One photo every day: Simple nightshot (302/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)


I was out shooting again.

This one reminds me of one of the shots I took when I was still a novice learning photography.

Interesting clouds though

Anyway, I'll add the photo I shot 6 years ago here, below:

Old photo: Industrial zone near our home.

It's kind of fun, looking at some of the older photos I've taken when I didn't even know what I was doing.

Leo's class performed a theater this evening in school called Divine Plot, it was a romantic comedy based in Ancient Greece. Leo played the part of the high god Zeus. The play was amazing, and Leo's acting was excellent. :)

On a sadder note. I must have misplaced a very precious ring (the wedding ring) and I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: One photo every day: Came back too tired (301/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Mallards in Messilä (295/365)
Mallard (296/365)
Green tree stump (297/365)
Piano (298/365)
Tyre change (299/365)
Nuts, pumpkin seeds and olives (300/365)
Came back too tired (301/365)

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I must have misplaced a very precious ring (the wedding ring) and I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Ops this is really a sad thing! It might upset your wife, anyway I wish you can find it! Just be relax and try to go back to the time you lost it! Somehow we can remember where it was misplaced!
Like always your photography are excellent, I like that photography #1 and the photography you made 6 years ago! (I can see a lot of improvements of your photo shoots)

Good Luck~

Lol.... You seem to be teasing by saying the second image was when you were still a novice.. That second picture doesn't look like it, it looks pretty nice..

Leo's acting was excellent... That boy must be so full of talents... He knows how to act as well... That's nice!

Oops! You've misplaced your wedding band?? Sorry to hear about that. Maybe a little more rigorous and patient search could be productive... I pray you find it.

Although you say you are a beginner.
The photo is very cool!
The last picture I like the colors that can be seen in the sky.
as a gradient of blue and purple.

Friend. in the photos they look like a few drops, is it possible that at that moment the lens was dirty? or is part of the photo.

How well that for that play, very good role of Leo as the God Zeus, In Greek mythology, Zeus is the "father of gods and men"

With regard to the ring, back off, try to remember the last time you use it, look in the bathroom on the hand wash.

I really need to check those spots, I hope my sensor is not getting dirty.

Still can't find the ring anywhere. I have tried backtracking every move I made that day, but still came up with nothing. :(

It is surprising how much we can changes and one does not realize it, but be happy was for the better, no in all the case it like that, only once I participated in a play of the school I said my dialogue badly because I had a bit of stage fright and I could never get on stage again : D

I must have misplaced a very precious ring (the wedding ring) and I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Oh boy, you are in trouble, good luck with that.

Uh oh, I hope you find your ring.
Also I love the very first picture, the lights on the light looks ok like they could be fire.

The newer one has better composition. Just my feeling. Also, I really like the colors and lights in it!

Did you use much longer than normal exposure in the first one?


Did you use much longer than normal exposure in the first one?

Can't say for sure because the exim data on the older photo is corrupted by the editor I used then. I would guess they were both 30 second exposures though.

The light sources are much further away in the newer photo. Anyway the light sources are much further in the first photo. Perhaps a larger aperture was used in the newer one or a more light sensitive cell?

Interesting blue light sensation in the second picture. Was it created by your camera or was it real light sensation?

I think it was caused by the lighting.

You might say the photo is a little simple, but I find it quite appealing to look at.
The role of the high god Zeus is suitable for young Leo lol.

It's great to have a collection of your older photos.
You can compare and observe your whole photo evolution just by watching your forty weeks in pictures.

Thanks! That reminds me... I have skipped publishing some weeklies. I might have to catch up again.

Well... it's not hard to catch up. You have all the photos here on the blockchain lol :D

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