One photo every day: Flyboarding fun at 10°C BRRR!!! (313/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)


Looks like the watersports season has already started!

I found these guys having fun in the water in Messilä where I went for a coffee before picking up Miro from school.

A bit cold weather for these kinds of water sports, don't ya think?

I'll be posting other photos later... I'm a bit worn out after all those 4 kinds of sets of leg presses I did today. I hope my quads are not killing me tomorrow morning. ;)

See ya later!

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: Morning coffee... Gym next!]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Inside the tower (306/365)
Aikakone (307/365)
Sima :: Mead (308/365)
Crosswords master in his favourite pastime (309/365)
Vappu :: May Day :: Labour Day :: International Workers' Day (310/365)
Rosettes (311/365)
Old Mill of Tönnö (312/365)

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You should have quickly photography ability to get such great photography! Amazing friend! Once I tried this sport!


Once I tried this sport!

I figure it wasn't easy. Am I right?

Definitely it wasn't easy, but it wasn't forgettable :D


This looks amazing! And up north I think you have a completely different sense for temperature.. The summer there is completely different than anywhere else I bet! :)

Not really, temperature-wise at least. Summers in England are very similar to ours.

Oh does it go above 30°C? I thought it doesn't really go above 20-25 degrees.

It can. But it rarely does in England, either.

20-25 C is average. We have a few weeks of daily maximums of 25-30 C.

Am sure he is passionate about this sport this why he is doing it even in the cold.

Wow i would call this whirly surfy yo.

Wow what a great shot
You guys knkw how to have fun in Finland

Hi gamer. That is a real action shot. I am sure you will be stiff in the morning. I suggest you have a hot bath tonight and soak your muscles. Should work and then have a walk in the morning and find some more coffee and pie. You deserve a treat.

I wonder where I can find a bathtub, we only have a shower. Sauna would be nice, but I don't think I can find one at this short notice.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to a game event "Game Över", at our local library where we are going to show and teach the game of Go. Maybe I can get a coffee there. ;)

That sounds great. Will study the rules if I can find them in English somewhere. Is it called GO world wide or does it go by another name. Maybe I should ask Mark with his bedtime facts. He is like a tree of knowledge.

Thank you. Maybe I can beat you guys eventually.

Highly recommended.

To beat us in Go that is. ;)

Yes, I'm not advocating violence, particularly towards myself or my friends. ;)

Lol. I thought you meant his massage. Just kidding.

Go to an indoor swimming bath with the boys. Or alone. They have saunas.

An ice bath is also good but i wouldn't do it. It is meant to help speed up the recovery of your muscles.Why don't you volunteer and give gamer a rub down lol.

It sounds like your saunas are different from ours. LOL

You captured them at the time it was!
It really is very cool photography.
I've seen you take good pictures, are you a photographer?
or do you just like to take pictures?

Yeah well I tend to take Jared Polin's advice and call myself a photographer for that's what I do.

And thanks for the encouragement!

I also like photography a lot and I always try to make good captures.
Many people say that I take very good pictures.
But I've never taken a course in photography or anything where I can learn.

Wow... what a action and what a shot.... great timing .... excellent...

Wow, that's the perfect moment to take photo. The water splash form a beautiful circle.

It is indeed looking very beautiful ;)
Well in that temp it sure is gonna be cold but worth it i guess.

That's crazy. Even I wouldn't go in the lake yet. The ice melted only few days ago

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