Islam Statement is Speculative?

in #s6 years ago (edited)

Ironic Mystic?

Question five was on the main idea, the theme, of Patrick Henry's speech, and that of Bush Three, and I answered with letter B, that God is always on the side of those whose cause is just. Now, sixteen years later, I still hold to that foundation.

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But my 10th grade English Teacher, Catherine Bennett, on that Wednesday, during spirit week at our high school, on the 9th of October, 2002, a year after 9/11, marked my answer as wrong. The correct answer may have been letter A, that Britain treats its colonies harshly. Maybe letter C, that the colonists must fight for their freedom from Britain. However, they probably already knew that. Therefore, the best answer may be letter D, that the people of Virginia need leadership more than ever. I also got question eight wrong. You would be most likely to spurn a salary offer if you thought it was what? I wrote, letter A, fair. Wrong. So, is it B, much too low? Maybe not. I'm picking C, more than enough.

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Ignoring History?

I tried to compare Patrick Henry's call to war to a similar call to war by George Bush Jr, against Osama Bin Laden, against Islam, and the teacher said that, and I quote, "Joey, only some of this is pertinent and the rest is speculation and opinion."

Winning Side?

Want to read what the teacher thought was too speculative (keep reading)? I wrote that Bush was cautious in his speech because of the potential of more terrorist attacks that are yet to come, that he is still pretty strong, in order to encourage, motivate, the public, the Americans, that we have more protection now than before, which can delay and prevent terrorism from spreading too much and too quickly. God's people will prevail as they always do. When you are on God's side, you join in the inheritance, legacy, and destiny, hereinafter.


Henry's speech had more authenticity than that of Bush, more focus, as they knew who the enemy was, specifically, as it was more defined, as the people were more committed, more red-pilled at that time in history, two centuries ago. Terrorism is spread all around the world, it seems, and that can be tougher to put out like millions of smaller fires as opposed to one big fire. I wrote that maybe not all Muslims are terrorists but that there may be a lot more terrorists in places and countries like Pakistan. I wrote that the main nemesis, target, bad guy, main villain, is or was Osama Bin Laden, who was trained partly by America, by the CIA, by globalists.

Globalists Are Terrorists

Some people in the Middle East are Christians. Do we want to blow up those countries and kill innocent lives, Christians, and other potentially non-terrorists along with Muslims and terrorists and everything? Maybe not. Terrorists do hide in some of those countries. They have hideouts and stuff. I wrote that both Henry and Bush have an equal need to call for war but differ or vary in the execution of war. I ended my essay, as a seventeen year old sophomore in high school, that America "Will prevail for now till the time is right."

Expensive War on Terror

However, the war on terror has been costing many trillions of dollars these past two decades. Jihadism has been invading Europe for centuries.


That is very bad. Jihadism is a core doctrine, a fundamental pillar to Islamic faith. Jihadism has been infiltrating and invading the United States. In my article, I mention external terrorism, from Islam, for example, but I failed to acknowledge internal swamp terrorism.

Katie Dober

I sat next to Katie Dober who was in my English 10 class, block 2, and also in my Marketing Class. I wrote my email address at that time, at the end of this Bush Henry essay: [email protected]

2002-10-09 Wed Bush Eng10 Bennet says Islam Statements are Speculation and not Pertinent.jpg

Islam Statement is Speculative?

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

2002-10-09 Wed Bush vs Patrick Henry English 10 Report-2.jpg

2015-11-30 JA N Girl Hood 23Park CROPPED ABOUT ME FOR STEEMIT 2.pngBANNED MEME HITLER DOG 2018-07-10 TUE.pngFREE TOMMY 01 2018-07-10 TUE.png

Published in August of 2018 | @JoeyArnoldVN
2002-10-09 Wednesday FGHS 10 English Block 2 Bennett JA | Bush Henry Essay
2018-08-26 Sunday 09:16 PM LMS | Islam Statement is Speculative?
Published at 11:08 PM

2002-10-09 Wed Bush vs Patrick Henry English 10 Report-1.jpg

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Joan Cluff

Forest Grove High School (FGHS) journalist teacher, Joan Cluff, was fired in 2010 for something she did not write in the school's newspaper, The Viking's Log, in a love section, the Viking Confessional, in the May Issue. You can read about this in the Oregonian.

My Message to Cluff:

I graduated FGHS in 2004. I believe in free speech. I disagree with what they did. Of course, people can be hurt, especially if it is about being gay, having feelings, etc. I'm against the destruction of that. It is too bad they did that to you. I'm sorry to hear about that.


I am Muslim and I learn about my religion. I read Alquran and Hadith as a literatures of Islam. About jihadism Islam have rules. Not we can kill humans as we want. as in the Qur'an verse at Surah Almaidah : 32 which basically says that who kills a human without a justified reason then he seems to kill all humanity. Islam never taught us to be terrorists. And any form of terror should not be juxtaposed in the name of religion. Maybe many people are wrong in learning about Islam to produce deviant thoughts. And many people also talk about Islam without learning from authentic sources. Islam for us adherents is the way of life, the life that nourishes life itself. caring for, maintaining, mutual tolerance and not forcing someone to enter our religion on any basis. if you want to talk about Islam then I beg to speak according to the knowledge that you read from the authentic sources of our religion the Qur'an and Hadith.

Thank you, which needs to be underlined, that I say what I know, our religion has never taught us to be terrorists as reported in extreme media.

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Why are you lying about Jihadism? Can you please stop lying? Jihadism teaches that the infidels must die in time of war. Allah commands Muslims to conquer the land they set their feet on. Infidels are people who are not Muslims. That means there can only be peace if every person on earth is Muslim. That means, that billions of people must be murdered because so many people will not become Muslim. Billions of people are infidels and Allah commands you to kill me.

I am not lying brother, I write about my religion as I know and I learn. Please, don't speak for hatred of our religion. Because if you speak on the basis of hatred then any true value of a statement you will never receive. your statement is weak, and I can argue it, but I have no time for that. I just want to say We are Moslem and we are not terrorist. Islam is peaceful, many religions I have learned in my confusion and I find Islam as the best religion without me being able to argue because there is knowledge that explains.

And what you see out there and what you declare, even one piece is not true. thank you, have your a nice day.

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Why are you not killing me? Allah wants you to kill me because I am an infidel. You are lying to me. I can show you what Islam teaches. You are lying. I can show you where it says it in the Quran and other places. For many centuries, Jihadism has been happening. You are lying about the past many many centuries.

Ooh.. you really wrong friends. We can't kill another without the true reason. I live in indonesia that the biggest Muslim in the world. Life together with another religion. You know in indonesia have 6 main religion, but we still peace in life. Please..don't tell me like you said that Muslim must kill people that not choice Islam as their religion. Is not representative of Islam. If you want said ISIS or another terrorism happened in the world using Islam named. Don't ever believed, Islam never teach us like that.
I know the people who do terrorism is moslem but not Islam teach. Please different between Islam and Moslem.

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Allah gave you a reason to kill. You live in time of Jihadism. You need to look at what your God, Allah, says. You refuse to look at what I am talking about. You are not listening.

I don't know how to explain you about this.. but thank you for your feedback. Now I know the real of people who hated about Islam because of misunderstanding, maybe if I had the time I would write about how to understand the truth about jihadism in Islam. I know we are different but loving our fellow human beings in my religion is part of two meanings of love that is maintaining relationships with God and maintaining relationships with fellow human beings.

Have your nice day 😊

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I am writing to you. I am telling you that I want to tell you a secret. You are saying to me that you do not want to know. I am writing these words and you do not see this. You are not reading this. If you were reading, you would either ask me what I was talking about or you may even look it up for yourself.

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