brazil 11 [eng]

in #travel6 years ago

hello dear friends

Here from buenos aires, where I'm in bed with a big hangover from the weekend, I would like to tell you about one of the most relaxing weeks of my entire trip. After all the ashram action and rio, I did a good job of letting my soul dangle for a few days and a decisive change in my plans awaits you in this post. Have fun reading.


another day in the pousada of joaquim starts very quiet with the breakfast. Since I have been missing my charging plug for mobile phone and the other devices, for some time. after a few small cleaning and sweeping, i went to town with the car. the first computer shop told me that she did not have any, and that i could come back tomorrow .. welcome to brazil.

sorry for that

When I then went to a fruit and vegetable dealer to stock up for the next few days, I found a great little shop where you could buy all sorts of nuts and dried fruits. very sympathic. Here, too, I covered my two weeks need, because you never know when you get back to cranberries or unsalted cashews.
on the way back i stopped at a small shop that sells cellphone cases and stuff, here i found a good plug for about 7 euro.

Back at home, I took a nap, before I wiped the upper floor and then dealt with the further travel planning. As already mentioned, there is not much to see in the state espírito santo, so my eye is on bahia and the north.
in bahia i found two promising projects on workaway. I'll probably write to you tomorrow.
I also have to take care of my further residence permit, because in two weeks my first three Brazilian tourists months are over and I need an official extension of my tourist visa to stay longer.
I can do that with the policia federal. It is located in Vitoria, the capital, about an hour's drive away. So I used the couchsurfing app to check out people living there, who speak english and who help me with the problem of good translation work.
said done and asked four people.
in the evening I cooked a mixed vegetable with rice and went to bed early.

today's Tuesday was a real bummer day, I cleaned the house as usual and after I had washed everything from the breakfast and dried it, I put myself in the living room on the couch and continued to look my youtube series after a long time.

later I fell asleep to some good podcasts.

I woke up and just as I wanted to climb out of bed, just this collapsed under me, perhaps a mark, for today. I showered and had breakfast before sitting in the car and driving to Vitória in the bright morning sun.

Here I met with Isabella at 9.30, she is the girl I found on the couchsurfing app and she will stand by my side as a translator with the federal policia.
After a glass of water in their apartment we sat in the car and were on the way to vila velha, the neighbor city of vitória.
Here we walked through the mall, where the police have their office. There is even a special counter for foreigners.

Unfortunately nobody speaks English here and I was incredibly grateful for the help of isabella, because without her I would not have looked at all.
bad news awaited me. I have to leave brazil until the 14.10. Europeans are not allowed to stay longer than 90 days in a period of 180 days.
I entered on 16.7. and 90 days later on 14.10. I have to leave.
this was contrary to my hopes for an extension, quite devastating and i have to make a rescheduling as soon as possible.
On the shock, we first ate nice icecream and when I brought Isabella home, she showed me a nice place from which you can see the big bridge that connects the two cities.

Once back in her apartment, I also met her brother, he lives with her. We spent the afternoon with detailed talks on music, books and politics.
After I brought Isabella to work, I went back home and then stopped again to go shopping in Guarapari.

I also stopped at the other end of praia do morro, there is a peninsula and for three real entry, you can just explore the park on this peninsula.
it was terribly windy.

my head is spinning, because i need to find a solution to this problem as soon as possible.
restless, I fell asleep.

After the news that I heard yesterday, I spent the day exploring with plenty of reading and possibilities. For me, it is clear that I do not get my car sold so quickly and so easily, so I decided to return to Brazil after 90 days out of the country and continue my road trip.
the question that arises now, of course, is where to go, I was thinking of argentina, so the south with patagonia and fire land, which I could not visit a few months ago due to the onset of winter.
so I booked a flight from vitória to buenos aires, on 13.10. I will arrive in the capital of argentina, about 10 months after I first set foot on argeninian soil.

my journey to the south will continue from there, but I'm looking forward to polish my spanish and meet all the friends of this crazy city again.
In addition, I telephoned long with my dearest söri schmöri in the home and explained via facetime what has happend, also i told my father about the new plan.

it is a bit crazy that I have fallen so into this adventure without having thought of something like visa or residence permit.
but everything will be fine and go out, i just take a break before i return to bruno and my beloved brazil.
i fell asleep with the good feeling to have planned the first step, others have to follow, i have to find projects where i can work in the south, i have to park my car here in vitória and mentally prepare for backpacking again.

Once again a terribly quiet day, which I also half sleep, today really little happened. the best was definitely my bowl of fruits in the late afternoon.

I start with a cold in the rainy weekend. I wondered for a long time now if I might even make a little trip to a national park in the area before I fly off. Unfortunately, it is too far away and it is not really good weather, so I will postpone and catch up when I come back.
Today I finally washed again and cooked delicious noodles for dinner.
The boredom overwhelms me, but I need this rest period now, to adjust myself to the coming stuff.

Today I also spent a lot of time on youtube and started designing some lettering around the evening.

It has become quite nice, but not the direction in which I exactly want.
besides, there are presidential elections in brazil today and it looks good for the candidate bolsonaro, he is a conservative right-wing, who shouts out razish slogans, wants to legalize weapons and is a gigantic sexist and homophobist. Here you can watch a video that gives a good insight into his politics. unfortunately it is only available in English.

in the evening it turns out that he starts with 46 percent in the second round of the elections. So it looks bad for brazil, maybe something like a second trump blooms here.
all hopes are now on the opponent, fernando haddad, who belongs to brazil's left-wing party.
a shock to many voters.

I hope you are all well and could enjoy the little brazilian break with me.

bye for now!


here my current contact data:

mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +54 221 454 7949
whatsapp: +54 9 11 2693-6601
in case you want to be a bit more updated, instagram: @schlingelnatter

list of previous posts from this south america travel (chronological)

argentinia 1 ger/eng
argentinia 2 ger/eng
argentinia 3 ger/eng
chile 1 ger/eng
chile 2 ger/eng
chile 3 ger/eng
chile 4 ger/eng
chile 5 ger/eng
andes 1 ger/eng
argentinia 4 ger/eng
argentinia 5 ger/eng
argentinia 6 ger
argentinia 6 eng
argentinia 7 ger
argentinia 7 eng
chile 6 ger
chile 6 eng
chile 7 ger
chile 7 eng
chile 8 ger
chile 8 eng
chile 9 ger
chile 9 eng
chile 10 ger
chile 10 eng
bolivia 1 ger
bolivia 1 eng
bolivia 2 ger
bolivia 2 eng
peru 1 ger
peru 1 eng
peru 2 ger
peru 2 eng
brazil 1 ger
brazil 1 eng
brazil 2 ger
brazil 2 eng
brazil 3 ger
brazil 3 eng
brazil 4 ger
brazil 4 eng
brazil 5 ger
brazil 5 eng
brazil 6 ger
brazil 6 eng
brazil 7 ger
brazil 7 eng
brazil 8 ger
brazil 8 eng
brazil 9 ger
brazil 9 eng
brazil 10 ger
brazil 10 eng

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