Thought Of The Day - Identity Socialism

in #informationwar5 years ago

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Also Known As Democratic Socialism

Why do I always go on about socialism, I probably sound like a broken record, or like that old guy shouting at the sky. Well actually I'm not that old, and the reason I go on about it is because too a degree I'm living it, not the full blown Venezuela style socialism where there food rations and nothing to buy. More like I'm on a speeding train with no breaks heading full force into socialist ideology, and this train is about halfway there. So the reason I carry on about it, is because this is the only way to stop it, by making people aware of the brick wall that is socialism, we're about to smash head first into.

Currently in South Africa every single state run company is hemorrhaging money and should have been out of business 10 years ago, but no the amazing government just keeps bailing them out. Out electricity company has been a shit show for the last 9 years with constant black outs and scheduled power shut downs to cope with the demand. And all the while the government bureaucrats, well connected family members or friends when get to run it are taking massive salaries and to date could not manage to build additional power stations. At the same time their implantation of identity politics and hiring people based on race, has resulted in the power utility not having any experienced engineers working there anymore. But the tax payer bailouts keep coming and it's not even covering the interest on the owed debt, in 01 years the debt has increased by 1400% But don't you worry the salaries of the top brass are being paid, even it have zero experience in power utilities, much like Hunter Biden's experience when he worked for Burisma.

"Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual)." - Ayn Rand

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That's just one company, there are another 20 others, and they are failing because of socialist, or to be more precise Marxist ideology in governments, because it ultimately gives the people in government more power and money. But we have an entire generation of actual educated people who go to some of the most expensive universities in the world, who advocate unironically for socialism. The constant talking point is how capitalism is the root of all that is evil, and guess why, because the word profit is part of the definition. Then please explain how the voluntary exchange of private property or good is evil? How does Apple force you to by the iPhone, or how does the evil Amazon force you to use their service, by all means, get in you car and drive to where ever and buy what you want. Now contrast that with government taking part of your salary each month at sometimes 40% of what you earned because 51% of the people voted for it, that is tyranny. It's also funny that millionaires and billionaires are suddenly the villains, why do you think that is the top talking point of the democrats in the US or own own socialist ANC party here in South Africa? That's because then it's much easier to rob them under the false pretense that it is the will of the people, because the people voted for it.

Dinesh sums it up the best, Marxism basically divides society into two groups, the rich and the poor or by class, but in the current society, like in the United States and here in South Africa, that's far a too limited divide. The new identity socialism structure divides society by everything, race, gender between men and women, gender between straight from gay and even immigrants from illegal immigrants. And in every example there is an oppressor and the oppressed, and the left targets these seemingly victimized and oppressed groups, to get a majority of 51%. And because this is "democratic" socialism, based on a majority vote, the 51% now has every moral right to tell the other 49% what to do, because democracy. But neither the USA or South Africa is a democracy, we are both republics, with laws to stop this kind of tyranny. But they chip away at those laws little by little, until we find ourselves living in a socialist dictatorship, don't believe me just look where free speech currently is. A US company has is violating the constitution by censoring people for made up hate speech rules.

"Government 'help' to business is just as disastrous as government persecution... the only way a government can be of service to national prosperity is by keeping its hands off." - Ayn Rand

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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