One photo every day: Rainy Mid-Summer Frozen-Pizza Friday and Hippu ("nugget") Pils (362/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)


Ostin Juhannusta ja pakastepizzaani juhlistaakseni Lapin Panimon Hippu Golden Pilsner -oluketta, koska sellaiseen törmäsin kaupassa. Valintaan vaikuttanee vaimoni aikoinaan antama lempinimeni "Hippu".

To celebrate mid-Summer and frozen pizza, I bought a Hippu Golden Pilsner by Lappi Brewery, having found it in the store. One reason for buying it might have been the fact that in the early days of our relationship, Vera gave me the pet name "Hippu".

Enjoying a slice of pizza and a Hippu.

Camera body:
Canon EOS 550D
Sigma 50mm
ƒ/1.4 Art

Olut on väriltään utuisen sameaa, ja maultaan hyvin vahvasti humalteinen, suorastaan kitkerä. Sopi kuitenkin hyvin suhteellisen tulisen pizzapalan kanssa.

The outlook of the beer was hazy cloudy, and it tasted very hoppy, if not bitter. It went reasonably well with the spicy piece of pizza pie.

Hazy and cloudy.

Camera body:
Canon EOS 550D
Sigma 50mm
ƒ/1.4 Art

Luulisin Hippu Pilsin käyvän huurteisena myös Juhannussaunaoluesta. :)

I would guess that a frosty Hippu Pils would taste good as a refreshment after a Mid-Summer Fest sauna.

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: One photo every day: Early potatoes with onion and herring (361/365) + recipe!]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:

Guess what this is... (355/365)
Birthday Cake (356/365)
Saab JAS 39 Gripen (357/365)
Found this flower in our woods, can you guess what it is? (358/365)
Ninnu in a raincoat (359/365)
Clouds (360/365)
Early potatoes with onion and herring (361/365)

If you liked the post, consider buying me a beer:

Buy me a beer


"Hippu" that would be a nice name to you! Frozen pizza, I never heard about this before! Nice blur photography!


Yeah, I like that pet name myself. Leo used that name maybe once when he was three or four years old, but never again. (I wonder why.) Miro has never called me with that name... It feels like they have determined it's something only their mom can call me.

But since I was interested, I did some checking and indeed that's what pet names are, they are mainly used by people romantically involved – lovers and spouses of their partners. Intriguing.

So going to reach the milestone of 365/365 very soon and I hope you will make something memorable here in that particular article. Great OPED rocks.

Hi Gamer.Why did Vera call you a nugget?

She used to say "kultahippu" at times, but then she abbreviated it to "hippu". ;)

Gold nugget. Thought it was because you may be nuggety. Bit of slang for someone a bit tough.

Haha... I'll probably get tough after a few months of workout. ;)

I bet you are a lot tougher already and are fighting fit lol.

I bet you are a
Lot tougher already and
Are fighting fit lol.

                 - cryptoandcoffee

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Wow yummy pizza! That's my favourite but not hippu, its not allowed for me. Nice foods photography . Enjoy your day.

Is it eat after frozen in the refrigerator or it is just the name @gamer00

Nah, it's taken out of the freezer and put in the oven. :)

So it's just like a normal pizza. I am feeling hungry so I also wish to have pizza right now in my freezer:$

Frozen pizza?? What does it taste like? 🤔

You don't eat it frozen. It is cooked and tastes like normal pizza.

Thanks for the clarification! 😁

Seems like good memories are attached with it indeed :)

Just three days behind to mark first OPED birthday!!

So you enjoyed it?

Just three days behind to mark first OPED birthday!!

I suppose you meant to say: "...three days ahead..."

Yeah I've enjoyed it immensely. I too think that might be a birthday worth celebrating. :)

So there could be a giveaway? :)

What giveaway? Naah I think not. Giveaways are boring, no-one ever gave me anything.

So sad :( But i have won 1 sbd from you :p courtesy of peace :p oh sorry sorry peas :p

Haha Okay I would like to continue with that tradition of not giving anything! :P

That's the perfect attitude. :)

When are you going to post puzzle pic again? :p I'm ready to solve it again at first place :p

I just noticed about your Summer fest Sauna, it looks a great enjoyment has happened over there? ;) Will you make a post about that later?

I briefly mentioned it in the comments of the previous post, that sadly we don't have a sauna of our own.

I've not lost all hope getting into a sauna this Summer though. We have been planning of going to our family cottage in Lapland next July, so maybe then. :)

Nice pet name "Hippu". Sweet and simple. I love to have one that HIPPU in the weekend.

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