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in #j5 years ago (edited)

Facebook Ban For No Reason | Do you like the rain? Can you embrace it as you're taking care of business? Are your dreams sophisticated? Are you taking the time to recover from life? Miley Cyrus was in Black Mirror. I was watching it this morning. It deals with transhumanism and humanizing robots which minimizes the value of humanity. July 2016 Addition ASOV DJ 2014 | I miss Boy Meets World. But at the same time, I miss vintage YouTube. It was raw. It was organic. You can turn a robot into a organic human, perhaps, to an extent. But there is a difference. It is like GMO. I love science fiction which deals with the debate concerning robots becoming humans. Oh, I miss real Star Trek.

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IWA Maury Joey Father Not Father Arthur.jpeg

2019-10-18 - Friday

Daily Blog - Published Daily | Time Zone - PDT

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in October of 2019

30 Day Facebook Jail

12:10 PM - Steemit

I was banned for nothing for thirty more days. Facebook didn't say which posts were not allowed. Facebook didn't say why. Facebook didn't say that I said some bad words. By the way, I didn't write any naughty words. I didn't post any naked porn. I didn't post any violence. Nevertheless, I just got this a few minutes ago, on this Friday morning, the 18th of October of 2019.

Many people are put on timeout on the Mark Zuckerberg social network. I've put on another ban for 30 more days. This has been happening to me dozens of times in the 2010's. Here are some screenshots of what just happened a minute ago: I was not told which posts were not allowed. I was banned for nothing, literally.


2019-10-18 - Friday - 11:18 AM - Put on timeout:

Screenshot at 2019-10-18 11:18:51.png
Screenshot at 2019-10-18 11:19:03.png

Cannot Comment, Either

01:24 PM - Steemit

FB BLOCK Screenshot at 2019-10-18 13:24:39.png

2019-10-18 - Friday - 13:24:39 PM PDT - 01:24:39 PM LMS JA

No Messaging

01:31 PM - Facebook

Right Left Unity

12:32 AM - Steemit

I support classical liberalism (democratic) and conservatism (republicans), not to be confused with the neocons, the donkeys and rhinos, the fake versions of those two alleged political parties. I like Andrew Jackson. I believe in liberalism and conservatism. I'm against tyranny, etc.


12:34 AM - Steemit

Sherry, that door is so fancy and beautiful. I love it. I love history.


12:36 AM - Steemit

Hello, Burger Queen Allison. Yes, you are right. I love talking about health. I eat from our garden. Nice to meet you.

Joyful Wisdom

12:43 AM - Wisdom brings me joy. I agree with you. I love Proverbs.

Freedom Debate

12:46 AM - Telegram | Dissenter

What about Indian Reservations?

If you sell land that you own to me, and if I buy that land that you do own, then I should then be the owner. But if I pay taxes for the land, then that means I am not actually the owner but really just a renter who is declared an alleged owner.

Black Mirror

12:46 AM - 03:12 AM - Was watching Black Mirror, season 5, episodes 2, which was a parody on how Facebook destroys society, and episode 3, which had Miley Cyrus in it. Lyrics: Bow down to the one you serve. You're going to get what you deserve.


Rebels News

11:01 AM - UNCUT: Greta Thunberg's unedited encounter with Rebel News in Edmonton | Keean Bexte

Mr. Reagan

11:08 AM - The Politics Behind JOKER

Vikings: Wars of Clans is a free game. Like War Craft. Love the music in it.


30 Day Facebook Jail

11:18 AM - Steemit

Cannot Comment, Either

01:24 PM - Steemit

No Messaging

01:31 PM - Facebook

I cannot even private message.

Facebook write:

You recently posted something that violates Facebook policies, so you're temporarily blocked from using this feature. For more information, visit the Help Center.

To keep from getting blocked again, please make sure you've read and understand Facebook's Community Standards.
The block will be active for 29 days and 22 hours more.
If you think this doesn't go against our Community Standards let us know.

But I am blocked from submitting repeals as well.

Screenshot at 2019-10-18 13:30:38.png


Family Album Work.

Facebook Ban For No Reason

03:28 PM - Twitter | Steemit

Yogurt treat.

Potato & chicken.

Facebook Ban

04:10 PM - FS | Dissenter

Always Trumpers attacked me yesterday in some Facebook groups for saying globalists are trying to kill Trump. So, like I said, these people say they like Trump and yet yell at me for telling them things they should already know. I shared my article about what Alex Jones was saying yesterday. They told me that I shouldn't be saying those kinds of things out loud. Some would say things about praying or about how Trump has it under control. But we don't know that. Better safe than sorry. What if we are wrong? Today, was banned for a month on Facebook, yet again.

Social Security Debate

04:28 PM - Free Square | Dissenter

I probably should write an article about social security. There are probably ten different things I want to say about these things. People believe that the SSN # 542-13-4324 is some kind of magical thing. Yes, government makes that claim. They also tell you to get vaccines. It is important to look at the origin of SSN. Also, it is vital to understand how identity can be stolen. It's not simply through SSN. @Rob_Roy is delusional for blurring out my SSN which people can see. As if people come here to see it. More people see my blog than they see this at the moment, but regardless, it is delusional, either way. SSN is a religion. People are taught how to look at it all of their lives. It is almost as bad as the IRS. I can steal your identity even without your SSN. That's the delusion that people have. There are so many ways you can ruin somebody's life. SSN might be a way. The problem is that it is not the only way. Can you stop people from ruining your life? No. You cannot. Stopping people from knowing your SSN could help in some cases. It depends on a bunch of factors. If you have credit cards, then you should hide your SSN. If you have anything that can be stolen, you probably should hide your SSN. If you have a house, car, then you should hide your SSN. I don't have any of those things. I have nothing. I am saying I have nothing to lose. If I had things to lose, I wouldn't be posting my SSN. But it depends on so many things. So, I will be writing more about these things as it is complex. Very complex. People fall for the fake news. But it is complex. It depends.

Faraday Cage Examples

04:35 PM - DIssenter

Older computer towers had more metal in the early 90's for example. I remember opening them up. So, they may have acted like Faraday Cages. Maybe not as effective as a microwave. I put my hard drive in a metal lunch box. What about a safe? I would assume a safe can block EMP if it is made of enough metal.

2016-07-22 - 02:11 AM - ASOV Screenshot at 2019-10-18 16:50:55.png
URL Web Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/21346846424/permalink/10154242301581425

Seldom Said in Vietnam?

2016-07-22 - Friday - 02:11 AM - Another side of Vietnam (ASOV) | 168 Comments | 10 Likes | Admin Hale Song wrote:

What do people seldom say in Vietnam? Disappointed that the original thread was removed. i wanted to keep this topic going, because they just keep coming to me! COMMENT BELOW!

2016-07-22 - Friday - 02:12 AM - Facebook - Meet Oatmeal - Screenshot at 2019-10-18 16:54:36.png

Meet Oatmeal

2016-07-22 - Friday - 02:12 AM - Facebook | Jason Ovenden wrote:

I'd love to meat Oatmeal

2016-07-22 - Friday - 02:12 AM - Annoying Oatmeal - Screenshot at 2019-10-18 16:58:58.png

Annoying Oatmeal

Harmattan MC wrote: "In case anyone don't get it: Oatmeal is an annoying guy who ... well, keep posting nonsense and spamming around FB groups to demand unban after he got banned from this very group."

2016-07-22 -03:18 AM - Oatmeal Meme 13699993_10154396316220970_6631229294924175437_n.jpg
Jeff Ewart posted this Oatmeal Meme


Jeff Ewart wrote: "Joey has been quiet..."


05:10 PM - Posted this on 2016-07

2016-01-18 - Screenshot at 2019-10-18 17:11:55.png

Joe is Your Man

2016-01-19 - Tuesday - 12:00 AM - Facebook - ASOV

2016-01-19 - Tuesday - Comment on Joey is Your Man Screenshot at 2019-10-18 17:18:48.png

Pierrot Siquet replied

Joe Arnold oatmeal is your man

Choc Porter added

I second that Pierre.

Choc Porter then wrote

Id want a bj from the receptionist every Friday just to keep me interested.


05:47 PM - Steemit

Craig Anderson was probably one of the guys that would talk about me as early as like January of 2014 on the Internet, on websites like Facebook, especially the Another side of Vietnam (ASOV) group or at least it was a guy with his same name or close to it.

2013-08-13 - Tuesday - 01:35 AM - Facebook - ASOV DJ Screenshot at 2019-10-18 17:53:48.png

just a DJ in a Vietnamese club

2013-08-13 - Tuesday - 01:35 AM - Facebook - ASOV | August 13, 2013 | 167 Likes | 1K Comments
URL hyperlink: https://www.facebook.com/groups/21346846424/permalink/10151815678781425/

Screenshot at 2019-10-18 18:07:40.png

Jase Nguyen wrote

just a DJ in a Vietnamese club

2013-08-13 - Tuesday - 01:35 AM - Facebook - ASOV - Another DJ 1095037_10151803318450446_965828429_n.jpg


06:32 PM - Steemit

06:35 PM - Took out the recycling in the rain. Oh, new pans. I got out a flat screw driver.

Overlord DVD

06:43 PM - Friday Night Frolics: Star Wars Rumors Edition! 59K Celebration!

@Mrs. Nerf Herder oh 6 endings would make Star Wars like LOTR Return of the King.


SSN Debate

08:33 PM - @Rob_Roy, do I need your SSN in order to inflict child porn onto your computer? | Dissenter

Also, I cannot undo what I started doing many years ago in posting my SSN and other things on the Internet. Also, during job interviews over the phone, when you tell the potential employers your SSN which is then leaked on the telnet, the telephone systems, as the phone systems are not secured and are spied upon. My SSN will always be out there because it already got out there years ago. You cannot fix that. So, me not posting my SSN does not erase the fact that it is already out there. On top of that, there are other ways people can steal your identity, throw debt on you, get you thrown in jail, etc. SSN is only a way people can get you. I don't deny that. I cannot stop this one thing. I could try to reduce the potential for some of these threats from occurring, perhaps. Still, it is multidimensional. It is multi-layered.

January 2014 - ASOV

Melanie Martinez

09:40 PM - Class Fight [Official Music Video]
The popular girl fights a witch who is demon possessed.


11:48 PM - Facebook | Dissenter

Mark said Facebook will not police political speech and yet still banned me.

Melanie Martinez

09:40 PM - Class Fight [Official Music Video]
The popular girl fights a witch who is demon possessed.