argentinia 6 ger
argentinia 6 eng
argentinia 7 ger
argentinia 7 eng
chile 6 ger
chile 6 eng
chile 7 ger
chile 7 eng
chile 8 ger
chile 8 eng
chile 9 ger
chile 9 eng
chile 10 ger
chile 10 eng
bolivia 1 ger
bolivia 1 eng
bolivia 2 ger
bolivia 2 eng
peru 1 ger
peru 1 eng
peru 2 ger
peru 2 eng
brazil 1 ger
brazil 1 eng
brazil 2 ger
brazil 2 eng
brazil 3 ger
brazil 3 eng
brazil 4 ger
brazil 4 eng
brazil 5 ger
brazil 5 eng
brazil 6 ger
brazil 6 eng
brazil 7 ger
brazil 7 eng
brazil 8 ger
brazil 8 eng
brazil 9 ger
brazil 9 eng
brazil 10 ger
brazil 10 eng
brazil 11 ger
brazil 11 eng


Hello @schlingelnatter, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

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