Information War Man
This 2018 recap diagram is illustrating the evolution of my art, my drawings, which goes back 28 years to 1990, back when I was only five years old in Oregon, born 1985, and I started writing stories in 1993, and then combined the two for comics, cartoons, comic strips, around 1997 or 1998. Priceless.
That is the art of life, of the deal, of the argument.
Started drawing people around 1990.
Started drawing houses around 1991.
Started drawing Indians around 1991.
Started drawing monsters around 1991.
Started drawing trees around 1991.
Started drawing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles around 1992.
Started drawing basketball around 1993.
Started drawing castles around 1994.
Started drawing mazes around 1995.
Started drawing my Joey Symbol around 1997.
Started drawing comics around 1997 or 1998.
Jimmy Cricket Ninja | stuffed animal won at an easter dancing contest (maybe 1993)
Action Stripe
Drew Sparky alongside of Jimmy in comics.
The name of the series was Action Stripe, pronounced Action Strip.
Encouragement Articles (EA)
Started making, drawing, and writing, Christmas and birthday cards, playing cards, inspiration letters around 1998
Started tagging around 2000.
Gained the nickname, Cool Kid, around 1999, during ghetto basketball.
Information War Man
Drew this #InformationWar Man today for the first time, in 2018.
I love the comics of @GrrrGraphics
Information War Man
Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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