2019-08-28steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

1982 | Carefully, hand injury from the island day from earlier this month, from Friday the 16th of August of 2019 | Pew Die Kaitlin - In honor of Pew Die Pie getting 100 million subscribers, Kaitlin Bennett Hosts Meme Review | Millie Weaver - Hong Kong - China's Hostage In Trade War With US

1982 - Rough Draft 001

1982 - Year in Review - My only brother was born | Grandpa Walt Atkins Visited | Aunt Karen & her family visited | Films - E.T. | Blade Runner | Tron: The Original Classic | Conan The Barbarian | Rocky III | The Dark Crystal | Rambo: First Blood | Annie | Pink Floyd: The Wall | Gandhi | Friday The 13th: Part III | Silent Rage | The Toy | The Last Unicorn || Shows - Happy Days | Newhart | Family Ties | Magnum P.I. | Cheers | Knight Rider | Silver Spoons | Bosom Buddies | Fame | Mork & Mindy | Taxi | Giligan's Planet || Games - Donkey Kong Jr. | Dig Dug | Burger King | E.T. | Pole Position | Pengo | Demon Attack | Mr. Do! | Popeye | Megamania | Kangaroo | Atlantis | Super Pac-Man | Deadline | Frenzy || Highlights

2019-08-28 - Wednesday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

ALice Wonderland Prostitute Rabbit Hole Costs Extra.jpeg

Contact Me

Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn

Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-28 - Wednesday - PST - Daily journal:


12:52 AM - Steemit

You love cookies. I love oatmeal. I was born February 11. Wow, pink is a fun color.

Steem HF 21

12:57 AM - Steemit

If there were millions of people on Steem, the downvotes may not matter so much in some cases at least because a lot of people focus on liking things as seen on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Reddit. But Steem is still pretty small. I don't like bidbots and bots in general but I don't know how to stop them and I also would find it to be dangerous to attempt to block bots on Steem.

Downvote Pool

01:03 AM - Steemit

The downvote seems to be set at 20% of your upvote pool meaning you might be able to downvote up to 20% of however many upvotes you have. That's what I've heard.

Blockchain Congress

01:06 AM - Steemit

Could we develop a blockchain for dumping those documents on in order to keep them from being hidden and stolen and deleted later by the Demoncrats?

UFO China in Russia

01:15 AM - Steemit

Isn't that what Space Force is for?

Yard Work

08:20 AM - 11:10 AM - Almost 3 hours

Raspberry garden weeding. Sweeping. Move the pot off the raised flower bed. Chem trails right over our yard. Hay fork skill. Claw. Shovel. SMall shovel. Metal rake. Broom. Planting. Wheel barrow. Dumping. Compose pile. Carefully, hand injury from the island day from earlier this month, from Friday the 16th of August of 2019.

Pew Die Kaitlin

11:20 AM - YouTube - In honor of Pew Die Pie getting 100 million subscribers, Kaitlin Bennett Hosts Meme Review

Millie Weaver

11:36 AM - Hong Kong - China's Hostage In Trade War With US


11:49 AM - IWA

@Rob_Roy, I don't know about Creepio C3PO as seen in the second Star Wars 9: Rise of Skywalker trailer from a few days which showed that droid android robot bot iRobot Wall-E creature with red eyes. Could be just a joke. Unlikely that he was taken over by the Emperor.

No Phone Land

12:00 PM - Facebook - 2

Rich people move to No-Phone Places. Why? All around the world, there are No-Phone Communities.

Murdering Truth

12:39 PM - IWA

@Bingozee said that murder is sin. Now, is deception an act of murdering the truth?

Gold Fish Fat People

01:05 PM - IWA

Centralized Dollars

Do you guys want to promote national money? Isn't that how we got into this mess in the first place? Do we not know what happened in 1694 with the Bank of England? @rickMAGAvich is right, I'm a troll. That means all of this history that I speak of is imaginary. The thing about Andrew Jackson stopping central bankers in the 1800's. And then what happened in 1871 and 1913 and 1933, totally fictional, because everything I say is fake. @Bingozee is our Lord & Savior. Cryptocurrencies are bad. We should just bow down to the NWO. Why should we have money compete against money? Why not a global fiat currency which we already have in a variety of ways? Let's continue promoting federalized money which then pushes us towards global centralized money. Let's all go worship Rothschild. I love you Rothschild @Bingozee. I love you so much. I'm a troll. Everything I said is so bad. Very bad. I love to make government bigger. Let's not have banks issuing out their own currencies like they used to and like Hong Kong does now. That's crazy. We don't want to decentralize money. We want to nationally centralize money which then encourages people to wanna have global money which we already have. But please don't think about 1871. That's nothing. Cuz I'm a troll. An Original Oatmeal Troll. I am lying about 1871. So, please stop reading my comments. Don't watch Black Mirror which David Knight mentioned today. Let's not ever talk about 1871. You can't trust me. @Bingozee is right, I was banned too many times. I derail rails, I mean threads. I hate transparency. That means blockchain is very bad because transparency bad, orange man bad, I am an NPC Ma'am. We want to hide things. 33,000 emails. A bunch of Wikileaks. Epstein security camera footage. Las Vegas footage. Walmart footage. We don't want to see that. Transparency sucks. Blockchain is retarded like Oatmeal. Burn the books. Nobody has time to learn from history. We are goldfish as Alex Jones says. We can't remember yesterday. We are the fat people on Wall-E, right?

Ten Commandments Game

01:07 PM - IWA

I dare you to compare all ten commandments to the concept of murder.

Censorship is NOT the Problem

01:21 PM - IWA

Ownership Rights

The problem is Private Property Rights. If you are renting a virtual space, then you should be allowed that space as long as you are paying the rent. But ultimately, whether you are renting or borrowing virtual space online, if you are NOT the owner, then you should not have ownership rights. Likewise, if you are an owner, then you should have complete rights over whatever is yours minus the slippery slope towards copyrighting our thoughts which is similar to electricity which flows through the Internet.

Keeping Contracts

If I make Oatmeal Book, not Facebook, and you register to become a user, and you sign a contract with me, which is what we call the policies and the guidelines, and if it states that I WILL NOT BAN YOU for anything, ever, period, and then if I do ban you, then you should be able to take me to court and tell the judge and the judge should punish me appropriately for violating my own contract.

Facebook Contract

Last time I checked, in a Facebook contract with users, it seems to say, based on what I have read many times since around 2006, it seems to say that Facebook can ban users without reason. This seems to say that a judge is less likely to find that the contract was violated if it has a legal loophole or disclaimer clause for escaping. I am not saying you cannot go after Facebook. Because you can go after them but possibly not for that particular thing. We can continue to go after tech cartels for other things but possibly not for violating their own contracts.


It would help if we all found ways to let people know what kind of contracts tech cartels give humans and what kind of messes it can cause and to give humanity alternatives to the big social ghetto networks.


01:27 PM - IWA

Beyond that, freedom is fundamental. The freedom to not be modest, I support, to the extent that private property rights provides or should provide.

Defining Sin

01:31 PM - IWA

My definition of sin is that we are humans. @Bingozee talks about being human. I agree with him. But he hates that sin word it seems even as he describes sin BUT IN DIFFERENT WORDS. If he disagrees and wants to differentiate between sin and whatever the BLOODY OATMEAL that he talks about that sounds like sin, then he should start a thread about that before I do.

Murder Debate

02:01 PM - IWA

@Bingozee, how dare you say that murder is bad, you religious monkey.

@Bingozee talks about how murder is bad. Why? Said who?

@Bingozee will be reading this comment. Why? Because he cannot stand his hypocrisy.

@Bingozee said that murder is sin.

Dear world,

If you talked like me, @Bingozee would ignore you too.

@Bingozee loves to steal from the Bible.

@Bingozee enjoys calling people hypocrites.

I wonder, is hypocrisy a sin?

I wonder, is laziness a sin?

Is ignorance a sin at all?

I wonder, is stupidity a sin?

I wonder, is pride a sin?

@Bingozee has a mysterious definition of sin.

I ask these questions to navigate @Bingozee's definition of sin.

@Bingozee cannot define love if he cannot first define sin.

Is love a feeling or a verb?

Bingozee, how swiney are you, boiiiiiiiii?

What is the source of love?

Alice in Wonderland

02:10 PM - IWA

The Rabbit hole costs extra. She stands as a tall prostitute with her inside a car. Rabbits like to bounce.


02:30 PM - Washed the dishes. Pills came in the mail. Giants & Dwarfs book from 1800's.

MAGA Thots

03:34 PM - IWA

One step at a time, and it is at least better than NPC bots.

Big Debate

03:51 PM - IWA

@Rob_Roy, that depends on a few variables. There are reasons why cryptocurrencies and blockchains fork. That word, "FORK," is a special term. A blockchain is like a program that is on many different computers at the same time. So, like you said, it verifies transactions through cryptography through all the computers in the world that are online that are using that exact program and that exact version of the program. As long as that exact program is being used, peer to peer, from person to person in the web, it will follow the rules in that program and it will not change.

What are forks?

But a fork is when a blockchain program is changed to a new version. But that does not change the blockchain automatically, because you cannot do that on a blockchain. So, you have to fork. You have to split. The majority of the servers or witnesses or miners have to change to that version of the program. So, Bitcoin did this a few times. The people that agree with the changes will move over to the new program for example, but it seems that you the witnesses have to do so all at the same time in order to validate the fork.


Yes, people will sometimes have concerns with the programs, the systems. The good news is that all of that generates competition in the different cryptocurrencies and blockchain systems.

Long Story

It depends on the blockchain and on cryptocurrency. It may also depend on the fork. Also, it depends on the computers that are being used. All of these variables are ALWAYS OR CAN BE changing.


04:00 PM - 09:50 PM: Men In Black 4. Would you prefer watching an original film or a sequel, reboot, prequel, or whatever? I like sequels. I prefer sequels. But they have a bad reputation. Matrix 4. Videogames. Red Dead Redemption 2. Outlaws. Catherine. Japanese. Dream. Nightmare. Puzzle. Climb up the blocks. Dexter Morgan kills the outlaws? He went outside the limits of the American law to kill that one chick in season 2. Does that make him an outlaw? If he has a code of conduct, does that make him an outlaw? Hamburger. Oil for door crack. Headlights. Animals on the screen. Bike. Hot day. Tempting. Dogs. Chips. Stick. Can you mumble commands to the dog? Will it understand? Alexa. Walmart. Goodwill. Job application. Guys. Electronics. Never imagine as a kid what it would be like to be in other cities until later. As a kid, not so much. Power outlet. Spy device. Walk around town. Dark. Black. Abuse. Family. N. Bible. Wall. Escaped. iPad. HARPA. Spaghetti.

Gold vs Bitcoin

10:01 PM - IWA

How do we gradually transition back to gold standards?

Entering The Matrix

11:00 PM - IWA

Some globalists are trying put us into the Matrix as seen in the Matrix films. Not all of the globalists want to do that. Some of the globalists pretend to work with the other globalists and other groups as well. So, they may not always be on the same page with each other. They may stab each other in the back at times. Regardless, they are all up to no good, regardless of what they try to do all of the time in a variety of ways. But let's talk about those who are trying to put into the Matrix.

How they're trying to put us into the Matrix:

Skip ahead to step #15 to get to where we are right now:

  1. They get us addicted to welfare, drugs, sex, beer, fun, etc.
  2. They get us addicted to instant gratification.
  3. They get us addicted to Facebook, etc. So, we begin the process of living in the Matrix to an extent. But like frogs boiling in water, it has to be gradual. So, we get used to living on the computer. Technology is a tool and that is good, but like a drug, we can get lost like the Lawnmower Man did.
  4. They dumb society down.
  5. They cut down our attention span.
  6. They stop teaching us how to think, etc, at school.
  7. They preach the religion of subjectivity in order to tear the very fabrics of absolute truth, of objectivity, from our own souls.
  8. They try to nuke us with microwaves, phones, 5G, radiation, geoengineering, Big Pharma stuff, GMO, vaccines, etc, etc.
  9. They get us used to security cameras, airport security, etc.
  10. They teach and encourage us to be slave employees, etc.
  11. They push us to get lost in sports, entertainment, music, sex, travel, food, etc.
  12. They demonize nerds, geeks, book worms, smart people, the art of learning.
  13. They throw fake news at us.
  14. They try to get us to fight, to divide and conquer.
  15. They're trying to get us to get Brain Phones.
  16. They use Pokemon Go, Google Maps, Alexa, Apple, tech cartels, Microsoft, Amazon, phone sonar, security cameras, phone cameras, television cameras, satellite cameras, etc, etc, to map out the world.
  17. They'll continue trying to introduce humans to virtual reality games that simulates our real world.
  18. They're always trying to introduce us to more graphics, higher definition, in movies, video games, etc, etc. Some of it looks pretty real, like real-life already. They continue to make virtual reality realer and realer.
  19. Brain Phones will begin to offer virtual reality games. So, Brain Phones are computer chips, like a mark of the beast, 666 or 616, inside the head or hand. So, celebrities will be encouraging people to get brain phones or whatever they want to call it. You'll be able to call people by thinking. The games will be like a headset, like VR, but without the headset.
  20. They're trying to make VR indistinguishable from real life.
  21. They'll continue trying to dumb us down, make us sick, etc, etc, because then VR will begin to feel like it is more real than real life. But they have to do this slow enough to make sure they get us all down slowly. They have to make sure they get everybody down. They have to make sure there are no Alex Jones like people speaking up against this.
  22. Eventually, they'll flip a switch to activate Order 66 as seen in Star Trek III, I mean Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith where the Emperor got his soldiers to kill the Jedi, I mean to kill us all. I mean, not kill us but to activate the VR program in our smart phones which we all would be familiar with already.
  23. Then, we will all go into a simulation program of this sick real world that we live in. So, we will not even know we are in a simulation. In the VR simulation of our real world, we will have brain phones. We will be going into the VR program inside the VR program, like Inception with dreams inside dreams. So, the VR inside the VR will feel more real. Some people will prefer that and will stay inside the VR inside the VR. Some people will be red-pill and leave the VR inside the VR to live inside just the VR. They won't know that they are already in a VR because of their brain phones because the switch will happen in less than a millionth of a second because computers will be that fast in the next few years.
  24. Before this happens, some will say that the brain phones will help us escape the Matrix. Some people, like Scott Adams, say that we might already be in a simulation. So, they may encourage us to get brain phones as a way to escape the Matrix. But they will end up helping the globalists get them into the Matrix in the first place, that is if they are able to pull this off.

How do we stop this?

  1. Talk about this
  2. Draw some pictures
  3. Make videos about this
  4. Share stuff about this
  5. Watch Matrix 4
  6. Watch V for Vendetta
  7. Watch WALL-E
  8. Make a meme about this.
  9. Think about it more.
  10. Encourage people to continue developing technology, blockchain, viruses, open source, many different projects and things, etc, etc, etc, that could be like a NEO in their Matrix.

Long story short, some globalists are trying to do this and some are trying other things. Many different things are happening. Some of this is happening. Some of this will continue. Bits and pieces of these things happen. It's important to let people know that this is one of the plans. Some globalists actually are behind many different projects, including Matrix Plans like this one, all at the same time as they are not totally sure which projects will win at taking over the world and everything that they try to do, meaning they try to bet on all of the horses.

Bonus Secret

Every once in a while, they'll take us out of the Matrix either partly or completely in order to get to work like slaves in the real world. But we will not know the difference between the real world and the VR. They'll match the location of where we are in the VR with where we are in the real world. The transition will be made at the speed of light, possibly. The good news is that we are finding ways to fight back against that plan. It's not the only plan people have to end humanity as we know it, but it is one of them.

Brother Hollywood

11:29 PM - IWA

You know what I'm going to do, brother? Oh brother, I'm Hollywood Hulk Hogan. That new Michael Jackson song, she's going Hollywood. Great song for dancing.

@Hollywood is a Rothschild Lover.

Bingozee is not joking and refuses to define sin.

Bingozee believes we are in a simulation and enjoys deception.

Defining Sin

11:39 PM - IWA

Bingozee might be some kind of NPC because Bingozee refuses to define sin beyond sin being murder and only murder and Bingozee refuses to compare sin with imperfection which could be his way of saying that sin is perfect, as in good.

Bingozee is a broken record player and constantly has bad grammar. Bingozee said we live in a simulation already.

No Phone Zones

11:50 PM - Facebook

Jordan D Winslow, I am not talking about that. I am telling you about what some people are doing. I am not talking about what you wrote in your comment. I am trying to tell you about these places on earth that has these special zones. I repeat, special zones. I am not telling you what to do or not to do. I did not say anything about us people. I am not saying that we should or should not have technology. I am talking about that. I am simply letting you know about these locations. One location is around West Virginia. I dare you to go there to see this secret place. These people are moving to these places. You may not know which kinds of people go there.