One photo every day: Räkättirastas :: Fieldfare (305/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)


Took 130 photos this morning. It took me quite a while to pre-process them, so I went to the local pub to have a Murphy's and bide some time. While there, I met a guy from the place I was doing rehab in the Winter. We got to chatting and I advertised Steem to him and his wife. They seemed interested in trying it out.

I just came back home, and checked the pre-processed photos...

Here's one of them:

Beautiful bird

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Canon EF 75–300 mm ƒ/4–5.6
Focal length: 300 mm
Aperture: ƒ/6.3
Exposure: 1/250 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 400+1600

Not many of the shots I fired came out very clear, but I did get some workable photos. I'll be posting them after I've finished the streetphotos. It's pretty time consuming to edit 70 photos. At least with the bird photos I don't have to edit them all. ;)

I'll be taking a quick nap now before I have to take the boys to school.

See ya soon!

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: Coincidental numbers]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Piano (298/365)
Tyre change (299/365)
Nuts, pumpkin seeds and olives (300/365)
Came back too tired (301/365)
Simple nightshot (302/365)
Kelmi = Crook (303/365)
Form (304/365)

If you liked the post, consider buying me a beer:

Buy me a beer


God I tried so much to get my cousins join steem, but believe it or not are not interested, they life is so difficult right now, and they don't believe that you can make money through the internet, expressing yourself, and sharing, well nice shot @gamer00 you hunted down that bird. Cool facts if you translate Jaro from spanish to english in google translator says Bird, I guess it's because bird in Spanish in Pajaro. That was the pointless info of the day :D

I don't want to speak ill of your cousins but I must say, out of frustration, that people can be such idiots. Would it help if you showed them how much money you're actually making on Steem?

Show them this:

Click "type" and check only curation and author rewards. Then print the paper. They're idiots if they fail to join and continue to struggle financially. I've had similar frustrations with people I've tried to onboard. There is no economic downside to posting on Steem except for the time spent. The trick is to kick the Facebook habit and spend the time here instead. Another thing that makes me roll my eyes is some people I know on Facebook crying (literally in one case) about being censored.

In hindsight, I am happy that Facebook irreversebly disabled my account, even though I don't know why at all. But only this way I was literally internally pushed to Steemit, and after one day alone I forgot Facebook completely.
Yeah, many people distrust these platforms. As so often, we have innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. We all are at least early adopters, while all others will follow the more it will grow. That is the typical business acumen, when we know what the future needs. In a few years, many will say about us: "how lucky they were to be part of this so early". But in reality we had this foresight, internally guided. In a sense, the Universe whispered and we eavesdropped, while others don't even hear the whisper. Old belief systems indeed hold people back.

Absolutely. I would never, ever have believed how pig-headed a lot of people I know could be before I started talking to them about Steem. These people prefer being fucked in the ass while giving everything away for free to the corporate vampire Facebook is to trying out something new that comes with no financial downside whatsoever. I predict that these same people will resent us in the future when we have built our accounts on the Steem blockchain to a point enabling us to earn enough to gain at least partial freedom from the world of shit working life is becoming with increasing job displacement by the relentless onmarch of automation, AI and outsourcing.

I have brought people over here that have had some decent success in the form of triple digit posts...just to go right back to Facebook. I mean come on people how much do you expect to make when FB gives you ZERO!!! TBH it actually pisses me off coz I spent a lot of time coaching and hand holding these guys...for nothing!

Well said. Imagine, spiritual people talk about 'the event', 'banks collapse', and 'a new currency system, yet when I tell them that this is it, they are even more obstinate than non-spiritual people...

Edit: "so-called" spiritual people..

yes sir, steem at the beginning is complicated and you don't know very well where to start or who to follow, but you are learning and knowing people and participating, it gets better and better, time is also a problem, but I think the best way to solve that is you set a schedule and start a project ,from my own experience, I tell you that this is what has worked best for me. I came home from work and it frustrates me don't know what to write, but I started a project and created a schedule and it was the best, the key is the discipline.

I want to learn a little about photography, I have a camera similar to yours, how can I achieve that shot, with the aperture at ƒ / 6.3?

What kind of a lens do you have? I shot this photo with a 300 mm zoom lens extended to maximum, and the bird was a few (5-10) meters away.

This ks very good shot i like how the bird is very in focus in this
Great work

Took 130 photos this morning.
Jaro you took 130 photography! I wish you will share them in STEEMIT!
That would be great you decided to promote STEEM while you are at the street!


If you really meant you took 130 photos? Then, that's a lot of work. Having to edit 70 of them is something tasking as well. But no problem, I'll hang around and wait for you to drop the pictures. I want to be among the first of people to view it. I hope that happens.. Lol

No I took 70 photos the previous day, and then 130 photos next morning.

I might post some tomorrow. Depends on how muchsleep I need now after having stayed up til 5 last night.

I didn't see your weekly photography collections posts @gamer00.
Very closely taken quality pre processed capture. Bird had powerful eye and vision.

I didn't see your weekly photography collections posts

True, I've been neglecting those for which I'm sorry for. I skipped them once for having too little energy, then it got postponed and now there are several missing.

I'll try catching up soon.

Very closely taken quality pre processed capture.


Amazing number of photos you can click in a day!
Your eyes and fingers must need some sleep too!!
What kind of bird is this? The body looks a bit like our sparrows.


It is a Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris), it belongs to the genus Turdus ( Thrushes) of the Turdidae family of the passeridae order (sparrow family), of which also the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), the one we Finns commonly call just "sparrow" is a subspecies in.

So, in conclusion they are not in the same species, nor genus, nor family, but in order Passerines (songbirds).

(I paraphrased a lot reading from Wikipedia so it may or may not be inaccurate, but I think it's pretty much okay.)

All-in-all they are very distant relatives, being subspecies of separate families under one common order.

Oh what a good little poser you have there! Can't wait to see more of the photos! I'm trying to get as many friends and family on Steem as I can as well, but not everyone is really that active. My mom got hooked though and is posting a lot more than me! :)

@gamer00 - Sir the bird & the tiny branch is well focused & blur the background... It's beautiful Sir... Feel like watching Animal Planet cover picture...


Very nice photo, but it gave me a lot of laughter because the face of the bird gives the impression that it is annoying. clear, it's just a detail

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