brazil 3 [eng]

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

hello dear friends

today you can read what happened to me during my first week in the huge city of são paulo. exciting stories for searching a car and finally dancing at a good rave.

This morning I woke up in the room, which will be my home for the next week. I slept very long after the exhausting day yesterday and then at the breakfast i talked a lot with the parents, about my travel plans and what I've experienced so far.
later i have written in my diary and communicated with the people of the Kombi export company.
After Dante was back from work, we went on together to a store a few streets to buy a sim card for me. then we enjoyed a pastel, a kind of empanada, but a bit bigger.

Dante then went on to college and I walked back home, where I lay down some time, before I set the table for dinner. Today there was the traditional Brazilian feijoada, a goulash of black beans and sliced ​​sausage pieces. rice is almost always available here in brazil.

After dinner, I watched a part of a film with Dante's family and then I went to sleep tomorrow with great anticipation.

I woke up very early today by the ringing of my alarm clock, after the shower and a quick breakfast, I drove with the metro to the center. Arrived here, I walked to the office of the kombi-brazil company.

I met Bart, he answered all my questions about the export process and solved the different problems I saw in the whole thing.
then i sat with tiago, one of his co-workers in front of a computer for a long time and we worked through the list with available combis. At some point it was time for lunch and we all walked together some blocks to a restaurant that cooked, guess what, right, Feijoada.

After noon, we searched further and he asked his contact people for more photos on the models.

Around 4 pm I set off with two salesmen who promised to show me their workshop and their warehouse. a very interesting excursion and a great ride on her T2.
We then saw the workshop and a beautiful '68 T1 they just completely restored, their workshop seemed to be like heaven.

Unfortunately, the model what they offered me, was a rather bad deal with lots of rust and oily engine.
They then kindly took me to the bus station in Indaiatuba and I took the bus back to Sao Paulo and then the train to the house of Dante and his family.
a very eventful day that answered many questions, but also showed how complicated it might be to find the right one here. but it is possible and I am full of hope.

an incredibly relaxing day, I had a good sleep, I took a shower and had a small breakfast in dante's house. After which I wrote a lot with tiago about the different combis and wrote some story’s my diary.
In the afternoon I sat in my room and i digitized the first page of the cassette, with my cell phone.
the evening after dinner, i talked a lot with vager, father of dante, and together we searched on a sort of ebay, that is called here in brazil, mercado livre, and wrote to some people in the region around sao paulo. there are some in the photos good-looking kombis, which are not too expensive.
Before I went to bed, I wrote to a girl that I found on Facebook, she convinced me to rave at the weekend. Saturday night I will dance to techno again.

even today was more or less without major events, I had breakfast and then I wrote a lot in my diary. the second page of the cassette was digitized. I wrote a lot to a girl, who has been living here in Sao Paulo for a few months and we'll have lunch together tomorrow and then do some sightseeing in the city. In the evening, I got to know today, that next week I can definitely visit two buses, maybe more.
exciting, I can not wait.

I woke up late and spent some time taking a shower and shaving again, must be every month.
Around 12 o'clock I started, with the train and the subway I went to the center to meet with gabi. she studies journalism and we then travel together to a self-service restaurant near where we ate very well.
then we hiked together through the city until we reached a well-known avenida, the paulista. There are many street artists and sellers here. all sorts of stuff and clothes sellers here.

our way then took us another ride on the subway to the farol santander, a tall building which actually belongs to a bank, but on the different floors you can visit art exhibitions, explore the history of the building and on the roof there is one a viewing platform from which you can see the center of this gigantic city.

Before that, however, we drank a café with Johnny's roommate and then went on to explore the building together.
The exhibitions were relatively boring, but the view from the top was very impressive. then we walked together to the ccbb an art and culture center, which had just an abstract exhibition, very interesting geometric structures and arrangements. four floors of art are already special.

the further way led us to a damn good restaurant, the name is: bar da dona onça and here I have probably had the best food in the last 3 months. perfect cuisine and a two-hour queue in front of the restaurant are reference enough.

While we ate, I told the two of my plan to go to the rave and they were so kind to escort me to the party location.
Once there, I bought a beer and then I went to madness to find out what sao paulo meant by electronic dance music.

you can follow them, this couple organizes these parties.

it was just great to see that such a nice party is free to visit and you can have so much fun, the brazilians understand the celebrations here as lifestyle too. this party could have taken place in berlin too. it was like being home for a few hours and enjoy something that I missed for a long time.

The night ended for me at about 10 o'clock, when I went with a few people from the party on the way to their student dorm. I slept well and spent the rest of the day watching some movies and lying in bed. in the evening at 10 pm I drove the long way to santo andré and home to dante. Everything was asleep here and I went quickly into the blankets.

My day started early and I went walking to a man who lives relatively close, only about 20 minutes away.
He had promised to drive me to a guy, who wants to sell a kombi. However, it is about 50 minutes outside the city so we sit side by side and look into the rainy landscape.
arrived at the object of inspection, greeted me an elderly man who is the owner of this bus. I then spent an hour and a half taking a close look at the car, making lots of photos and videos, feeling bumps, and getting an impression of the car.

in the subsequent small test drive around the blocks, I gained a feeling for the handling of this car. I have to say that it was a strange feeling.
I had checked everything and documented what was important for an assessment, so we drove back to the city together, where the dealer, then also showed his workshop.
They can definitely restore, and it is nice that they receive this part of the story.
I was then even driven right up to the door and then ate a snack for lunch before I search more with many other photos at the desk and tried to find out how the situation is.
late in the evening after the super delicious dinner, I lay down to sleep.

Today has changed my plans significantly, I woke up with a dissatisfaction from a weird dream, so I tried to find out exactly what is going on.
my car purchase plans have changed. I spent a lot of time thinking about what the benefits and sacrifices are that I would have to bring here and at home for such a bus.
if i actually make such an investment here, i have to be extremely sure that it is a good one and i do not put my money (all my money) on the wrong horse. I do not feel able to judge that so well, I know about my t3 in Germany and I know a lot about cars, but I'm not a trained mechanic. It would be the most expensive and riskiest thing I would have ever done / bought and could deeply depress my travel funds as well as the finances at home.
Add to that the fact that I have a beloved bus in germany, which i have been running for 6 years now. i spent so much time and heart and soul, i don’t want to ruin all this, just to start a new project where i would have to invest the same work, but carry a much greater risk.

So I phoned with dad and told him this problem, as well as my fears. He supported me in my reflections and the idea that I developed.
a friend of mine from argentina will be traveling to the caribbean with other people in winter, january and i am planning to join them and buy a cheap car for the few months until then and drive up the brazilian coast. There are a huge number of beautiful beaches and opportunities for me to learn kitesurfing, which I dreamed of for long time.
then I join the group and then I will sail back across the Atlantic and be in Europe in time for spring.
So, a big change, and I feel very good about this decision. So my search is now in the direction of a cheap car that is big enough for a mattress and my stuff.
So I was looking for one right after that, on the mercado livre website and found some deals.

a new adventure will start, if that worked.
In the afternoon I had a date with Dante in the city and we want to look at the Mercado Municipal, a big hall with great architecture and hundreds of sellers offering all sorts of things, the special here is a gigantic ham sandwich, which you can see on the picture.

After we left the market hall filled to bursting, we strolled through the center, we saw a gigantic church.

the city's first house, a Christian mission. with wonderful garden in the courtyard.

on the way to the subway, we stumbled into a kind of demonstration. According to Dante, a man spoke about the care of artists and creatives which the current government, would like to abolish or have already abolished.

At home I went to find cars and, sitting on the sofa, arranged a test drive for tomorrow afternoon before I went to sleep. Dante loves his bathrobe. as you know, it is the deepest winter in são paulo.

feel hugged from brazil and enjoy the sun wherever you fly. in the next post, there is news to the car and I move to a new flat.


here my current contact data:

mail: [email protected]
Phone: +55 (11) 98842-2617
whatsapp: +54 9 11 2693-6601
in case you want to be a bit more updated, instagram: schlingelnatter

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