brazil 7 [eng]

in #life6 years ago

hello dear friends

It is very sunny again in Guarapari, where, you may ask. well it is even unknown in brazil. I'm in espírito santo, the first state north of rio de janeiro.
here I have a map for you:

I work here again in a workaway project, but there is not much to do, so I find time to write. have fun during the first week of adventures in the source temple ashram.

1.9. - 7.9.

When I received the message from Bart in the early morning, that the documents are ready and I only need to pick them up, I was super happy, because that was the starting signal for the trip, I drove to the despachante and then I packed my stuff together and left são paulo around noon in the direction of bertigoga.

the car is just great.
finally after so much time i stood on the beach again and looked at the ocean, which connected me with europe, which nevertheless lies in such unimaginable distance.

my further way led me to ubatuba, it started to rain and unfortunately I stopped only twice short, another beach and a waterfall, before I searched my sleeping place.
i parked more or less outside of sao sebastian and prepared my bed.
As soon as the sun had set, it was getting dark and colder.
I ate something before falling asleep while listening to my audiobook.

Asleep in the car, I was woken up by the sun and could not be in the car for much longer. I looked at my offline-map, is a really good, the navigation is also good, but you always need longer than indicated. The best thing is, however, that every little stream, waterfall or beach is registered and so I drove first to a waterfall, which was only a few curves the road further.

Here I could take a shower in the super cold water and rinse off the beach sand. With the fruits and the bread I bought yesterday, I made myself a nice breakfast on the street, at a lookout point a bit further.

Around noon, I then searched for a café or hotel with good internet to call the family and also to congratulate my dad for his birthday. After reporting the experiences of the last week, I drove further along the coast and stopped every now and then to walk to a lookout point or to stroll along a beach.
a little longer I stayed at praia brava da fortaleza a really beautiful sandy beach and surfers in the waves. while you can lie almost alone in the shade under the palm trees.

My further route then led me back to a waterfall, where I then ate a small snack in the afternoon.

i also collected sophia, she is from argentina and wanted to hitchhike to paraty because she is working there in a hostel. We drove the about an hour long road relaxed together and I could shine again with my spanish.
From Paraty I drove then in the direction of Cunha. high in the offshore mountains lies the Ashram, which will be my home for at least the next two weeks.



The road was very spectacular and I was incredibly relieved when, after some erroneous, I reached the gate of the source temple ashram.
I also got to know Peter, with whom I had already written, he organizes the volunteers who work here. next to me there are 6 other people. In total, however, about 40 people live in this commune in the mountains.
However, it was already very late and I wanted to sleep swiftly.

my first day at the ashram began with getting up and enjoying a delicious green smoothie from rodrigo.

he is from argentina and will stay here with me for the next time.
after a small breakfast with the other volunteers, we are seven in total, aaron came by, he organizes the division of the volunteers and together with manu, a lovely girl from the south of brazil, i went over to the flower garden.

Here we weeded the beds and raked a lot of foliage, we also planted some water lilies and together with Simon we cleaned the koi pond.
for lunch, which followed, we would be called with a bell. there are a variety of salads from the garden of the ashram and traditionally for brazil rice with beans, in addition, the kitchen people for today had prepared a kind of mix of cooked and fried banana peels with garlic and onions. when reading you probably think, what's going on, the boy is eating banana peels ..? but I can tell you properly cooked they taste really delicious and at the beginning I did not know that it was, only at the second dish I asked and was very surprised.
all people who live here are very lovely and a special feature, which I noticed very quickly, is that almost everyone smiles and the address is always: "mi amor", ie: "my love".
a very peaceful and positive atmosphere.
We spent the afternoon again with an hour of gardening and then we drank a café and I exchanged a lot with Edda, she comes from Dresden in Germany and has been traveling for some time.

in the evening, aaron came to us again and informed us that in the evening we are all invited to the party in the community building.
So there we found ourselves around 7pm, after a wonderful sunset, along with the other folks and danced about an hour to immortal 80s and beatles songs.
then we went back to the volunteer house, yes we have a house here for us, and cooked our dinner. then rodrigo played something on the guitar and we all fell asleep.

The sun was shining breathtakingly as I ran over the small bridge from the sleeping area to the main buildings of the commune, the next morning.

a good breakfast with smoothie, oatmeal and banana sandwich was waiting for me and after we had all changed our clothes for the day, aaron brought us the tasks. Today, with the exception of manu and edda, who will help in the kitchen, we would empty the compost toilets together.
a composting toilet works without water, you do your business and that ends up in a kind of space under your seat. then sprinkle a cup full of sawdust on the product. The sawdust binds the consistency and ensures a homogenous, surprisingly odorless mass.
At some point, however, this room is full under the seats and so here in the ashram every four months, the toilets are cleaned, and you shovel the shit wood chips mix in wheelbarrows and transported him off.
So we work with good music and paddle to create the most natural product of any human community in the forest and deposit it in a particular spot.
a not very appealing but very necessary job that we all did together with about 10 people in less than two hours.
then I followed pablo to one of the houses: lands end, here was a cover for a rain drain, made of wood to be built. that would be my project for the next few days.

so i started to cut some squares in the workshop and prepare my work tomorrow.
At noon, we all met again at the main building and exchanged views about the day's experiences.
then we had about an hour's break, in which I was reading in the library.


then it went back to work and since the two fundaments that my construction will bridge, are not in a level, I measured the height differences and then cut underconstruction-woods, which will bring everything to a level in the end.
Rodrigo cooked Spanish tortillas for dinner and after the meal we told each other typical fairy tales, of which there were a lot, as we are totally international with two Brazilians, two Germans, one British, one Argentine and one Romanian. Meanwhile, we massaged ourselves in the heat of the fireplace. everything hippie shit, I know, but it doesen’t mean that’s it isn’t very nice.

After breakfast and the morning briefing by Aaron, I wandered to the workshop and then to the lands end. Here I met Peter, who helped me drilled the holes in the concrete, in which later the screws come that hold the construction in place.
a dusty and exhausting job that was only made a little easier by the fact that we used a new drill and had a good power drill.
I then fastened the first crossbeams before noon. in the following break i talked to my beloved ennio in berlin and we chatted a lot about the current situation in the orga-team of a festival he is working for and his idea to do an internship in a professional studio from next year on.
In the afternoon, I fixed the first cross-logs on my substructure and thus came closer to the end screw for screw.

After work, we cleaned the volunteer house and cooked delicious pasta, before we fell asleep after a small jam session at the fireplace.

My morning today started with some back pain, as I had not slept in my actual bed, but yesterday had dozed off on the sofa.
A good coffee and edda's porridge helped but quickly and I then made my way back to the bridge, as the construction is already jokingly called.
as there are holidays in brazil at the weekend, the community rents out some houses to people from the city, as well as the lands end, so I have to finish today.
So I always screwed the cross-pieces on it symmetrically and then started to dress up on the sides, which turned out to be particularly complicated because the floor was crooked.
Nevertheless, I was ready in the afternoon with everything and could help pablo after tidying up with some other things at the house.

After work, I did a round with the camera and tried to take some nice photos before the setting sun. At dinner, Edda talked about a nearby beach she had visited some time ago. We all decided to go there together on Saturday and sleep there the night till Sunday. a fantastic plan.
after dinner there was a little surprise for us all, some people around aaron had baked a cake for all and we all met in the main house in front of the fireplace to eat together. delicious lemon cake with cream filling between the two bottoms. It is very easy to go to sleep after such a nice snack

Today was the last day to finish everything for the visit on the weekend and so we worked with great effort on the last finish at the houses, I was back at the lands end and polished together with Rodrigo the fresh wood before we then apply a wood protection glaze to the eucalyptus laths.
Then we painted more wood parts around the house and I reworked the door frame before noon, while other people cleaned the windows and scrubbed the floor.

After the delicious lunch, we continued and painted the second part of the cover, as well as the door frame and some pillars of light that illuminate the way to the house at night.
In the afternoon we did a dance meditation. a very exciting experience.
In the evening I cleared out my car and prepared an apple crumble for us volunteers, before we all ate together again and looked forward to our tomorrow's adventure, first in the mountains and then on the beach.

sooo, as you can see i'm in paradise right now and enjoy my life to the fullest. At this point, I think it will finally time to express gratitude for everything, because all this is not self-evident. i thank everything and everyone in my life for guiding and supporting me on this journey to this point.

Thank you.


here my current contact data:

mail: [email protected]
Phone: +55 (11) 98842-2617
whatsapp: +54 9 11 2693-6601
in case you want to be a bit more updated, instagram: @schlingelnatter

list of previous posts of south america travel (chronological)

argentinia 1 ger/eng
argentinia 2 ger/eng
argentinia 3 ger/eng
chile 1 ger/eng
chile 2 ger/eng
chile 3 ger/eng
chile 4 ger/eng
chile 5 ger/eng
andes 1 ger/eng
argentinia 4 ger/eng
argentinia 5 ger/eng
argentinia 6 ger
argentinia 6 eng
argentinia 7 ger
argentinia 7 eng
chile 6 ger
chile 6 eng
chile 7 ger
chile 7 eng
chile 8 ger
chile 8 eng
chile 9 ger
chile 9 eng
chile 10 ger
chile 10 eng
bolivia 1 ger
bolivia 1 eng
bolivia 2 ger
bolivia 2 eng
peru 1 ger
peru 1 eng
peru 2 ger
peru 2 eng
brazil 1 ger
brazil 1 eng
brazil 2 ger
brazil 2 eng
brazil 3 ger
brazil 3 eng
brazil 4 ger
brazil 4 eng
brazil 5 ger
brazil 5 eng
brazil 6 ger
brazil 6 eng

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