One photo every day: End of a chapter (263/365) + Tax 2018 recap and other photos

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)

Today was the last day of rehab

I got this named notebook as a farewell gift from the printing house I was working my rehab in.

End of a chapter –
It's a simple notebook, with a nice personalized cover.

Vero 2018 -tapahtuma / Tax 2018 event

Arriving 12:25 I would have loved to see some of these talks... (Only shot from the event, really.)

Too bad I had messed up with the parking fee, and only had one hour for going through the fair. I ended up only getting to speak with the Prasos guys, and a couple of investing firms' presentatives, one of them whom I had a rather lengthy chat about – you guessed it – cryptocurrencies, and of course investing too.

Taxation (Next 3 paragraphs apply to Finns only)

What I found out from the Prasos people was that there isn't really much of a consensus over the taxes, other than the buying and selling of altcoins for other altcoins is not actually taxed. At all. Only when the money is converted to Euros, will it be taxed accordingly, on the basis of capital gains tax. On the other hand, they didn't see an eye-to-eye with my claim that Steem profits might be taxed as an income, and insisted that they would be taxed as a 0-price gains tax.

What I had already worked out from my previous discussion with the investment firm presentative, I knew that I could in practice simplify the Steem taxation (whether income or gains) by creating a company, and moving my current Steem holdings into the company, and then basically pay corporate tax, and then pay myself a salary through the company. That might take a bit more work but at least the taxes would be easier to file, as they would be in euros in the first place. (Now if I wanted to get paid in crypto, that's another story...)

So what I got from the event is that if I want simple taxes, get paid in euros. But I'm wondering still... could I still just inform the taxman based on my redeem history, using the Financial Accounts Summary tool by @steemreports, and then pay taxes accordingly? Maybe, but how – if it comes to it – would I show receipts for the past redeems? I can't take any screenshots retroactively.

Well, that's it...

Btw. I did take some other photos after I had left the congress center. Here are some photos from Katajanokka Helsinki:

I could hear an ice breaker just out of sight in the fog.

It wasn't terribly cold temperature-wise but my fingers felt pretty frozen anyway.

a Postcard from Katajanokka, Helsinki

Pretty branch. :)

Uspenski Cathedral

I later went to Nurmijärvi, to visit my father and my brother.

I want my brother's new kitchen. ;)

I helped him with installing the washing machine and tumble dryer, that's why I got home so late. My brother in photo.


Maybe more tomorrow. Too late again.

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: One photo every day: Chili seedlings (262/365) and yoghurt]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Leo and homework (256/365)
Miro (257/365)
Tree Tops in a Snowfall (258/365)
Selfie (259/365)
Selfie 2, Had a haircut and trimmed my beard (260/365) + Vero 2018 in Helsinki 13.–14.3.2018
Ipana Sleeping (261/365)
Chili seedlings (262/365) and yoghurt

If you liked the post, consider buying me a beer:

Buy me a beer


By the way, the Prasos guys are wrong about how posting and curating rewards on Steem are taxed. Take a look at the following excerpt from the Tax Administration website:

2.1.5 Internet-peleistä saatujen tulojen verottaminen

Internetissä on lukuisa määrä erilaisia pelejä tai ohjelmia, joissa käytetään omia sisäisiä virtuaalivaluuttoja ja joiden tuloja ei käsitellä arpajaisvoittoina. Tässä ohjeessa käsiteltäviä Internet-pelejä ja -ohjelmia kutsutaan peleiksi riippumatta siitä, millaisesta ohjelmasta on tosiasiallisesti kyse.

Useat näistä peleistä tarjoavat mahdollisuuden sille, että pelaaja (ohjelman käyttäjä) voi ansaita virtuaalivaluuttaa omalla aktiivisella toiminnallaan. Joissakin peleissä on myös mahdollisuus siihen, että pelin sisällä käytetty virtuaalivaluutta voidaan muuntaa oikeaksi rahaksi, tai pelaaja voi ansaita myymällä jotakin pelissä kehittämäänsä ominaisuutta toiselle pelaajalle oikealla rahalla.

TVL 110 §:n mukaan tulo katsotaan sen verovuoden tuloksi, jona se on nostettu, merkitty verovelvollisen tilille tai muutoin saatu vallintaan. Tässä ohjeessa tarkoitettuja yksittäisiä pelejä ja niiden pelaamiseen käytettyjä virtuaalivaluuttoja pidetään yhtenä ja samana pelikokonaisuutena. Tästä syystä virtuaalipelivoitot katsotaan saaduksi vallintaan TVL 110 §:ssä tarkoitetulla tavalla vasta sillä hetkellä, kun pelaaja kotiuttaa tulonsa pelistä. Tulojen veronalainen kotiuttaminen tapahtuu, kun pelissä käytettävä virtuaalivaluutta vaihdetaan pelin ulkopuolella oikeaksi rahaksi tai muuksi rahanarvoiseksi omaisuudeksi. Tulouttaminen tapahtuu ja veronalaisen ansiotulon määrä määräytyy virtuaalivaluutan tuloutushetken käyvän arvon mukaisesti.

Peleissä ansainta perustuu henkilökohtaiseen pelaamistoimintaan ja pelien perusteella kertynyt tulo on siten luonteeltaan ansiotuloa. Pelaaja voi vähentää verotuksessa tulonhankkimiskulunaan selvityksen perusteella vain sen osan sijoituksestaan, jonka perusteella tuloa on saatu.

Jos pelaamisesta ei ole kertynyt verotettavaa tuloa, eivät peliin sijoitettujen varojen menetys tai pelaamisesta muutoin aiheutuneet tappiot ole verotuksessa vähennyskelpoisia. Tällöin on kyse harrastustoiminnan menoista, joita pidetään elantomenoina. TVL 31 §:n 4 momentin mukaan elantomenot eivät ole verotuksessa vähennyskelpoisia.

Here's the first paragraph translated into English:

"There are numerous games or programs on the Internet that use internal virtual currencies on which any income earned is not considered lottery winnings. In this document, said Internet games and programs are called games regardless of what type of program the program in question actually is."

It is very clear to me that Steem is such a "game" where the user can earn income based on his own activities. Thus, rewards earned on Steem must be considered income and not capital gains and should be taxed accordingly. In the third paragraph, it is said in no unclear terms that any income generated in such "games" be taxable only when it is transferred out of the game and converted into official currency or exchanged for goods and services. In plain English, you become liable for tax only when you sell your STEEM or SBD for euros or buy stuff and pay in STEEM or SBD. Now, if you delegate to Minnowbooster and gain some income from that, again only in SBD, it might not strictly speaking fall into the taxable-as-income category but I seriously doubt the Tax Authority has any inclination to engage in such hair splitting. Fortunately, however, it is easy to tally up such forms of income using tools found on SteemReports (such as the one you linked to).

Thanks for the information on the tax thing! Very complicated to me. I think they still have no idea what to do about it, so there would still be lots of changes on the rules.

Your photos are very white! Amazing atmosphere! Those brown rocks look very powerful, I would love to have them in my garden as natural chairs!

You did many things in one day! No wonder you are exhausted and need more rest!

The delicate touch of the cover on your book is very nice gesture!

Hope you’ll be getting enough rest and be really healthy soon!


That idea of paying salary through crypto transfers with getting a lower taxation sounds really nice and it's first time I'm hearing this and sounds logical. Although these photos are damn beautiful!
This notebook looks so classy, you know?
Have a nice day anyways - @tonac :)

Great Photos from Helsinki, the fog nearing the shore is just something.
There is no such thing as sufficient number of washing machines :d

Great Photos from Helsinki

Thanks! :)

Um... The one above is a tumble dryer, the one below a washing machine. I wrote something stupid in the post. Going to fix it now. ;)

Well... I didn't even know that something like that exists only to dry the clothes.
Because most of the good washing machines have strong engines to get rid of the water.

Not completely. You will have to hang your laundry to dry after taking it out of the washing machine. A tumble dryer will dry it completely. We have never considered buying a tumble dryer, however, because you'd have to iron the laundry afterwards as it would come out all wrinkled from a tumble dryer. When you dry your laundry on a line or a rack inside the house, it will not need ironing when it's dry. Also, tumble drying tends to damage textiles to a degree.

Thank god you always here to explain things to me. I don't even know what I would do lol.
It dries the clothes completely, interesting.

Lots of people use them to save space. I think it's a better idea to just hang your laundry to dry. Hanging them out to dry will make them smell fresh (well, it depends on where you live).

These taxation things are very complex. But good luck in your goals.

Amazing post,Awesome article,this taxation is a huge probleum now a days,thanks a lot for sharing,have a nice day.

Taxation is only for Crypto to Euro conversions! That would be a great idea! I had some kind of bad image about this crypto taxation and now I got a clear idea!
After all it's a collection of great photography! Thanks for sharing these experiences Jaro!


Wow, that is a breathtakingly beautiful cathedral. Have you ever been inside?

I have heard you mention your rehab before, I'm glad to hear that you've finished it successfully. But I never did catch what it was for.

It is a social service for people who have been unemployed for a sufficiently long time. You are assigned to do simple work for a few hours a day on two or three days a week. Its purpose is to help the long-term unemployed maintain routine for them to be able to take a job if they are offered one.

Oh wow. Is it government or charity run, and does it seem to work?

Government. Taking such a course is a condition for receiving unemployment benefits. I don't know if it works.

Is that a frozen lake? Also is that a crack in the ice? thats scary looking though nice to see.

It is the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic sea. Helsinki is on the south coast about 100 km to the south-southwest of Lahti.

But a question I managed to clarify doubts or I am left with more doubts, what you propose with respect to taking screenshots, at least here in Venezuela it is not accepted.

I like the photos very much, like a good Catholic, that cathedral is very beautiful. Every time you mount a photo ,. I teach your publication to my wife.
Is that a coast of the sea? Is it totally frozen?

My wife says that her brother's kitchen is very practical and very comfortable, she says that her brother's wife will also like it.

Yep, it is the Baltic sea. And yes, it is frozen over.

Here's a link to the ice conditions report of the Finnish Meteorological Institute. I can't copy the picture here because the fuckers have not published it in public domain.

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