One photo every day: Sepelkyyhkyn lentoonlähtö :: Common wood pigeon take-off (323/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)

Hey! :)

I almost didn't get a chance to put my camera into action today. When I had taken the boys to school, I came back home to pick up my gym gear and have a cup of tea, then drove to Laune where the gym is an first put the car through a car wash, then rubbed it clean and shiny with a towel. I cleaned under and behind all car doors and gave the windows a good cleaning too. (Didn't vacuum it although it does actually need that too.)

Then after I had been through the car, I drove to the gym to be "tortured" by @omsoc once more. Nah, he gave me a good workout. I started by warming up in the exercise bike, then went through some barbell squats, stiff leg barbell deadlifts, two types of leg press machines, and knee raise exercises (I might forget something here). Allyson kept adding more weights after each reps. in a set.

Then we finished up with a set of 15 crunches mixed with 30 second planks.

My muscles feel a bit bloated. ;D

Oh, and when I had finished the workout, @MarkkuJantunen gave me a call and invited me to have lunch at the Trio shopping center. So we went there and he got me a 15cm Sub (my fiat account was already pretty low on cash) and a diet soda that didn't stop flowing over as the machine lost its mind and kept pushing out more and more of that liquid onto the cup, and then over the cup, and... Okay they eventually pulled the plug.

And thus my workout goes to waste...

After having a lunch with Markku, another friend of mine (this time one I met at the rehab course a year back) calls and sends me SMS telling me to come have a cup of coffee with him, so I did. We met in a local bar called Wood Pub, and I got myself a cup of coffee and a filler while he had a beer. Had a nice chat and even I promoted a bit of steemit to him while we were chatting. He'd gotten himself an upgrade on his bike (from a scooter to a 125cc lowrider). It seems more appropriate considering his attire, as he's always looked like a biker, but his red scooter kind of broke that illusion.

When the clock hit 14:30 I had to go and fetch Miro from school (he stays in after school care still), then come home and having promised to go out with Miro, we both went to the grocery together, him on his bicycle and me walking.

I had asked Vera for her ATM card for loan but she'd forgot to give it to me so when we arrived to the grocery and I noticed this, I first checked the ATM if my funds had arrived, with a no-no for an answer. Called Vera and told her that this had happened and started walking home. (That's when I shot that second test shot and posted it here.)

Miro was faster and brought Vera's card to me when I arrived to the nearby children's play park.

Second trip to the grocer was more successful, and we even got Miro a fizzy drink and I got myself a protein shake for the return trip.

Then I got to my camera. And the clock was about 8pm.

Anyh00, there be a picture too...

Departure of Dove Airlines Flight 323

I hope you like this one! I got some Fieldfare shots aswell. I may post some.

See you later guys!

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: test shot #2]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Teach and learn (316/365)
Common roaches (317/365)
Markku vs. Antti (318/365)
Yet another pink building! ––– Engel-makasiini (319/365)
Common wood pigeon :: Sepelkyyhky (Columba palumbus) --- Vintage lens photography (320/365)
Sunset with a sub par phonecam. (321/365)
Sunrise on Mothers' Day (322/365)

If you liked the post, consider buying me a beer:

Buy me a beer


This is a question that I didn't ask you so far! Today I am asking! Aren't you doing a profession? I never heard you are at the work pace and busy with work loads :D
Anyway that "Departure of Dove Airlines Flight 323" is a pretty cool photography! The wings of the Pigeon, I never seen this formation in a photography till today!


Steem photoblogging and cryptocurrency investments have been my job as of late.

I was a perpetually unemployed sod for quite a while and even just last year I was doing rehab because I couldn't do simple father's duties right. I was a bit of a mess really.

Investing in crypto, and later finding Steem really saved me from falling into a hole of depression and anxiety.

Now I really feel I'm doing a difference while learning to be actually productive, and earning some virtual magic money at the side.

"Paistaa se päivä risukasaankin!" is a Finnish saying, that has finally prevaled itself in mylife.

I will save this comment, coz in 2020 I am panning to leave my job and wish to be full time STEEM + crypto player.
During this 1 and half years time, I am planning myself to ready for that "No Job" future :D
Thanks for sharing your story with us! This gives me inspiration to execute my plans too!


These friends do not go to the gym anymore and choose to enjoy the pleasures of the palate with you. Good Take Photo. Dove Airlines hahaha xD

Nice story Gamer. Don't worry what you eat. After a workout your body burns it for 3 days after apparently. Good shot of the bird about to fly. Thank you.

But this also your good work to catch the bird util the bird hide. I love kids and kid are the happiest part of family.

Nah.........your workout didn't go to waste. It'll just prepare you for next day :-) And about your fiat account running low - I get it because mine is too.

Is the the same bird taking flight that you posted yesterday? It's a very nice shot - the way you captured it just at the moment when its flight began. The background of branches adds a lot to it.........

What a day you had @gamer00. My day was pretty much similar. Was really fun.

To think of it... even doing "nothing productive" can be productive. Who could've known?

Exactly @gamer00, as long as you have fun.

To join gym it’s a good decision... keep it up .... the result will come .... I like your bird’s photography.... flying bird.... very difficult to capture....

What a nice day story you had @gamer00. With tired condition, muscles feel a bloated. Get a decision of doing gym activities better for your bad healthy. :D Amazing photography of airlines flight of cute bird. Also unbelievable to mine. It seems your talent & skills.

a diet soda that didn't stop flowing over as the machine lost its mind a

Hahah. This got me laughing. I laughed at the personification of the machine. Well, that was a good break down of how your day went. It will serve as good challenge making chronological daily activities. I have seen some posts about that using ulog tag. I should consider that. But I feel I have thesame activity most days.

Hello friend @ gamer00, apparently you had a busy day! Tell me how do you feel after training with @osmoc? That routine is intense and after doing it the next day I could not even climb the stairs of my house ... I think it's never too late to take a good picture! Good photo bro

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