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in #j5 years ago

Killing Trump in Dallas | Should we have the right to own things without being bothered by government? Do I really need the IRS to help me sell an apple from my apple tree? Why can't you just come to my house and give me money? Do we need a middle man? Why can't we prosper under free markets? Do we really have to rely on taxes, regulations, welfare? DeAnna for Congress🇺🇸vs Nancy | King Arthur was my 41st great grand uncle, allegedly. Friends can write on my wall, any thing at any time on Facebook. Have fun. Photo Album Work.

Killing Trump in Dallas

05:44 PM - Steemit

Right now, they're trying to murder Trump. Do you care? Let me tell you what is happening right now. I've included some links and some videos in this important post. Here is a very small article I'm writing right now about this. Now, today is especially special. Trump is having a rally in Dallas, Texas, USA. Now, there is a connection between this event and the assassination of John F. Kennedy (JFK) in 1963. By the way, Joe Biden mentioned the 17th in Tuesday's debate by mistake. You can watch the videos of Joe doing that. Visit Infowars for more information or continue reading this quick rough draft post here.

DeAnna for Congress🇺🇸vs Nancy

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IWA Joey Amish Saber Beard Hat Chipmunk.png
Meme By Rob Roy &/or Memeart of Infocomms & Free Square

2019-10-17 - Thursday

Daily Blog - Published Daily | Time Zone - PDT

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in October of 2019

DeAnna for Congress🇺🇸vs Nancy

Last night, published my review of November of 2016.

2019-10-17 - Thursday - 12:46 AM - 01:48 AM - Black Mirror 501 - Virtual Reality Multiplayer Sex


Atheism is a Religion

10:53 AM - Steemit

I love Jesus. However, @atheistrepublic seems to attack religion. However, atheism is a religion.

Killing Trump

11:04 AM - Steemit

I missed this one. Amazing. However, they are trying to murder Trump in 2019. They've been trying to kill Trump and others. Their attempts continue to escalate. That's why Trump doesn't eat the food they make for him for example.

Two Party Swamp

11:10 AM - Steemit

I wonder if the federalists became the democrats, specifically within U.S. history. I've been looking at the first ten American presidents. I was noticing how federalists, in the 1700's, were for centralization for the federal government. I know, there are differences between federalists and democrats. But the one problem we find in history is the love for money and power that lords and leaders go after. Yes, the Donkeys and the RINO Republicans are one party. Yes, this is a big clue that spells out how the NEO alterations of these two United States political parties are one and the same.

Resistance 1776

11:14 AM - 🔥◄ FirePower (Full Show) 🎙️ • Wed • October 16th, 2019 ►🔥

DeAnna for Congress🇺🇸vs Nancy

Go With Your Gut

11:26 AM - Twitter | Dissenter | Free Square

Dark Alley blocked me on Twitter and lies about the Bible. Going with your gut is good when your gut is aligned with eternal principles. Your gut is your heart. So, it depends on a few things. If you have a black heart, then you should not trust it. You should not go with your gut, if your gut is dead.

Dark Alley On Twitter

URL: https://twitter.com/DarkAlley01x

Dark Alley Block

11:32 AM - I noticed the block. I last saw his Twitter account at 11:26 AM PDT LMS. So, he blocked me. So, I logged out in order to visit his page. In other words, I know how to get around a block. I know how to get around the block. I've been around.

Dark Alley Wrote

11:29 AM - Twitter

Joey you do not even live in America shut up you hack you do not know shit about me and unlike you I am a veteran, your projections is why your the only person I will block


Where does Oatmeal Joey Arnold live?


I logged out of Twitter in Firefox. I went back to my Dissenter (Gab) web browser and noticed I was logged out of Twitter. It seems that means there is some kind of sync between the two browsers. I just noticed this a minute ago. Now, I thought Dissenter was based off the Brave browser. But it may also be based off Chrome too. I will need to investigate this more. It seems that Dissenter has some weaknesses as a browser, perhaps.

Home Address

I grew up there, from my birth in '85 in Oregon: 1985-2004; also lived there off and on around 2007, 2008, 2011-2012, 2017-2018. Visited home in 2004, 2009, 2010, a few times, too.

Who said he or she is a veteran? Oh, leftists enjoy blocking people. Dark Alley is on Twitter cursing Infowars and Trump. Dark Alley might as well join ANTIFA.

The Donkeys and the Elephants are the Swamp.

Creating New Accounts

11:57 AM - FS

Would it be better to be required to confirm a new account creation via a phone?

Earning Money Online

12:11 PM - Freesquare | Dissenter

Back in the early 2000's I begun attempting to make money online. So, I would look around for paid surveys, scholarships, etc. I would enter contests, games, etc. So, long story short, after like twenty years of researching these kind of things, I can say that so much appears to be like scams. For example, the Nigerian Prince Emails. The real opportunities can be as rare as winning the lottery.

The tough part is finding ways to make money online. It could be as rare as turning your garage band into the Beatles. The good news is that you can at least earn cryptocurrencies that can act as a pension, a long-term investment. Well, what an individual should do depends on his or her options. Generally, it's good to have several different jobs. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket. It's better to spend eighty percent of your time emphasizing on whatever works best for you at the time. If you have no other options, then you could waste your time ONLY trying to make money on the Internet.

Making money online, for most people, is like winning the lottery or worse. It's like getting struck by lightning. That doesn't mean you can't do it. But if you end up spending a thousand hours on the world wide web in order to earn one dollar for example, that is not really anything. Why? Many reasons why. But one of the reasons is simply that time is money and money is time. Like, time has value. So, it really depends on the time factor as well. Some people could possibly make some money online sometimes. But there are no guarantees. Plus, it can come and go at any time. On top of that, it is better to invest more long-term. So, please think long-term.

Dishes. Lots of pans. Crock pots. Food processor. Putting things together. Snap snap.

Robot show. Can robots eat?


Mailed my ballot in. I voted to repeal tax increases.


04:06 PM - That's why you should always post to multiple websites, etc.

Social Security Number Debate

04:24 PM - Free Square | Dissenter

What can people do if they get your social security number (SSN) # 542-13-4324? For example, I've published my SSN # many times online for so many years. So, I wonder, will something happen to me? What will happen to me? What has happened to you? What can people do with your SSN that they cannot already do without it?

Trump Assassination

04:43 PM - Twitter | Minds | Freesquare | Dissenter | Gab | Steemit | Facebook DJT

They are trying to murder Trump in Dallas, today. Red Alert. @realDonaldTrump

Infowars Live On YouTube Via Greg Reese Right Now

05:11 PM - Freesquare

Here is a special live transmission.

Greg Reese

05:10 PM PST - Alex Jones Live at the Dallas Texas Trump Rally

King Arthur Related

06:11 PM - FS | Dissenter | Twitter | Minds | Gab | Facebook

King Arthur was my 41st great grand uncle, allegedly.

Killing Trump

06:42 PM - FS

@Vitt, keep in mind that Trump Murder is being attempted on several different levels. See, the lower levels would be your average SJW Joe. Now, a lone wolf is less likely able to. The FBI and others can investigate them and stop them. So, the pawns can try to kill Trump. So, they come and go. But they're not really that threatening, of course. I wouldn't be surprised if weirdos are always trying to kill Trump like 24/7. But that's not out of the usual.

Higher levels would include politicians, puppets, people in Hollywood, producers, others, who may have more money and can make even bigger attempts at assassinating Trump and others.

The globalists and others at higher levels are less likely to be making as many attempts as lower level people.

The higher the level you go, the more successful the hit can be and might be.

So, it is not a question of if but a question of who. It really depends on who decides to murder Trump. It depends on how much they put into the assassination attempt.

Supposedly, people at the higher levels are smarter. Supposedly, some of the control freak tyrants are a bit smarter, that is the higher up that you go. I'm not talking about the puppet leaders you find in the world but the people that run them.

Supposedly, the elites are not all on the same page.

I'm not sure if the Rothschild family are still at the highest levels of global control at the moment or not. I'm not sure how high up Soros, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and other crime families are.

But the theory is that if enough of the higher levels of people got together to really kill Trump, they could do it at any time like they probably did to Epstein.

But, supposedly, the people at the highest levels are not all on the same page in regards to how they are to impeach, remove, imprison, kidnap, poison, drug, alter, murder, and/or etc Trump, and/or other patriots as well. It's complex.

The lower levels are trying to murder Trump more often. Higher level people, not as often as they are trying to strategize their moves in this game of chess.

For example, the higher level could dump a bunch of bombs on Dallas right now.

The lower levels may have a tougher time getting enough bombs to pull that off.

But higher level people can do it. So, lower level people are trying to do that.

Of course, higher level groups prefer that the lower level groups do the dirty work for them.

Framed Already

07:16 PM - FS | Dissenter

They can throw me in jail. I will happily go to jail. If I end up in jail someday, then take note that I was framed. Oh wait, that already happened in 2012.

What are you doing for Halloween?

07:22 PM - Facebook | Dissenter

Bitcoin Taxes?

07:52 PM - YouTube

@Samuel Ziegler but do remember like Naomi said in regards to overreach. The government has been corrupted. So, of course, we can try to educate people of the corruption. We can try to drain the swamp. We can try to vote. We can throw criminals in jail. But at the same time, we should be aware of their rules, and I mean regardless of how illegal or unconstitutional those rules may be. Each one of us can choose to defy the IRS, etc. Yes, the IRS may be doing things they shouldn't be doing. Now, if you do defy the IRS for example, they may go after you. Sadly, you might get fined, imprisoned, etc. Yes, they're probably wrong. But, still, these are things that happen. I was wrongly imprisoned once. These things happen.

08:01 PM

Unless if a cryptocurrency is considered to be like property like land or gold or something of physical and tangible value. Well, technically, and generally, crypto isn't or shouldn't be that. At least in theory, crypto is not personally owned by anybody because it probably exists in theory on blockchain which means it exists in and on different computers in different countries simultaneously. Therefore, if the IRS is attempting to tax it, they are in fact taxing something that is in America and not in America at the same time as it exists on the blockchain. So, the crypto could exist in China, Russia, Australia, Brazil, America, South Africa, the North Pole, in space, under the ocean, etc, etc, wherever there may be computers that are running those crypto blockchain networks on them. I would argue that the American IRS has no right to take something that is in another country, well unless if America has some kind of right over it or whatever.

Government Debate

Which do you prefer, a republic or a democracy? | Dissenter

I prefer representative, constitutional, 4 branched, republic systems that seeks to minimize federal government and maximize private property rights, free markets, etc.

Yes. Perhaps. Not necessarily. But regardless, because you can take your pick on what you prefer from all the different flavors of alleged democracies and democratic systems that may or may not exist or may have existed in reality and even in theory.

I prefer a representative republic over a representative democracy.

Are you pro mob-rule?

Who is going to protect the little guys?

Depends on how you define democracy.

Was the United States founded as a republic or as a democracy?

Corey replied to say both.

What about Vietnam?

Has the American government shifted from being more a republic, gradually, over two centuries, through corruption, infiltration, corporatism of 1871, central banking of 1913, etc, towards being more so a democracy, etc?

Michael Huemer

The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey | Amazon | Wikipedia | Libertarianism | YouTube

Karma is DNA

King Arthur was my 41st Great Grand Uncle, allegedly.

Besides, King Arthur was my 41st great grand uncle, allegedly, meaning I am like a king, I am like royal.

China Control Over The World

10:00 PM - Dissenter | FS

This is what they do this to people in China. This is an implementation towards social credit scoring where they ban anybody they want from travel, etc. They are trying to spread these systems of 1984 people control to as many countries as possible.

Fair Use Talk

Weird Al is allowed to parody even without permission.

That Star Wars Girl

10:12 PM - The JACK Show

YouTube has liability protection. Safe Harbor Act.

Star Wars could copyright the Ahsoka Avatar, allegedly.

Copyright vs private property rights.

Is this a parody of Richard Simmons?

Knowing or Not Knowing

Satish was saying he went from Hinduism to not knowing anything.

So, you don't know if murder is ok or not ok?

What about cannibalism?

So, cannibalism is ok?

So, we don't have too much CO2?

How can we reduce CO2?

What did that lady say to AOC?

She told AOC that we have to eat the babies.

So, we don't have too much CO2?

Will the world end in 12 years?

So, why not eat the babies to reverse that?

Trees don't eat CO2?


Climate Depot

A tribe called the Fore lived isolated in Papua New Guinea until the 1930s. They believed in eating their dead rather than allowing them to be consumed by worms. This led to an epidemic of a disease called “kuru, or “the laughing death,” caused by ingestion of human meat. This disease was not caused by a pathogen, but rather, a “twisted protein,” (according to an NPR report) that tricks “other proteins in the brain to twist like it, damaging the brain’s cerebellum. Researchers compared it to Dr. Jekyll’s transformation. The last victim of kuru died in 2009.

Are we animals or are we special?

Do animals think abstractly?

Have you ever had a complex conversation with your dog regarding a contrast between the past with what might happen in the future?

Should dogs be allowed to vote?

Did government misplace trillions of dollars?

What can government do that people can't?

Can I buy resources?

Can the resources I buy be allocated to me?

Can the land I buy go to me?

If I buy a banana from you, does government have to grab the banana from you and bring it to me?

Do you believe in free markets?

Can I sell directly to you without a middle man?

You don't believe in yard sales?

I am Oatmeal.

Should government tax you or tax me when you sell that banana to me?

We have gardens. Can I sell strawberries to you?

Original Oatmeal

Do you hate anarchy?

Are you saying trolls are smart?

Do you like welfare?

Do you like socialism?

Do you like Universal Basic Income (UBI)?

Troll is one of those inflated words people use as an empty insult similar to calling people racists, sexists, deplorables, etc.

Lord Kek is endorsing Big Government. Yeah!

I cannot do anything without the government, according to Lord Kek.

I have to tax the government according to Lord Kek.

I have to pay taxes to the government according to Lord Kek.

There are differences between how things are and how things should be.

I want the ability to own things.

Why should I rent (pay taxes on) what I already own, hypothetically if I was the owner, allegedly speaking?

I want the ability to own anything that I do in fact own.

Taxation diminishes ownership.

You worship government.

Freedom to Collect Rain Water?

Usufruct = Rent

Renters must be good stewards.

An owner should have the right to lease or sell.

When I was living in Vietnam, the Vietnamese people told me the same things you are telling me right now. You must be a Vietnamese person as you align with their beliefs regarding land.

A renter that is a renting should not be called a buyer that is owning what is actually being rented as the two are not the same.

I promote reducing taxes, regulations.

I want smaller government.

That Star Wars Girl

10:12 PM - The JACK Show