Revenge of Thanksgiving

in #story6 years ago (edited)

Worse than Killer Tomatoes.
Pocahontas warned us.

There will be days like this.
Momma said.

Cowboys & Indians.
Romeo & Juliet.

Revenge of the the Sith.
Revenge of the Nerds.
And, Revenge of the Gobblers.

Turkey Story DSC_0007-copy.jpg

Turkey Story

Edits, corrections, titles, notes, updates, in bold.
Punctuation is added. Written around 1995 apx.
By Joey Arnold

Rambo Turkey Story

A long long Big (smart) Turkey plan (plans) for meal
every year.

At this time, the Indians party (partied).

The Indians were insane.

The Indians cried,
"Oh, hellow (hello), Dead Turkey."

Gold Rush & Subway's Big Foot

Until the Boat (or boats) came over, exsited
(excited) for the gold (rush).

Big Foot ran
(not Subway; the other Foot Longer).

Once Upon a Time

And Pocahontas was happy to meet John Smith.
(Biracial Romeo & Juliet)

Mandy Moore | Cry

The pilgrim (pilgrims) were crying.
The Indian (Indians) were dieing (dying).

Contest Time

Pocahontas ran away singing,
"Ho ho. What a silly good time. Maybe now, I should have a tree contest."

Banana Pocahontas

She got ready with Monkey,

Eating Bunana (banana) very crazy (crazily).
Very crazy to do this great stun (stunt).

Sleepy Beauty | Snow White

She soon fell down and died (Banana Poison?).
This is the story you will never here (hear).

The Engine That Could

This time, Turkey was prepare.
(prepared. Like the Matrix, again)

Star Fox | Snake | Silly Little Woman

Somewhere, there was Fox
That just got drowned.

(What does the Star Fox say?
Never mind, that Star Ship has sailed into the stars)

Grumpy Old Men

The pilgrim (pilgrims) were upseted (upset).
The Indians blame (blamed) their religion.


(Wait, which religion, that of the Pilgrims, Indians, or the Turkeys?)
(Speaking of dogs, all Turkeys go to Heaven)


But soon forgot and got togethere.
(together or to get here)

Brave Heart War

They went to kill the Turkey (Mr. Turkey), 50 dead.
Still, Turkey remain (remained); they try (tried) again (and again, many times).

Catch Me if You Can

They couldn't catch it (The Turkey).
They drove. They (The Indians) couldn't sike it (strike it).


They (The Pilgrims) got their guns.
And big bloody knife (knives).

They went back in.
80 dead; and they finaly (finally) kill it (killed the Turkey, together, The Indians & The Cowboys, I mean Pilgrims).

They put it on the table (The First Thanksgiving).
And the table broke (The Fat Turkey broke the table).
They were exsited (excited).

Star Trek

They weren't bord (bored or the Borg).

Don't forget,
John Smith died becuase (because) of Pocahontas.

When All (everybody) drove for there (their)
Knife (knives), the Turkey awake (awoke) and open his mouth, saying,

Friday The 13th

This is gone a (gonna) be the day
I eat you up" (Turning Turkey Day into Human Day for Turkeys Everywhere).

The End.

Turkey 1 Screenshot at 2018-07-20 10:40:03.png
Turkey 2 Screenshot at 2018-07-20 10:41:20.png
Turkey 3 Screenshot at 2018-07-20 10:41:35.png

Revenge of Thanksgiving

By Joey Arnold

Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Published in July of 2018

2018-07-20 Friday 11:53 AM LMS | Revenge of Thanksgiving
1995 - 1998 apx - written - 163 FG OR - JA
Published at 01:37 PM
Updated at 01:56 PM

2015-11-30 JA N Girl Hood 23Park CROPPED ABOUT ME FOR STEEMIT 2.pngBANNED MEME HITLER DOG 2018-07-10 TUE.pngFREE TOMMY 01 2018-07-10 TUE.png

Turkey Story | With Pictures

A long long Big (smart) Turkey plan (plans) for meal (Thanksgiving) every year.

turkey Screenshot at 2018-07-20 10:55:25.png
Turkeys ustv-south-park-turkeys.jpg

At this time, the Indians party (partied).

Party Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:08:44.png
Indian Real vs Fake 1524557496526.jpg

The Indians were insane.


The Indians cried, "Oh, hellow (hello), Dead Turkey."

Hellow Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:10:10.png

Until the Boat (or boats) came over, exsited (excited) for the gold (gold rush).

Excited Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:10:41.png

Big Foot ran (not Subway; the other Foot Longer).

Subway Foot.jpeg

And Pocahontas was happy to meet John Smith.

(Biracial Romeo & Juliet)


The pilgrim (pilgrims) were crying.

The Indian (Indians) were dieing (dying).

Dying Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:12:03.png

Pocahontas ran away singing,

"Ho ho. What a silly good time. Maybe now, I should have a tree contest."
She got ready with Monkey, eating Bunana (banana) very crazy (crazily).

Banana Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:14:17.png

Very crazy to do this great stun (stunt).

Stunt Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:14:53.png

She soon fell down and died (Banana Poison?).

This is the story you will never here (hear).

Hear Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:15:53.png

This time, Turkey was prepare.

(prepared. Like the Matrix, again)

Prepared Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:16:46.png

Somewhere, there was Fox that just got drowned.

(What does the Star Fox say? never mind, that Star Ship has sailed into the stars)


The pilgrim (pilgrims) were upseted (upset).

Upset Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:18:05.png

The Indians blame (blamed) their religion.

(Wait, which religion, that of the Pilgrims, Indians, or the Turkeys?)
(Speaking of dogs, all Turkeys go to Heaven)

Blamed Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:18:56.png

But soon forgot and got togethere.

(together or to get here)

Together Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:19:36.png
GrrrGraphics 46f135b52e2ad5b5f27133f46670784e--crooked-hillary-political-cartoons.jpg

They went to kill the Turkey (Mr. Turkey), 50 dead.

Still, Turkey remain (remained); they try (tried) again (and again, many times).

Tried Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:21:28.png

They couldn't catch it (The Turkey).

They drove. They (The Indians) couldn't sike it (strike it).

Strike Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:25:17.png

They (The Pilgrims) got their guns.

And big bloody knife (knives).


They went back in.

80 dead; and they finaly (finally) kill it (killed the Turkey, together, The Indians & The Cowboys, I mean Pilgrims).

Finally Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:25:52.png

They put it on the table (The First Thanksgiving).

And the table broke (The Fat Turkey broke the table).
They were exsited (excited).

Excited Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:28:29.png

They weren't bord (bored or the Borg).

Bored Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:27:03.png
Borg seven-of-nine-2.jpg
DUmb Ass Board Game UNG-01366_1.jpg

Don't forget

John Smith died becuase (because) of Pocahontas.

Because Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:27:45.png

When All (everybody) drove for there (their)

Their Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:30:20.png

Knife (knives), the Turkey awake (awoke) and open his mouth, saying,

Knife Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:29:56.png

This is gone a (gonna) be the day

I eat you up" (Turning Turkey Day into Human Day for Turkeys Everywhere).

Gonna Screenshot at 2018-07-20 11:31:26.png
Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer 30663023_1300x1733.jpg

The End.

Turkey Story.jpg

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